Curriculum vitae
- Person Identification
- Mgr.Zdeněk Janík,M.A.,Ph.D. born 11 September 1975 in Brno. Married, three children. Email:
- Workplace
- Department of English language and literature '
' Faculty of Education, Masaryk University '
' Poříčí 9 '
' 603 00 Brno
- Department of English language and literature '
- Employment Position
- Assistant professor. International Mobility Coordinator
- Education and Academic Qualifications
- 2001- 2008: Ph.D. in Political Science; Faculty of Social Science,Masaryk University; dissertation paper title: "Cultural and Structural Analysis of Social Movement"
- 2000-2001: M.A. in Political Science, Central European University in Budapest; thesis title: "Public Reason and Moral Disagreements"
- 1995-2000: Mgr. in Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in English and Civics, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Brno; thesis title: "Question of Human Co-existence in Today's Multicultural and Global World"
- Employment Summary
- 2002-: Assistant Professor; teacher of Critical Intercultural Communication; teacher of Intercultural Pedagogy; teacher of Cultural Studies and Histories of English Speaking Countries, the Department of English language and literature, Faculty of Education, MU
- 2001-: Teacher of English; Language School KIC, Brno; Language School and Institution GRAPA, Brno
- 1997-2000: Teacher of English; Language School Slon, Brno
- 1995-1997: Teacher of English; Secondary Vocational School, Lomnice u Tišnova
- Pedagogical Activities
- Critical Intercultural Communication, Cultures of English Speaking Countries, History of English Speaking Countries, Cultural Studies, Intercultural Communication for International Students at Masaryk University, Internationalization of Higher Education
- Scientific and Research Activities
- Critical Intercultural Communication, Intercultural Pedagogy, Intercultural interventions in Study Abroad Programs, Internationalization of curriculum, International Classroom Dynamics;
- 2022-2024: Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity building project Sustainable competences in higher education: the chief coordinator for Masaryk University, developing curriculum for sustainable education, designing online collaborative courses (COIL) for HEI partners in Denmark, Norway, Slovenia.
- 2020-2023: Improving and Innovating the Preparation of Future Teachers at MUNI. Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports: coordinator of internationalization activities; organizing school visits and collaboration with HEI in the Netherlands
- 2021-2022: Designing virtual exchange programs and blended learning courses at Masaryk University
- 2002-2004:Erasmus Project "Argonauts of Europe": program of intercultural communication; development and implementation of a mobility framework; teaching practice for foreign student teachers at elementary schools abroad and in the Czech Republic;
- Academical Stays
- École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologie, Université de Rennes 1, France: organizing and teaching an EDUC international summer school 'Connecting Internet of Things Devices and Intercultural Training'; July 2023, July 2022, July 2021
- McLennan Community College, Waco, Texas, USA: Enhancing international cooperation; students' mobility framework; summer school project; providing expertise in internationalization; July - August 2018
- McLennan Community College,Waco, Texas, USA: visiting instructor, teaching Government class of Politics in Europe and the USA; conducting research; January - May 2012
- McLennan Community College, Waco, Texas, USA: visiting instructor, teaching Government classes; enhancing the quality of international cooperation with the partner school; January - May 2010
- Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA: delivering public lectures on Political Culture; March 2010
- McLennan Community College, Waco, Texas, USA: visiting instructor, teaching Government classes, January - May 2007
- Hogeschool van Utrecht, Faculteit Educatieve Opleidingen: conference on the international project "Argonauts of Europe", April 2003
- Linköpings Universitet, Sweden: implementation of the internationl project "Argonauts of Europe", November 2003
- Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Facultat de Ciencies de l'Educacio: teaching, lectures and workshops, research project, May 2004
- University Activities
- 2003-: Coordinator of International Relations (Erasmus coordinator) at the Department of English Language and Literature of the Faculty of Education MU
- 2023-: Advisor in Strategies of HEI Internationalization
- 2019-2023: Vice-dean for Internationalization, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University
- Selected Publications
- JANÍK, Zdeněk, Dorte RUGE, Heather D. JOHANNSEN, Frøydis NORDGAARD a Stojan KOSTANJEVEC. Sustainable Competences in Higher Education – Design Based Research Development of New ESD Curriculum. In 17th IARTEM Conference, France: International Association for Research on Textbooks and Educational Media. 2024. info
