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Curriculum vitae

Name, first names, scientific degrees
  • Aleš Chalupa, Ph.D., born on 28th July 1973 in Dačice
  • Department for the Study of Religions, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Arne Novaka 1, Brno 602 00, Czech Republic
Function, current position
  • Department Head
Education and academic qualifications
  • 2008: Ph.D., Study of Religions; Ph.D. Thesis "Roman Religion and the Coming of Principate: Continuity or Change?".
  • 2005: Master's degree, Study of Religions and Latin Language and Literature; Master's thesis: "Hyeanas or Lionesses? Mithraism and Women in the Religious Life of the Late Antiquity".
Professional experience
  • 2011- : Department Head 2008- : Assistant Professor; Department for the Study of Religion, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
  • 2005-2008: doctoral study programme; full-time mode; Department for the Study of Religions.
  • 1999-2005: Master's degree programme; Study of Religions and Latin Language and Literature
Teaching activities
  • Current Theories in the Study of Religions (in Czech)
  • Divination in Ancient Religions (in Czech)
  • Reading of Religious Texts in Latin I-II (with PhDr. David Zbíral) (in Czech)
  • Mithraism (in Czech and English)
  • Magic in Graeco-Roman Antiquity (in Czech and English)
  • Roman Religion (in Czech)
  • Roman Emperor Worship (in Czech)
  • Introduction to the Study of Religion (in Czech)
  • Gnosticism (in Czech)
  • Manichaeism (in Czech)
  • Ancient Mystery Cults (in English)
  • Cognitive Science of Religion (in Czech and English)
  • Divination in Ancient religions (in Czech)
Research activities
  • Grants and Research Projects
  • Research Grants
  • 2011: grant of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, (MUNI/21/CHA/2011); "The Origin and Evolution of the Category Magic in the Roman World".
  • 2009-2011 three-years research grant of the Czech Science Foundation no. 401/09/P267; "Ancient Mystery Cults and Their Existence in the Religious World of the Roman Empire: Influences, Interactions and Conflicts". 2007: grant of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, no. 0381; "The Divinity of Roman Emperors: A Source of Religious Worship or A Tool of Politics?"
  • Other Grant Projects
  • 2011: Project OP VK CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0048 Laboratory for the Experimental Research of Religion (LEVYNA); člen realizačního týmu. 2011: Grant FRVŠ (1281/2011), "Preparation of the course Manichaeism.
  • Participation in Conferences:
  • 2012: Conference "Conversion and Initiation in Antiquity: Shifting Identities - Creating Change", Ebeltoft, Denmark, December 1-4,2012; conference paper "Why Would Anyone Become a Mithraist?"
  • 2012: Conference "ARTS AND CRAFTS OVER THE PASSAGE OF TIME (from the Bronze Age to the Late Antiquity)", Pezinok, Slovakia (October 19-21, 2012); Conference paper "Mithraic Tauroctony: Where Art and ReligiousnIdeology Meet".
  • 2012: EASR Conference, Stockholm, August 23-26,2012, Conference Themes "Ends and Beginnings"; Conference paper "Pythia and Inspired Divination in the Delphic Oracle: Cognitive Perspective".
  • 2011: EASR Conference, Budapešť, September 18-22, 2011, Conference Theme "New Movements in Religion: Theories and Trends"; panel convenor (together with Prof. Luther H. Martin) "Connecting History, Astrology and Cognition: Roger Becks The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire; Conference paper "Paradigm Lost, Paradigm Found? Larger Theoretical Assumptions Behind Roger Becks The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire".
  • 2010: Conference "The Phenomena of Cultural Border and Border Cultures Across the Passage of Time (from Bronze Age to the Late Antiquity)", (Trnava October 22-24, 2010), Conference paper "Mithraism in Ancient Syria: The Persian Cult on the Borders of the Roman Empire". 2010: Conference "Kognice 2010 Reprezentace významu" (Prague, September 16-18, 2010), Conference paper "Proč se Řekové a Římané modlili potichu? Kognitivní perspektiva".
  • 2010: 20th Conference of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR) "Religion: A Human Phenomenon"(Toronto, Augut 15-21, 2010); Confere paper "Galloi in the Light of the Norm-Deviation Model: Too Narrow Mantinels?".
