Curriculum vitae
- Name
- Prof. JUDr. Zdeňka Králíčková, Ph.D.
- University
- Brno, Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, Department of Civil Law
- Current position
- Professor
- Education and academic qualifications
- 2018: title professor of civil law
- 2004: title associate professor in civil law (doc.), thesis "Autonomy of Will in Family Law in Czech and Italien law"
- 1995: title doctor (Dr. - Ph.D.), thesis "Property Relationship between Spouses"
- 1993: a course of university teaching
- 1992-1995: post gradual law study at Faculty of Law Masaryk University Brno, thesis "Property Relationship between Spouses"
- 1987-1992: law study at Faculty of Law Masaryk University Brno, thesis "Legal Status of the Child"
- Professional experience
- 2018-: professor at the Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University
- 2004-2018: associate professor at the Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University
- 2000-2001: asistent of the Justice of the Supreme court, Mr. František Duchoň
- 1996-: attorney at law
- 1996: commercial lawyer
- 1994-1995: lawyer at the notaries office, Mrs. Alice Sedláková
- 1994-2003: asistent at the Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno
- 1992-1994: asistent at the Departmnet of Civil Law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno
- Teaching activities
- 2013-2014: teacher in the project "Practice into Law, Law into Practice" (with M. Kornel a R. Dávid)
- 2010-: guarantor/principal teacher in the project "Law against Domestic Violence" supported by the Ministry of Education No. FRVS/363/2010 (with R. Dávid, E. Žatecká, M. Kornel)
- 2009-: the chair of state final exams commissions
- 2008-: guarantor/principal teacher in the course "Czech Family Law" within the Erasmus/Sokrates in English
- 2008-: guarantor/principal teacher in the course "Family Law"
- 2005-: supervisor and teacher in the post doctoral studies "Theoretical Legal Science"
- 2004-: elearning (elPortal of the Masaryk University)
- 2003-2004: teacher in the course "Divorce Law in Europe"
- 2000-: teacher in the course "Family Law" and "Civil Law" within the University of the 3rd Age
- 1992-: teacher in the courses "Family Law" and "Civil Law" within the bacelor and magistr studies
- Research activities
- 2023: National Report for the Family Law in Europe - Academic Network (FL-EUR) "Legal Protection and Empowerment of Vulnerable Adults" (with David Elischer and Ondřej Frinta, Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague, and with Karel Lach, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno)
- 2023-2024: National report for the Central European Professors´ Network "Demographic Challenges and Solutions of Central Europe, Hungary, Budapest
- 2022: National report for the Central European Professors´ Network "The Concept of Parental Responsibilities", Hungary, Budapest
- 2021-2022: National Report for the International Academy of Comparative Law (IACL) "The Protection of the Adult and Respect for his or her Authonomy in the Czech Republic" (with David Elischer and Ondřej Frinta, Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague)
- 2021: National report for the Central European Professors´ Network "Family Protection From a Legal Perspective", Hungary, Budapest
- 2017-2018: National Report for the International Academy of Comparative Law (IACL) "Conditions of the Recognition of the Civil Status of Transsexual and Transgender People in the Czech Republic"
- 2015-2017: Project "European Private Law in Time and Space" (with Jan Hurdik)
- 2015: guarantor of the specific research project "Specifics of the Treatment of Children under 15 Years of Age Who Have Committed an Otherwise Criminal Act (according to the 3rd head of the Act on Juvenile Justice)", MUNI/A/1257/2015 (with Milana Hrušáková jr. and other Ph.D. students)
- 2013-2014: Project "Recodification of Private Law" (with Josef Fiala a Josef Bejček)
- 2012: Project "International Abductions of the Children" (Moscow, Rusland, supported by the European Commission; national report)
- 2012-2013: guarantor of the specific research project "Law against domestic violence" (with Veronika Kozlová and other Ph.D. students)
- 2010-2012: Project "Evolution of Private Law in the Czech Land" supported by the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR, No. P408/10/0363, with Ladislav Vojáček)
- 2008-: a member of "Common Core of European Private Law" (European Commission - Research Project: Joint Network on European Private law, 513351 - CIT 3/Research Topic: Citizens)
