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Curriculum vitae

Name, first names, scientific degrees
  • Mgr. Martin Lang, Ph.D., 21. November in Zábřeh, Czech Republic
  • LEVYNA (Laboratory for experimental research of religion)
    Department for the scientific study of religions
    Masaryk University
    Arne Nováka 1
    602 00 Brno
    Czech Republic
Function, current position
  • Post-doctoral researcher
Education and academic qualifications
  • 2016: Ph.D. in Religious Studies, "The Cognitive Science of Religion", FF MU
  • 2011: Mgr. in Religious Studies, "Neurophysiological basis of religiosity", FF MU
  • 2008: Bc. in Religious Studies; & Medial Studies and Journalism, "Life in Sahaja Yoga movement: The case of spiritual change or conversion?" FF a FSS MU
Professional experience
  • 2018 - : post-doctoral researcher, LEVYNA, MU
  • 2016 - 2018: post-doctoral researcher, Harvard University
  • 2014 - 2016: doctoral researcher, University of Connecticut
  • 2011 - 2014: doctoral researcher, LEVYNA, MU
Teaching activities
  • Fall semestr 2012: "Religion and social brain"
Research activities
  • LEVYNA Research on ritual, anxiety and cooperation
Internship and stays for the purpose of study or work
  • 2015/07/13 – 2015/07/31: Aarhus University, Aarhus, Summer School, DNK
    • Účast na letní škole věnující se metodám sběru dat v terénnu se specifickým zaměřením na náboženství a rituály. Součástí pobytu byly přednášky od expertů a etnografický výzkum s informanty z Mauricia.
  • 2009/08/31 – 2010/01/31: University of Szeged, Szeged, HUN
Major publications
  • LANG, Martin. Formalized rituals may have preceded the emergence of religions. Religion, Brain & Behavior. London: Routledge Journals, Taylor and Francs Ltd., 2024, vol. 14, No 1, p. 78-81. ISSN 2153-599X. Available from: URL info
  • LANG, Martin and Radek KUNDT. The evolution of human ritual behavior as a cooperative signaling platform. Religion, Brain & Behavior. London: Taylor & Francis, 2024, vol. 14, No 4, p. 377-399. ISSN 2153-599X. Available from: URL info
  • LANG, Martin, Benjamin Grant PURZYCKI, Joseph HENRICH and Ara NORENZAYAN. The Evolution of Religion and Morality : Volume II. 1st edition. New York: Routledge, 2024, 254 pp. ISBN 978-1-032-62407-5. URL info
  • LANG, Martin, Radim CHVAJA and Benjamin G PURZYCKI. The role of costly commitment signals in assorting cooperators during intergroup conflict. Evolution and Human Behavior. New York: Elsevier Science, 2024, vol. 45, No 2, p. 131-143. ISSN 1090-5138. Available from: URL info
  • XYGALATAS, Dimitrios, Martin LANG, Peter MAŇO, Jan KRÁTKÝ and Ronald FISCHER. Emotional contagion in a collective ritual. American Journal of Human Biology. New York: Wiley, 2024, vol. 36, No 12, p. 1-12. ISSN 1042-0533. Available from: URL info
  • LANG, Martin and Radim CHVAJA. Mechanisms of Secularization : Testing Between the Rationalization and Existential Insecurity Theories. Collabra: Psychology. Oakland: University of California Press, 2024, vol. 10, No 1, p. 1-17, 18 pp. ISSN 2474-7394. Available from: URL info
  • LANG, Martin and Radim CHVAJA. Hazard Precaution : Examining the Possible Adaptive Value of Ritualized Behavior. In Lior, Yair; Lane, Justin E. The Routledge Handbook of Evolutionary Approaches to Religion. New York, NY: Routledge, 2023, p. 164-184. Routledge Handbooks in Religion. ISBN 978-1-138-33167-9. Available from: URL info
