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Curiculum Vitae

  • Masaryk University Language Centre:
  • Faculty of Law Unit
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • 2004 PhD: Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, History of Mathematics
  • 1997 Mgr.: Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Arts, Teaching mathematics and English
  • from 2002: Masaryk University Language Centre
Teaching Activities
  • Legal English
  • English for International Commercial Law
  • Communication Skills
  • English for Mathematicians
Scientific and Research Activities
  • ESP (English for Special Purposes) focusing on legal English
  • ICT in education
  • student autonomy
  • metacognition on language learning and teaching
Major Publications
  • DILLINGEROVÁ, Štěpánka. Virtual Cooperation Being Real: Enhancing Legal English Authenticity through a Cross-Border Hybrid Conference. In Language and Law: Popularization, Dissemination and Research Issues (Online International Law Conference of the International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse). 2024. info
  • DILLINGEROVÁ, Štěpánka. Teaching large groups of law students: shifting the responsibility. In Language and Law – Traditions, Trends and Perspectives. 2023. URL info
  • DILLINGEROVÁ, Štěpánka. Peer feedback in legal English classes: benefits and challenges. In EULETA LEGAL ENGLISH CONFERENCE VIII. 2023. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. Enhancing Students’ Metacognition in Legal English Classes. Białostockie Studia Prawnicze (BSP). Poland: -, 2022, roč. 27, č. 4, s. 35-47. ISSN 1689-7404. Dostupné z: URL info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. Student-produced podcasts as an alternative to presentations. In 5th International Symposium on Language for International Communication: Linking Interdisciplinary Perspectives - Language for Specific Purposes in the Era of Multilingualism and Technologies. 2022. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. “Get in touch with your foreign classmates”: international collaboration within legal English classes. In CercleS 2022 The Future of Language Education in an Increasingly Digital World: Embracing Change. 2022. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka a Agnieszka PAWLIKOWSKA. “Ask a law student from another country:” a project supporting authentic communication. In Language and Law Conference: traditions, trends and perspectives. 2021. URL info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. Helping law undergraduates make their learning more effective. In The EULETA Legal English Hybrid Conference 2021. 2021. URL info
  • CHOVANCOVÁ, Barbora, Alena HRADILOVÁ a Štěpánka BILOVÁ. Upward Facing Dog: motivation and flow in the Legal English classroom (workshop). In CercleS 2020: Language Centres at a Crossroads: Open Directions for New Generations of Learners. 2020. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. PRESENT YOUR PASSION: DEVELOPING STUDENTS’ PRESENTATION SKILLS IN LEGAL ENGLISH CLASSES. In Language and Law Conference: traditions, trends and perspectives. 2019. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. Quizlet in ESP courses. In Cracow Language Teaching Staff Training Week. 2018. URL info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. Motivation via appreciation: good practice from ESP classes. In 14th ESSE Conference. 2018. URL info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. Collaborative and Individual Vocabulary Building Using ICT. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric. 2018, roč. 53(66), č. 1, s. 31-48. ISSN 2199-6059. Dostupné z: URL URL info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. Getting down to (international) business: practising negotiation in the course of English for International Trade Law. In 2016 EULETA Conference. 2016. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. "Google Docs" in language teaching and learning. In Cizí jazyky v akademickém a profesním vzdělávání. 2016. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. ICT in an ESP classroom - looking for a balance. Online. In Pixel. Conference proceedings. ICT for language learning. Florence: Libreria Universitaria, 2016, s. nestránkováno, 3 s. ISBN 978-88-6292-806-9. URL info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. Case Briefs in Legal English Classes. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric. 2016, roč. 45(58), č. 1, s. 7-20. ISSN 0860-150X. Dostupné z: info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. Getting students more involved in the tasks. In 48th Annual International IATEFL Conference & Exhibition. 2014. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. English for International Trade Law. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric. 2014, roč. 38(51), č. 3, s. 27 - 41. ISSN 0860-150X. Dostupné z: info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. ICT in Legal English Teaching. In "Share and Gain": Workshop for Teachers, Translators and Interpreters of Legal English. 2014. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. Getting students more involved in the tasks. In Tania Pattison. IATEFL 2014 Harrogate Conference Selections. Kent, UK: IATEFL, 2014, s. 164-165. ISBN 1-901095-64-9. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. "Welcome to our seminar miniconference": another way of practicing presentation skills. ACC Journal. Liberec, 2014, XX, č. 3, s. 51 - 57. ISSN 1803-9782. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. "Pecha Kucha" in Legal English Classes. In 2014 EULETA conference. 2014. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. Ehancing students' Speaking Skills. In Foreign Language Competence as an Integral Component of the University Graduate Profile IV. 2014. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. Ehancing students' Speaking Skills. In Radek Nedoma. Foreign Language Competence as an Integral Component of the University Graduate Profile IV. Brno: Univerzita Obrany, 2014, s. 31-36, 5 s. ISBN 978-80-7231-982-4. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. "Welcome to our seminar miniconference" aneb studentské prezentace jako minikonference. In konference Podpora a standardizace jazykového vzdělávání na vysokých školách v ČR. 2013. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. Putting pens to papers - or fingers to keyboard: Practicing writing in legal English classes. In Renata Vystrčilová. Právní jazyk - od teorie k praxi (Legal Language - from Theory to Practice). Olomouc: neuveden, 2013, s. 46-50. ISBN 978-80-7409-068-4. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. Designing a legal English course for International Trade Law students. In konference - Language and Law - Traditions, Trends and Perspectives. 2013. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka a Barbora CHOVANCOVÁ. Communication Skills in ESP Classrooms. In Selected Papers from the 19th ICC Annual Conference in Pilsen. Plzeň: ICC the international language association, 2012, s. 4-7. URL info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. What Do ESP Students Learn when "Interviewing a Client"? In Mgr. Andrea Billíková, Ph.D.; Doc. Ph.Dr. Jana Harťanská, Ph.D.;Ph.Dr. Mária Kiššová, PhD. HUMANISTIC FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING I: Innovative methods and approaches, Conference Proceedings. Nitra: Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, 2012, s. 30-33. ISBN 978-80-558-0154-4. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka. Developing communication skills: dealing with clients. In konference - 2012 EULETA conference. 2012. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka a Radmila DOUPOVCOVÁ. E-learning jako přípravná část kurzu „Komunikační dovednosti v oblasti právnické angličtiny“. In Informační a komunikační technologie ve výuce cizích jazyků (včetně češtiny pro cizince). Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Ústav jazykové a odborné přípravy, 2011, s. 9-14. ISBN 978-80-87238-07-3. info
  • BILOVÁ, Štěpánka a Radmila DOUPOVCOVÁ. Communication Skills in Legal English. In Foreign Language Competence as an Integral Component of the University Graduate Profile III. Brno: University of Defence in Brno, 2011, s. 24-29. ISBN 978-80-7231-825-4. info


Curiculum Vitae: Mgr. Štěpánka Dillingerová, Ph.D. (učo 7414), version: English(1), last update: 2022/01/23 20:42, Š. Dillingerová