- 2007: Project "Role of the Family Home in the Dynamic of Inclusion and Social Alienation" (with prof. M. D. Panforti, Università degli Studi di Modena, Italy)
- 2006-2007: Project with T. M. C. Asser Institute in the Hague, the Netherlands "Study on the Enforcement of Family Law Judgements. Czech Republic Report. Comparative Study on Enforcement Procedures of Family Rights." Synthesis report JLS/C4/2005/2006
- 2005-2011: a member of Scientific Research č. MSM0021622405, "European Context of Development of Czech Law after the year 2004"
- CITATIONS: together 427, 36 abroad
- PUBLICATIONS: together 257, 31 abroad
- 11/2021 Hungary, Budapest: Conference of the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law "Protection of Family in Legal Systems" - "Law against Domestic Violence - Protection of Families in Czechia"
- 7/2018 Japan, Fukuoka: XXthe General Congres of the International Academy of Comparative Law (IACL), national report "Conditions of the Recognition of the Civil Status of Transsexual and Transgender People in the Czech Republic"
- 4/2018 France, Strasbourg: Conference of the International Society of Family Law (ISFL) "The Influence of International Human Rights´Bodies on National Family Law" - "The Influence of the Case-law of the International Court of Human Rights and Constitutional Court on Czech Family Law"
- 7/2017 Netherlands, Amsterdam: XVIth World Conference of the International Society of Family Law (ISFL) "Family Law and Family Realities": "Same-Sex Families and the Right to Respect for Private and Family Life"
- 7/2017 Poland, Bialystok: Symposium of the International Academy for the Study of Jurisprudence of the Family (IASJF) "Judicial Protection of the Family: Too Little or Too Much?": "Judicial Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence"
- 6/2016 Perú, Arequipa: 2016 Symposium of the International Academy for the Study of Jurisprudence of the Family (IASJF) "Family and Human Rights", contribution "Tensions between Legal, Biological and Social Parenthood"
- 6/2015 Izrael, Tel Aviv, Ono Academic College: 2015 Symposium of the IASJF - International Academy for the Study of Jurisprudence of the Family - Child and Family in Challenging Situations: Legal Issues, "The Best Interest of the Child in Case of Separation and Divorce"
- 4/2015 France, Paris: Cour de cassation, téma Colloque international de l´International Society of Family Law, Compensation and division of property upon separation, "Maintenance Duty and Other Property Obligations upon Separation and Divorce"
- 8/2014 Brazil, Recife, XVth World Conference the International Society of Family Law, Family law - Universalities nad Singularities, "Adoption and International Adoption in the Czech Republic"
- 6/2013 USA, Brooklyn, New York, Brooklyn Law School: North American Regional Conference: Fostering Family Harmony, "Family Solidarity"
- 4/2012 Italia, Reggio Emilia, Universita degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Parents and Children - an Evolving Relationship, "A Child at Risk"
- 10/2010 Slovakia, Bratislava, Faculty of Law, Univerzity Komenského, Právo ako zjednocovateľ Európy - veda a prax, "Judikatura Evropského soudu pro lidská práva a ústavního soudu: podněty pro proměny českého rodinného práva"
- 9/2010 Slovakia, Trnava, Právnická fakulta: Právo v európskej perspektíve, "Ochrana slabší strany v rodinném právu"
- 9/2008 Austria, Vienna, Faculty of Law: 13th World Conference of the International Society of Family Law, Family Finances, "Financial Implication of Non-Formal Relationships in the Czech Republic: Legal Protection of Non-Married mother/divorced mother and the Child"
- 10/2007 Slovakia, Bratislava, Právnická fakulta Univerzity Komenského, Ochrana práv maloletých v civiľnou procese, "Přirozené právo dítěte znát svůj původ a jeho ochrana v českém civilním právu"
- Academic stays abroad, short time visits and sholarships
- 9/2001-9/2002: Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italy
- 10/2000-3/2001: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
- 2023: Catania, Italia, Univerzità di Catania, Erasmus+ Program
- 2016: Roma, Italia, Univerzità de la Sapienza, Erasmus+ Program
- 2015: Vienna, Austria, Universita
- 2013: Cardiff, the United Kingdom
- 2012: Moscow, Russia, the EC project "Child abductions"
- 2008: Bialystok, Poland, Socrates/Erasmus Program