  • BENDIXEN, Theiss, Aaron D LIGHTNER, Coren APICELLA, Quentin ATKINSON, Alexander BOLYANATZ, Emma Elizabeth Ann COHEN, Carla HANDLEY, Joseph HENRICH, Eva KLOCOVÁ, Carolyn LESOROGOL, Sarah MATHEW, Rita A MCNAMARA, Cristina MOYA, Ara NORENZAYAN, Caitlyn PLACEK, Montserrat SOLER, Tom VARDY, Jonathan WEIGEL, Aiyana K WILLARD, Dimitris XYGALATAS, Martin LANG and Benjamin Grant PURZYCKI. Gods are watching and so what? Moralistic supernatural punishment across 15 cultures. Evolutionary Human Sciences. Cambridge University Press, 2023, vol. 5, e18, p. 1-15. ISSN 2513-843X. Available from: URL info
  • CHVAJA, Radim, Juana CHINCHILLA, Angel GOMEZ and Martin LANG. Religious costly signal induces more trustworthiness than secular costly signal : A study of pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. European Journal of Social Psychology. Wiley, 2023, vol. 53, No 6, p. 1294-1308. ISSN 0046-2772. Available from: URL info
  • LANG, Martin. The evolution of human ritual behavior as a cooperative signaling platform. In Ritual in Human Evolution: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, International Conference Tübingen, Oct. 4–6, 2023, Germany. 2023. URL info
  • LANG, Martin, Dimitrios XYGALATAS, C.M. KAVANAGH, N. BOCCARDI, J. HALBERSTADT, C. JACKSON, M. MARTINEZ, P. REDDISH, E.M.W. TONG, A. VAZQUEZ, H. WHITEHOUSE, M.E. YAMAMOTO, M. YUKI and A. GOMEZ. Outgroup threat and the emergence of cohesive groups : A cross-cultural examination. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2022, vol. 25, No 7, p. 1739-1759. ISSN 1368-4302. Available from: URL info
  • VARDY, Thomas, Cristina MOYA, Caitlyn PLACEK, Coren APICELLA, Alexander BOLYANATZ, Emma COHEN, Carla HANDLEY, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Carolyn LESOROGOL, Sarah MATHEW, Rita MCNAMARA, Benjamin PURZYCKI, Montseratt SOLER, Jonathan WEIGEL, Ayiana WILLARD, Dimitrios XYGALATAS, Ara NORENZAYAN, Joseph HENRICH, Martin LANG and Quentin ATKINSON. The religiosity gender gap in 14 diverse societies. Religion, Brain & Behavior. ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2022, vol. 12, 1-2, p. 18-37. ISSN 2153-599X. Available from: URL info
  • BAIMEL, Adam, Coren APICELLA, Quentin ATKINSON, Alex BOLYANATZ, Emma COHEN, Carla HANDLEY, Joseph HENRICH, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Martin LANG, Carolyn LESOGOROL, Sarah MATHEW, Rita MCNAMARA, Cristina MOYA, Ara NORENZAYAN, Caitlyn D PLACEK, Monserrat SOLER, Thomas VARDY, Jonathan WEIGEL, Aiyana WILLARD, Dimitris XYGALATAS and Benjamin PURZYCKI. Material insecurity predicts greater commitment to moralistic and less commitment to local deities : a cross-cultural investigation. Religion, Brain & Behavior. ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2022, vol. 12, 1-2, p. 4-17. ISSN 2153-599X. Available from: URL info
  • PURZYCKI, Benjamin, Aiyana WILLARD, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Coren APICELLA, Quentin ATKINSON, Alex BOLYANATZ, Emma COHEN, Carla HANDLEY, Joseph HENRICH, Martin LANG, Carolyn LESOGOROL, Sarah MATHEW, Rita MCNAMARA, Cristina MOYA, Ara NORENZAYAN, Caitlyn D PLACEK, Monserrat SOLER, Thomas VARDY, Jonathan WEIGEL, Dimitris XYGALATAS and Cody ROSS. The moralization bias of gods’ minds : a cross-cultural test. Religion, Brain & Behavior. ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2022, vol. 12, 1-2, p. 38-60. ISSN 2153-599X. Available from: URL info
  • SOLER, Montserrat, Benjamin PURZYCKI and Martin LANG. Perceptions of moralizing agents and cooperative behavior in Northeastern Brazil. Religion, Brain & Behavior. 2022, vol. 12, 1-2, p. 132-149. ISSN 2153-599X. Available from: URL info
  • PURZYCKI, Benjamin, Martin LANG, Joseph HENRICH and Ara NORENZAYAN. The Evolution of Religion and Morality project : reflections and looking ahead. Religion, Brain & Behavior. ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2022, vol. 12, 1-2, p. 190-211. ISSN 2153-599X. Available from: URL info