- JANÍK, Zdeněk, Dorte RUGE, Aung WIN a Sai Sai Htun NAUNG. European-Southeast Asian HEI Collaboration. Environmental Initiatives to Protect Nature, Marine Life, and Local Fishery - and the Tasks of HEI Education. In The 2nd International Conference on Education: Reimagining Education for Self-Reliance (ESR) in the Context of Futures of Education, Culture and Nature FECUN 2024 Conference 03rd – 04th October 2024 Iringa, United Republic of Tanzania Book of presenters and abstracts. 2024. URL info
- JANÍK, Zdeněk. Use of COIL in learning about gender equality and sustainable health. Futures of Education, Culture and Nature - Learning to Become (FECUN). Denmark: Det Kgl. Bibliotek, 2024, roč. 2024, č. 3, s. 28-54, 34 s. ISSN 2794-2899. Dostupné z: URL info
- RUGE, Dorte, Heather D. JOHANNSEN, Solveig GAARSMAND, Anja R. LAURIDSEN, Thujetha THEDCHANAMOORTHY, Zdeněk JANÍK, Jitka REISSMANNOVÁ, Margrethe RØED, Bjornes CAMILLA, Cecilie BEINERT, Frøydis N. VIK a Stojan KOSTANJEVEC. Interdisciplinarity and the fostering of sustainable competences - implications and limitations. Futures of Education, Culture and Nature - Learning to Become (FECUN). Denmark: Det Kgl. Bibliotek, 2024, roč. 2024, č. 3, s. 99-127. ISSN 2794-2899. Dostupné z: URL info
- JANÍK, Zdeněk. Intercultural Pedagogy and Culturally Sensitive Learning. In TCA Diversity and Inclusion in Teacher Training. Leiden, the Netherlands. 2023. URL info
- JANÍK, Zdeněk a Hana DELALANDE. COIL as an Approach to Internationalization of Universities in the Digital Age. In CZEDUCON: Conference on Internationalisation of Higher Education. 2023. info
- JANÍK, Zdeněk. Negotiation of Identities in Intercultural Communication. JoLaCe Journal of Language and Cultural Education. Berlin: WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH, 2017, roč. 5, č. 1, s. 160-181. ISSN 1339-4045. Dostupné z: URL info
- JANÍK, Zdeněk. English Language as a Cultural Tool for Intercultural Communication. CASALC Review. Brno: Česká a slovenská asociace učitelů jazykových center na vysokých školách, 2016, roč. 2015-2016, č. 2, s. 39-50. ISSN 1804-9435. English Language as a Cultural Tool for Intercultural Communication_Z.Janík info
- JANÍK, Zdeněk. Kulturní rozdíly ve verbální a neverbální komunikaci. In Eva Polesná. Multikulturně v teorii i praxi. 1. vyd. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, 2013, s. 49-56. Network of Educators of Foreign Language Teachers. ISBN 978-80-7414-616-9. info
- JANÍK, Zdeněk. Enhancing Intercultural Awareness of Teachers of English. In Ada Böhmerová. Identity in Intercultural Communication: Slovak Studies in English III. Bratislava: Department of British and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, 2011, s. 202-212. ISBN 978-80-8106-047-2. info
- JANÍK, Zdeněk. Cultural Values and their Relation to Communication Styles, Learning, and Teaching. In Lingvodiverzita a Multikulturalismus. První vydání. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2011, s. 76-84. ISBN 978-80-7395-363-8. info
- JANIK, Zdenek. The Cold War from the Czechoslovak Perspective. In U.S. Foreign Policy Analysis: Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA. 2010. info
- JANIK, Zdenek. Cultural values of American students in tertiary education. In McLennan Community College, Waco, Texas, USA. 2010. info
- JANÍK, Zdeněk. Twenty Years after the Iron Curtain: The Czech Republic in Transition. Juniata Voices. Huntingdon (PA) USA: Juniata College Press, 2010, Volume 10, č. 2010, s. 99-107. ISSN 1940-4638. URL info
- JANÍK, Zdeněk. Value-laden Teaching: An Example from Classes of American Culture and History. In New Trends in Educating Future Teachers of English IV. 1. vyd. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2008, s. 53-57. ISBN 978-80-244-2170-4. info
- JANÍK, Zdeněk. From Disruptive Action to Political Lobbying: Causes and Consequences of the Institutionalization of Forms of Contention in a Protest Campaign. on-line Středoevropské politické studie. Brno: Mezinárodní politologický ústav MU, 2007, IX, č. 4, s. 315-332, 17 s. ISSN 1212-7817. URL info
- JANÍK, Zdeněk. Intercultural Learning and Intercultural Competencies. In KIEHLBORN, Alena a Jan ŠEBEK. Interkulturní dimenze ve výuce cizích jazyků. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, Fakulta filozofická, 2005, s. 95-105. ISBN 8071948934. info
- JANÍK, Zdeněk. Working towards students cultural awareness: an activity and its findings. In GULOVÁ, Lenka a Ema ŠTĚPAŘOVÁ. Multikulturní výchova v teorii a praxi. 2004, s. 220-223. ISBN 80-86633-14-4. info
- JANÍK, Zdeněk. Interkulturní výcvik a etnopedagogika v praxi: projekt "Argonauts of Europe". Komenský, odborný časopis pro učitele základní školy. Brno: Pedagogická fak Masarykovy univerzity, 2004, roč. 129, č. 1, s. 34 - 38. ISSN 0323-0449. info
Curriculum vitae: Mgr. Zdeněk Janík, M.A., Ph.D. (učo 17249), version: English(1), last update: 2024/01/27 15:36, Z. Janík