- 2006: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, the Netherlands
- 2005: The European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France
- 2004: Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze, Italy
- 1998: Uniwersytet Wroclavski, Poland
- 1996: Universitè de Paris Sud, Facultè Jean Monnet, Universitè Paris XII, France
- 1995: University of Oxford, the United Kingdom
- 1995: Universität Regensburg, Germany
- 1994: Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen, Belgium (Tempus Program)
- 2001: Borsa di studio del Consorzio per lo sviluppo internazionale dell' Università degli Studi di Trieste per l' anno accademico 2001/2002, Trieste, Italy
- 2000: Borsa di studio del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche e North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), per l' anno accademico 2000/2001, Roma, Italy
- 1995: Jan Hus Foundation for study stay at University of Oxford, Faculty of Law, Oxford, England
- 1994: TEMPUS for study stay at Univestiy of Antwerpen, Belgie
- Other academic activities
- 2018-: a member of Scientific Board of the Faculty of Law Masaryk University
- 2000: a member of the Academic Senat of the Masaryk university
- 1999-2000: a member of the Academic Senat of the Faculty of Law Masaryk University
- Non-university activities
- 2021-: a member of the Central European Professors` Network
- 2015-: a fellow member of the International Academy for the Study of the Jurisprudence of the Family
- 2012-: a member of the State Commissions at the Faculty of Law University of Palacky in Olomouc
- 2011: an expert of the European Commission within the Project "Enforcement of Family Law Judgements"
- 2009: a member of the working group of the Legislative Council of Government for the complex reform of Private law
- 2008: a member of the working "mini" group of the Ministry of Justice for the reform of Family Law within Private law
- 2005: an expert of Ministry of Justice on the Green book regarding Divorce
- 2004: an expert of Ministry of Justice on the Green book regarding Maintenance
- 2004: an expert of Ministry of Work and Social Affairs regarding Institutional Care
- 1998:an expert to MP draft on the novelty of the Act on the Family
- 1998-: a member of the International Society of Family Law
- 1998-: a member of Defence for Children International, Czech National Group
- 1995-2006: a member of the Union of Czech Lawyers
- Most significant professional accomplishments
- 2011-: elected member of Executive Council of the International Society of Family Law
- 2005-: board of editors of the Acta iuridica olomucensia
- 1989: Price by the Supreme court of Czechoslovakia and Price by Ministry of Justice for thesis "Legal status of Children from IVF and ET" - student scientific work
- Major publications
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. Member of the Central European Professors` Network. 2025. Central European Professors` Network info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. The Right to Family Life. In Normative Aspects of Family Protection and Family Development - International Perspective. 2024. info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. New Concept of Support, Protection and Empowerment of Vulnerable Adults in Czechia. In XV International Symposium "Disability and the Family". 2024. info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. Czechia: Demography, Family Policy and Law Instruments to Protect and Support Families. In Tímea Barzó. Demographic Challenges in Central Europe - Legal and Family Policy Response. 1st ed. Miskolc - Budapest: Central European Academic Publishing, 2024, p. 375-427. Studies of Central European Professors´ Network. ISBN 978-615-6474-51-3. Available from: Open access knihy info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka, Karel LACH, David ELISCHER and Ondřej FRINTA. The empowerment and protection of vulnerable adults the Czech Republic. 1st ed. Amsterdam: FL-EUR - Family Law in Europe: Academic Network, 2023, 146 pp. FL-EUR - Family Law in Europe: Academic Network. Open access info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. Changes in Families and Family Law: On Law´s Families in the Czech Legal Order. In Rethinking Law´s Families and Family Law. 2023. info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. Family law instruments to protect and support families, parents and children in Czechia. In Demographic issues and solutions in Europe. 