  • LANG, Martin, Radim CHVAJA, Benjamin PURZYCKI, David VÁCLAVÍK and Rostislav STANĚK. Advertising cooperative phenotype through costly signals facilitates collective action. ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE. London: THE ROYAL SOCIETY, 2022, vol. 9, No 5, p. 1-19. ISSN 2054-5703. Available from: URL info
  • LANG, Martin, Jan KRÁTKÝ and Dimitrios XYGALATAS. Effects of predictable behavioral patterns on anxiety dynamics. Scientific Reports. London: Nature Portfolio, 2022, vol. 12, No 1, p. 1-9. ISSN 2045-2322. Available from: URL info
  • BEHEIM, Bret, Quentin D. ATKINSON, Joseph BULBULIA, Will GERVAIS, Russel D. GRAY, Joseph HENRICH, Martin LANG, M. Willis MONROE, Michael MUTHUKRISHNA, Ara NORENZAYAN, Benjamin Grant PURZYCKI, Azim SHARIFF, Edward SLINGERLAND, Rachel SPICER and Aiyana K. WILLARD. Treatment of missing data determined conclusions regarding moralizing gods. Nature. LONDON: NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2021, vol. 595, No 7866, p. "E29"-"E34", 6 pp. ISSN 0028-0836. Available from: URL info
  • XYGALATAS, Dimitrios, Peter MAŇO, Vladimír BAHNA, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Radek KUNDT, Martin LANG and John Hayward SHAVER. Social inequality and signaling in a costly ritual. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2021, vol. 42, No 6, p. 524-533. ISSN 1090-5138. Available from: URL info
  • SHAVER, John Hayward, Thomas AJ WHITE, Patrick VAKAOTI and Martin LANG. A comparison of self-report, systematic observation and third-party judgments of church attendance in a rural Fijian Village. PLOS ONE. Public Library of Science, 2021, vol. 16, 10 October, p. 1-13. ISSN 1932-6203. Available from: URL info
  • LANG, Martin. Multifunctional Religious Systems and Perturbed Dynamics of Psychological Wellbeing. Religion, Brain & Behavior. London: Routledge, 2020, vol. 10, No 2, p. 179-184. ISSN 2153-5981. Available from: URL info
  • LANG, Martin and Radek KUNDT. Evolutionary, Cognitive, and Contextual Approaches to the Study of Religious Systems : A Proposition of Synthesis. Method and Theory in the Study of Religion. Journal of the North American Association for the Study of Religion. Leiden-Boston-Koeln: Brill, 2020, vol. 32, No 1, p. 1-46. ISSN 0943-3058. Available from: URL info
  • LANG, Martin, Jan KRÁTKÝ and Dimitrios XYGALATAS. The role of ritual behaviour in anxiety reduction : an investigation of Marathi religious practices in Mauritius. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. LONDON: Royal Society, 2020, vol. 375, No 1805, p. 1-8. ISSN 0962-8436. Available from: URL info
  • NICHOLS, Aaron, Martin LANG, Christopher KAVANAGH, Radek KUNDT, Junko YAMADA, Dan ARIELY and Panagiotis MITKIDIS. Replicating and extending the effects of auditory religious cues on dishonest behavior. PLoS ONE. San Francisco: Public Library of Science, 2020, vol. 15, No 8, p. 1-20. ISSN 1932-6203. Available from: URL info
  • PURZYCKI, Benjamin Grant and Martin LANG. Identity fusion, outgroup relations, and sacrifice : A cross-cultural test. Cognition. Netherlands, 2019, vol. 186, NA, p. 1-6. ISSN 0010-0277. Available from: URL info
  • LANG, Martin, Benjamin G PURZYCKI, Coren L APICELLA, Quentin D ATKINSON, Alexander BOLYANATZ, Emma COHEN, Carla HANDLEY, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Carolyn LESOROGOL, Sarah MATHEW, Rita A MCNAMARA, Cristina MOYA, Caitlyn D PLACEK, Montserrat SOLER, Thomas VARDY, Jonathan L WEIGEL, Aiyana K WILLARD, Dimitris XYGALATAS, Ara NORENZAYAN and Joseph HENRICH. Moralizing gods, impartiality and religious parochialism across 15 societies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. The Royal Society Publishing, 2019, vol. 286, No 1898, p. 1-10. ISSN 0962-8452. Available from: URL info
