Curriculum Vitae
- Person-Related Identification Information
- Mgr. Vojtěch Nosek, Ph.D., born 24.8.1989 in Šternberk
- Department
- Department of archaeology and museology
Faculty of Arts
Masaryk university
Joštova 13
60200 BRNO
- Department of archaeology and museology
- Employment - Position
- assistant professor
- teaching since 2013
- 3D specialist and analyst
- Education and Academic Qualifications
- 2023: Ph.D. (archaeology); DAM FA MU Brno
- 2014: Mgr. (archaeology); DAM FA MU Brno
- 2011: Bc. (archaeology); DAM FA MU Brno
- Employment
- since 2024: assistant professor; since 2017 3D specialist and analyst; DAM FA MU Brno
- since 2016 analyst; Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Brno
- since 2013 specialist and co-solver of key activity 3A project OPVK "Innovation of Archaeology and Museology education for practice in the interdisciplinary and international frame"; DAM FA MU.
- od 2012 consultant for project " Innovation of Archaeology and Museology education for practice in the interdisciplinary and international frame "; DAM FA MU.
- Teaching Activities
- 3D documentation and 3D reconstructions
- lectures at Charles University in Prague, University of Hradec Kralove and Palacky University in Olomouc
- Scientific and Research Activities
- 2025 Artifact as a source of knowledge: Rescue and preservation of research data of archaeological finds. Project code: DH23P03OVV003. Investigator at MU: Mgr. et Mgr. Ludmila Kaňáková Hladíková, Ph.D. Project period 3/2023–12/2027.
- 2024 Ready for the future: understanding long-term resilience of the human culture (RES-HUM). Project code: CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004593. Investigator at MU: prof. Mgr. Jiří Macháček, Ph.D. Project period 1/2024–6/2028.
- 2020 The Formation of Multi-ethnic Complex Societies in Early Medieval Moravia. Collective Action Theory and Interdisciplinary Approach. Project code: GX21-17092X. Investigator at MU: prof. Mgr. Jiří Macháček, Ph.D. Project period 1/2021–12/2025.
- 2022 Neolithic Figurines in the Light of Analytical Data: Production Technology, Evidence of Use, Mechanisms of Fragmentation, and Deposition. Project code: GA22-28334S. Investigator at MU: Mgr. et Mgr. Ludmila Kaňáková Hladíková, Ph.D. Project period 1/2022–12/2024.
- 2017 co-solver of „Role lukostřelce v procesech vertikální stratifikace středoevropských společností na prahu doby bronzové. Traseologie, balistika, operační řetězce.“ (GA17-11425S)
- 2017 documentation specialist for„Zdroje a šíření vybraných komodit keramické produkce vrcholného a pozdního středověku“ (GA17-13967S)
- 2016 documenator for „Archeologický informační systém České republiky“ LM2015080
- 2016 co-solver of „Digitalizace sbírky klasické archeologie pro studijní a edukační účely“ MUNI/FR/1120/2015
- 2013 co-solver of OPVK „Archaeology and Museology education for practice in the interdisciplinary and international frame" (CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0230)
- 2011 consultant for project „Inovace a vytvoření multimediální podpory předmětu Znalectví hmotné kultury rané doby dějinné“ (FRVS/1875/2011)
- Awards Related to Science and Research
- 2023: Dean's Award for an Outstanding Dissertation (Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts)
- Major Publications
- KAŇÁKOVÁ HLADÍKOVÁ, Ludmila and Vojtěch NOSEK. Manufactured individually, performed communally: Variability vs. Consistency in the shaping strategies of neolithic female figurine production. Journal of Archaeological Science : Reports. ELSEVIER, 2025, Volume 61, No 104915, p. 1-22. ISSN 2352-409X. Available from: URL info
- VOSTROVSKÁ, Ivana, Petr KOČÁR, Romana KOČÁROVÁ, Josef KAŠÁK, Lenka LISÁ, Libor PETR, Zdeňka SŮVOVÁ, Michal HORSÁK, Bernhard MUIGG, Willy TEGEL, Aleš BAJER, Jan ROHOVEC, Michal RYBNÍČEK, Tomáš KOLÁŘ, Vojtěch NOSEK and Marek BARTOŠ. Multi-proxy analysis of an Early Neolithic wooden well in a pastoral landscape in eastern Bohemia. PRAEHISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT. GERMANY: WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH, 2025, vol. 2024, No 1, p. 2024-2040. ISSN 0079-4848. Available from: URL info
- MACHÁČEK, Jiří, Stefan EICHERT, Vojtěch NOSEK and Ernst PERNICKA. Copper-alloy belt fittings and elite networking in Early Medieval Central Europe. Journal of Archaeological Science. London: Academic Press, 2024, vol. 161, No 1, p. 1-13. ISSN 0305-4403. Available from: URL info
- VOIGT, Sebastian, Gabriela CALÁBKOVÁ, Izabela PLOCH, Vojtěch NOSEK, Wojciech PAWLAK, Paweł RACZYŃSKI, Frederik SPINDLER and Ralf WERNEBURG. A diadectid skin impression and its implications for the evolutionary origin of epidermal scales. BIOLOGY LETTERS. ROYAL SOC, 2024, vol. 20, No 5, p. 1-7. ISSN 1744-9561. Available from: Researchgate available fulltext published at official website info
- KAŇÁKOVÁ HLADÍKOVÁ, Ludmila and Vojtěch NOSEK. NEOFIG: dataset of research data of Neolithic ceramic figurines. 2024. Available from: open dataset info
- CALÁBKOVÁ, Gabriela, Daniel MADZIA, Vojtěch NOSEK and Martin IVANOV. Tracking ‘transitional’ diadectomorphs in the earliest Permian of equatorial Pangea. PeerJ. England: PeerJ Inc., 2023, vol. 11, December 2023, p. 1-21. ISSN 2167-8359. Available from: URL info
- KAŇÁKOVÁ HLADÍKOVÁ, Ludmila, Jana MAZÁČKOVÁ, Petr HUTA and Vojtěch NOSEK. External and Terminal Ballistics of Early Bronze Age Lithic Arrowheads: Experimental Verification. Lithic Technology. Taylor & Francis, 2022, vol. 47, No 3, p. 266-281. ISSN 0197-7261. Available from: URL info
Curriculum Vitae: Mgr. Vojtěch Nosek, Ph.D. (učo 330862), version: English(1), last update: 2025/02/17 09:18, V. Nosek
Another Variant: Czech(2)