  • 2010: Spring School of Ancient Religions (Erfurt, March 14-18, 2010); Paper "Mantic Sessions at the Delphic Oracle: Can We Say Something New About It?
  • 2010: Koloqium Orientalia antiqua nova X (Plzeň, February 25-26, 2010); Conference paper "Taurobolium: jeden z orientálních rysů kultu bohyně Velké Matky?".
  • 2009: Workshop "Komparatívna metóda a študium náboženstiev", Bratislava December 9-10, 2009; Paper "Mithrova mystéria a hledání jejich perského předchůdce: Tragédie velkých schémat".
  • 2009: Workshop "Loose Ends in the Cognitive Study of Religion and Culture", Brno, November 6-7, 2009; příspěvek na téma "Is Retrospective Analysis of Mental States Possible? The Case of the Delphic Oracle".
  • 2009: 9th EASR Conference "Religion in the History of European Culture" (Messina, September 14-17, 2009); Conference paper "Seven Mithraic Grades: An Initiatory or Priestly Hierarchy?". 2008: Conference Šírenie náboženských a nadprirodzených predstáv, Bratislava 3.-4.12.2008,conference paper "Šíření věštných znamení v antickém Římě: prodigia publica a omina imperii".
  • 2008: 8th EASR Conference "Time of Decline, Time of Hope: Scientific, Cultural and Political Engagement of the Study of Religions" (Brno, September 7-11, 2008); Conference paper "Why Did Greeks and Romans Pray Aloud? A Cognitive Perspective".
  • 2008: Conference Religious Ritual, Cognition and Culture (University of Aarhus, 28.-30.5.2008); Conference paper "Can A Ritual Make You A God? The Role of Cognition in the Apotheosis of Roman Emperors".
  • 2008: Colloquium Orientalia Antiqua Nova VIII (Plzeň, 14.-15.2.2008); Conference paper: "Mithraic lion-headed Being: Identity and Meaning".
  • 2007: International Symposium "Cult and Sanctuary Through the Ages (from the Bronze Age to the Late Antiquity), Častá-Papiernička, Slovakia, November 16-19, paper "How Did Roman Emperors Become Gods? Various Concepts of Imperial Apotheosis".
  • 2007: Laetae Segetes Iterum (Telč, October 16-19), paper: "Magic in Pliny the Elder: Clear-cut Concept or No Concept At all?" (in English).
  • 2007: Various Interpretations of Religions: Methods and History - CERES 2007 (Pardubice, October 9-11), paper: "Religion from the Perspective of Cognitive Sciences: An Evolutionary Adaptation, By-Product, or Noise?" (in English).
  • 2007: Joint conference of the EASR (The European Association for the Study of Religions) and the DVRW (Deutsche Vereiningung für Religionswissenschaft): Plurality and Representation. Religion in Education, Culture and Society; Universität Bremen, September 23-27), conference paper: "Do Rodney Stark´s Theories Tell Us Anything About the Graeco-Roman Antiquity? Historical and Sociological Perspectives about Roman Empire Compared" (in English).
  • 2007: International Symposium: Symbolization in Religion, Cognition and Culture (University of Aarhus, Denmark, May 31 - June 2), paper: "Mithraic Grades of Initiation: Dead Symbols or Symbolization Alive?" (in English).
  • 2007: International Symposium: Past Minds: Evolution, Cognition, and History (Queen´s University Belfast and Institute of Cognition and Culture, Belfast, May 25-26., paper: "What Might Cognitive Science Contribute to Our Understanding of the Roman Cult of Mithras?" (in English).
  • 2007: Coloquium Orientalia Antiqua Nova VII (Plzeň, February 15-16), paper: "Origins of Mithraism: Oriental or "Oriental Mysteries?" (in Czech).
  • 2006: Religious Change - CERES 2006 (Bratislava, October 23-25, conference paper: "The Religio-Political Change In The Reign of Augustus: The Disappearance of Public Prodigies" (in English.)
  • 2006: Religion and Politics (Pardubice, October 3-4), conference paper "Roman Imperial Cult: Religious Policy or Political Religion?" (in Czech).