2023. info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. Fellow Member of the Academic Network on Family Law in Europe (FL-EUR). Academic Network on Family Law in Europe (FL-EUR), 2023 - 2023. info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. Fellow Member of the International Academy for the Study of the Jurisprudence of the Family. 2023. info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. The Common Core of European Private Law. Duties of Care and Duties of Cash in Family Law, 2023 - 2023. URL info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka, David ELISCHER, Ondřej FRINTA and Karel LACH. Legal Protection and Empowerment of Vulnerable Adults. 1st ed. Amsterdam: Family Law in Europe: Academic Network (FL-EUR), 2022, 98 pp. Family Law in Europe: Academic Network (FL-EUR). info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka, Milana HRUŠÁKOVÁ and Lenka WESTPHALOVÁ. Rodinné právo (Family Law). 3rd ed. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2022, 412 pp. Academia Iuris. ISBN 978-80-7400-877-1. info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. On Couples in De Facto Unions in the Czech Repulic. In Wilson, R.F., Carbone, J. (eds.). International Survey of Family Law 2022. 1st ed. Cambidge-Antwerp-Chicago: Intersentia, 2022, p. 109-120. ISBN 978-1-83970-264-8. Repozitář MU Web nakladatele info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. The Rights of the Child at Risk. Law, Identity and Values. Budapest: Central European Academic Publishing, 2022, vol. 2, No 2, p. 83-100. ISSN 2786-2542. Available from: Open access časopisu info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. Changes in Czech Family Law in Light of the Principles of European Family Law. Law, Identity and Values. Maďarsko: Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law, 2021, vol. 1, No 1, p. 85-98. ISSN 2786-2542. Available from: Open access časopisu info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. Member of Editorial Board of the Journal Law. Identity and Values. Law, Identity and Values vydávaný Ferenc Mádl Institutem of Comparative Law, 2021 - 2022. ISSN 2786-3840. Available from: URL info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. Czech Family Law: Maintenance Duty and Other Property Obligations upon Separation and Divorce. In Compensation and Division of Property upon Separation. 2015. info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. Adoption and International Adoption: the Czech Republic Experience. In XVth ISFL World Conference - Family Law - Universalities and Singularities. 2014. info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. Family Solidarity. In Fostering Family Harmony: Principles and Practices. Conference Brooklyn Law School. NY. USA. 2013. info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. A Child at Risk. In Parents and Children - an Evolving Relationship. 2012. info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. The Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Czech Constitutional Court as Incentives for the Czech Family Law Changes. In Križan a kol. (eds.). Trends in the Development of Private Law in the Context of European Unification, Section of Civil law, English Part. 1. vyd. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2011, p. 255 - 261. ISBN 978-80-7160-311-5. info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. Czech Family Law: Five Years of Membership of the European Union. In Knez, Rozehnalová, Týč a kol. Five Years of EU Membership Case of the Czech Republic and Slovenian Law. 1. vydání. Maribor: University of Maribor, 2009, p. 237 - 249. Nr. 1. ISBN 961-6399-58-6. info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. Developments in Marriage and Marital Law in the Czech Republic. In Marriage and Quasi Marital Relationships in Central and Eastern Europe. 1. vydání. USA Provo Utah: BUY Academic Publishing, 2008, p. 173 - 198. Marriage and Quasi Marital Relationships in Centra. ISBN 978-0-8425-2720-0. info
- KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. Sanctions in Czech Family Law. Mariusz Poplawski, Dana Šrámková. In Legal Sanctions: Theoretical nad Practical Aspects in Poland and the Czech Republic. 1. vydání. Brno - Bialystok: MU Brno, 2008, p. 197-203, 8 pp. mimo edice. ISBN 978-80-210-4768-6. info
Curriculum vitae: prof. JUDr. Zdeňka Králíčková, Ph.D. (učo 554), version: English(1), last update: 2024/02/26 19:02, Z. Králíčková
Another Variant: Czech(1)