  • XYGALATAS, Dimitrios, Sammyh KHAN, Martin LANG, Radek KUNDT, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Jan KRÁTKÝ and John Hayward SHAVER. Effects of Extreme Ritual Practices on Psychophysiological Well-Being. Current Anthropology. Chicago: University of Chicago, 2019, vol. 60, No 5, p. 699-707. ISSN 0011-3204. Available from: URL info
  • LANG, Martin. The evolutionary paths to collective rituals : An interdisciplinary perspective on the origins and functions of the basic social act. Archive for the Psychology of Religion. 2019, vol. 41, No 3, p. 224-252. ISSN 0084-6724. Available from: URL info
  • SHAVER, John Hayward, Martin LANG, Jan KRÁTKÝ, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Radek KUNDT and Dimitrios XYGALATAS. The Boundaries of Trust : Cross-Religious and Cross-Ethnic Field Experiments in Mauritius. Evolutionary Psychology. 2018, vol. 16, No 4, p. 1-15. ISSN 1474-7049. Available from: URL info
  • SHAVER, John Hayward, Susan DIVIETRO, Martin LANG and Richard SOSIS. Costs do not Explain Trust among Secular Groups. Journal of Cognition and Culture. Brill, 2018, vol. 18, 1-2, p. 180-204. ISSN 1567-7095. Available from: URL info
  • LANG, Martin and Radek KUNDT. Can predictive coding explain past experiences? London: Routledge, 2017, 3 pp. Religion, Brain & Behavior, roč. 7, č. 1, s. 71-73. ISSN 2153-599X. Available from: URL info
  • LANG, Martin and Richard SOSIS. Uncertain Malinowski: The Importance of Preritual Stress Data. Chicago: University of Chicago, 2017, 3 pp. Current Anthropology, roč. 58, č. 2, s. 276-278. ISSN 0011-3204. URL info
  • LANG, Martin, Vladimír BAHNA, John Hayward SHAVER, Paul REDDISH and Dimitrios XYGALATAS. Sync to link : Endorphin-mediated synchrony effects on cooperation. Biological Psychology. ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2017, vol. 127, July 2017, p. 191-197. ISSN 0301-0511. Available from: URL info
  • LANG, Martin, Daniel Joel SHAW, Paul REDDISH, Sebastian Ernst WALLOT, Panagiotis MITKIDIS and Dimitrios XYGALATAS. Lost in the Rhythm : Effects of Rhythm on Subsequent Interpersonal Coordination. Cognitive Science. 2016, vol. 40, No 7, p. 1797-1815. ISSN 0364-0213. Available from: URL info
  • LANG, Martin, Panagiotis MITKIDIS, Radek KUNDT, Aaron NICHOLS, Lenka KRAJČÍKOVÁ and Dimitrios XYGALATAS. Music as a sacred cue? Effects of religious music on moral behavior. Frontiers in Psychology. Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation, 2016, vol. 7, No 814, p. 1-13. ISSN 1664-1078. Available from: URL info
  • XYGALATAS, Dimitrios and Martin LANG. Religion and Prosociality. Online. In Clements, Niki K. Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks. Religion: Mental Religion. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, 2016, p. 119-133. ISBN 978-0-02-866353-1. URL info
  • PAZHOOHI, Farid, Martin LANG, Dimitrios XYGALATAS and Karl GRAMMER. Religious Veiling as a Mate-Guarding Strategy: Effects of Environmental Pressures on Cultural Practices. Evolutionary Psychological Science. Springer International Publishing, 2016, vol. 3, No 2, p. 118-124. ISSN 2198-9885. Available from: URL info
  • LANG, Martin, Jan KRÁTKÝ, John SHAVER, Danijela JEROTIJEVIĆ and Dimitrios XYGALATAS. Effects of Anxiety on Spontaneous Ritualized Behavior. Current Biology. London: Elsevier Science, 2015, vol. 25, No 14, p. 1892-1897. ISSN 0960-9822. Available from: URL info


Curriculum vitae: doc. Mgr. Martin Lang, Ph.D. (učo 174375), version: English(1), last update: 2024/04/24 12:06, M. Lang

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