Professional stays abroad
  • 2010: Spring School "Construction and Control of Divine Others",Universität Erfurt, 14.-18.3.2010. 2009: Spring school, "Studying Ancient Religions:A Historiographical Perspective",Universität Erfurt, 31.3-4.4.2009.
  • 2008: Spring School "Tombs as Places of Cult and Imagination", Universität Erfurt, 9.-13.3.2008.
  • 2006: ERASMUS Intensive Programme ("Religiousness in a Changing World); University of Szeged, August 21 - September 1, 2006.
Non-university activities
  • 2006- : Member of the Czech Association for the Study of Religions
  • 2006-2008: Chief editor of the journal Sacra
  • 2008: Co-founder of the Czech Society for the Cognitive Study of Culture
  • 2008- : President of the Czech Society for the Cognitive Study of Culture
Most significant professional accomplishments
  • 2013- Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Cognitive Historiography
  • 2012- Member of the editorial board of the Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion
  • 2011- Member of the editorial board of the journal Pantheon: Religionistický časopis
  • 2011- Member of the editorial board of thejournal Religio: Revue pro religionistiku
  • 2010: Invitation (in the framework of CEEPUS) to teach the course "Ancient Mystery Cults" at the University of Vienna (Department for the Study of Religions, Catholic theological Faculty)
  • 2010: Invited to give a lecture at the Summer School of Religious Studies "Religious Transformations in the contemporary European Societies" (Szeged, August 16-30, 2010): lecture "The Origin of Religions from the Evolutionary and Cognitive Perspective: Old problems, New Answers?".
  • 2009: Invitation (in the framework of CEEPUS) to teach the course "Cognitive Science of Religion" at the University of Vienna (Department for the Study of Religions, Catholic theological Faculty)
  • 2009: Invitation (in the framework of CEEPUS) to teach the course "Cognitive Science of Religion" at the Jagellonian University in Cracow (Department for the Study of Religions)
  • 2008- : elected the president of the Czech Association for the Cognitive Study of Culture 2008: Invitation (in the framework of CEEPUS) to teach the course "Cognitive Science of Religion" at the University of Szeged (Department for the Study of Religions). 2007-2008: Member of the organizational committee of the 8th EASR conference (Brno, September 7-11, 2008).
  • 2006 - : Treasurer of the Czech Association for the Study of Religions
Major publications
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Venenum, or venenum? Tacitus, Magic, and Don Quixote’s Windmills: Some Remarks on the Methodology of the Study of Ancient Magic. In Lukas K. Pokorny; Astris Mattes. Taking Seriously, Not Taking Sides: Challenges and Perspectives in the Study of Religions. Leiden: Brill Schöningh, 2024, p. 177-191. ISBN 978-3-506-79660-8. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Macrohistorical Aspects of the Constantinian Shift: Climatic Change, Pandemics, and the Rise of Christianity. In Nickolas Roubekas; Dimitris Xygalatas; Luther H. Martin; Donald Wiebe. Studying Religion, Past and Present: Essays in Honor of Panayotis Pachis. London: Bloomsbury Academics, 2024, p. 135-147. ISBN 978-1-350-33999-6. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Římský kult boha Mithry : Atlas lokalit a katalog nálezů I (The Roman Cult of Mithras : Atlas of Sites and Catalogue of Mithraic Evidence I). 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2023, 442 pp. Spisy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity 527. ISBN 978-80-280-0275-6. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš, Výtvarová EVA, Adam MERTEL, Fousek JAN and Tomáš HAMPEJS. Did the Roman Army Help Mithraism to Spread? Mithraism and the Roman Military Infrastructure. In 14th ISORECEA Online Conference, Olomouc, Czech Republic, April 15-17, 2021. 2021. URL info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš, Eva VÝTVAROVÁ, Jan FOUSEK, Adam MERTEL and Tomáš HAMPEJS. The network(s) of Mithraism : discussing the role of the Roman army in the spread of Mithraism and the question of interregional communication. Religio: revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Česká společnost pro religionistiku o.s., 2021, vol. 29, No 2, p. 107-131. ISSN 1210-3640. Available from: URL info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš, Tomáš GLOMB, Dalibor PAPOUŠEK, Zdeněk POSPÍŠIL, Adam MERTEL and Zdeněk STACHOŇ. Modeling the spread of religion : The spread of Egyptian cults in the Agean Sea throughout the early Hellenistic period (323-167 BCE). In MERCURY workshop : Simulating Roman Economies, 3.-4.10.2018, Oxford, Velká Británie. 2018. URL info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš, Tomáš GLOMB, Dalibor PAPOUŠEK, Zdeněk POSPÍŠIL, Adam MERTEL and Zdeněk STACHOŇ. Generative Historiography of Ancient Religions : How to Model the Spread of Religions in the Ancient Mediterranean. In Historical Network Research Conference, 11.-13.9.2018, Brno, Czech Republic. 2018. URL info
  • FOUSEK, Jan, Vojtěch KAŠE, Adam MERTEL, Eva VÝTVAROVÁ and Aleš CHALUPA. Spatial constraints on the diffusion of religious innovations : The case of early Christianity in the Roman Empire. PLOS ONE. Public Library of Science, 2018, vol. 13, No 12, p. 1-14. ISSN 1932-6203. Available from: URL info
  • HAMPEJS, Tomáš and Aleš CHALUPA. Formalizující modelování v neintencionální historii náboženství : Transdisciplinarita mezi přírodní vědou a historickou religionistikou? (Formalizing Modeling in the Nonintentional History of Religions : Transdisciplinarity between the Natural Sciences and History of Religions?). Religio : revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Česká společnost pro religionistiku, 2018, vol. 26, No 2, p. 99-132. ISSN 1210-3640. Digitální knihovna FF MU info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. The Origins of the Roman Cult of Mithras in the Light of New Evidence and Interpretations : The Current State of Affairs. Religio : revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Česká společnost pro religionistiku o.s., 2016, vol. 24, No 1, p. 65-91. ISSN 1210-3640. Digitální knihovna FF MU info
  • FOUSEK, Jan, Eva VÝTVAROVÁ, Adam MERTEL, Aleš CHALUPA and Eva HLADKÁ. Agent-Based Modelling And Simulation For The Geospatial Network Model Of The Roman World. Online. In International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2016. Taipei, Taiwan: Proceedings of Science, 2016, p. 1-9. ISSN 1824-8039. URL info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Pythiai and Inspired Divination in the Delphic Oracle: Can Cognitive Sciences Provide Us with an Access to “Dead Minds”. Journal of Cognitive Historiography. London: Equinox Publishing, 2014, vol. 1, No 1, p. 24-51. ISSN 2051-9672. Available from: info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš and Tomáš HAMPEJS. Kognitivní věda o náboženství: Východiska, cíle a krátká historie (Cognitive Science of Religion: Theoretical Assumptions, Aims and History). Pantheon : religionistický časopis. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2014, vol. 9, No 1, p. 10-43. ISSN 1803-2443. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš and Tomáš GLOMB. The Third Symbol of the Miles Grade on the Floor Mosaic of the Felicissimus Mithraeum in Ostia: A New Interpretation. Religio: revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Česká společnost pro studium náboženství Brno, 2013, roč. 21, č. 1, p. 9-32. ISSN 1210-3640. Digitální knihovna FF MU info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Gnosticismus (Gnosticism). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2013, 81 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-6507-9. Digitální knihovna FF MU info
  • VÁCLAVÍK, David and Aleš CHALUPA. Náboženství v laboratoři (Religion in laboratory). Sociální studia. Brno: FSS Masarykova univerzita, 2013, roč. 10, č. 2, p. 7-12. ISSN 1214-813X. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš and David VÁCLAVÍK. Sociální studia 9/2, 2013 - Náboženství v laboratoři (Social Studies 9/2, 2013 - Religion in the Laboratory). In Sociální studia. Brno: Katedra sociologie FSS MU, 2013, p. 7-114. URL info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Paradigm lost, paradigm found? Larger theoretical assumptions behind Roger Beck’s The religion of  the Mithras cult  in  the Roman empire. Pantheon : religionistický časopis. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2012, roč. 7, č. 1, p. 5-17. ISSN 1803-2443. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Vznik a vývoj konceptu magie v římském světě (Origin and Evolution of the Category Magic in the Roman World). Religio : revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Česká společnost pro religionistiku, 2012, roč. 20, č. 2, p. 253-275. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. The Religio-Political Change in the Reign of Augustus: The Disappearance of Public Prodigies. Graeco-Latina Brunensia. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, roč. 17, č. 2, p. 57-67. ISSN 1803-7402. Digitální knihovna FF MU info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Franz Cumont a orientální náboženství: Koncept odsouzený k zániku? (Franz Cumont and Oriental Religions: A Concept Beyond Salvage?). Religio: Revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Česká společnost pro religionistiku, 2011, roč. 19, č. 1, p. 107-122. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. What Might Cognitive Science Contribute to Our Understanding of the Roman Cult of Mithras? In Luther H. Martin - Jesper Soerensen. Past Minds: Studies in Cognitive Historiography. London: Equinox Press, 2011, p. 107-123. ISBN 978-1-84553-741-8. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Velká Matka a Attis na proklínacích tabulkách: Role orientálních božstev v antické magii a náboženství (Great Mother and Attis on Curse Tablets: The Role of Oriental Deities in Ancient Magic and Religion). Religio: Revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Česká společnost pro religionistiku, 2011, roč. 19, č. 2, p. 237-252. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Pýthie a inspirovaná věštba v Delfské věštírně: Sociokulturní a kognitivní perspektiva (Pythia and Inspired Divination in the Delphic Oracle: Socicultural and Cognitive Perspective). Religio. Revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Česká společnost pro religionistiku, 2010, vol. 18, No 1, p. 59-84. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Why Did Greeks and Romans Prayed Aloud? Anthropomorphism, Dumb Gods and Human Cognition. In Chasing Down Religion: In the Sights of History and the Cognitive Sciences. Thessaloniki: Barbounakis Publications, 2010, p. 81-95. ISBN 978-960-267-153-5. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Mithraism in Ancient Syria: The Persian Cult on the Borders of the Roman Empire. In Maria Novotná et al. Anodos: Studies of the Ancient World. Trnava: Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, 2010, p. 57-66. ISBN 978-80-8082-500-3. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. How Did Roman Emperors Become Gods? Various Concepts of Imperial Apotheosis. In Anodos: Studies of the Ancient World 6-7/2006-2007. Trnava: Trnavská univerzita v Trnavě, 2009, p. 201-207. ISBN 978-80-8082-228-6. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Mithraistická bytost se lví hlavou: hledání identity a významu (Mithraic Lion-Headed Being: Question of Identity and Meaning). In PECHA, Lukáš. Orientalia Antiqua Nova VIII. Plzeň: ADELA, 2009, p. 137-153. ISBN 978-80-87094-13-6. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Religious Change in Roman Religion from the Perspective of Whitehouses Theory of the Two Modes of Religiosity. In Imagistic Traditions in the Graeco-Roman World: A Cognitive Modeling of History of Religious Research. Acts of the Panel held during the XIX Congress of the IAHR. Tokoyo, Japan, March 2005. Thessaloniki: Editions Vanias, 2009, p. 113-135. ISBN 978-960-288-242-9. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Jörg Rüpke, Náboženství Římanů (recenze). Religio: Revue pro religionistiku. 2008, vol. 16, No 1, p. 144-146. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Vznik mithraismu: orientální, nebo "orientální" náboženství? (Origins of Mithraism: Oriental, or "Oriental" Religion?Pecha). In PECHA, Lukáš. Orientalia Antiqua Nova VII. Plzeň: Dryada, 2008, p. 95-108. ISBN 978-80-87025-13-0. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Seven Mithraic Grades: An Initiatory or Priestly Hierarchy? Religio: Revue pro religionistiku. 2008, vol. 16, No 2, p. 177-201. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Magic in Pliny the Elder: Clear-cut Concept or No Concept at all? In RADOVÁ, Irena. Latae Segetes Iterum. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008, p. 212-217. ISBN 978-80-210-4775-4. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Vzestup křesťanství a Boží města. Několik kritických poznámek k práci Rodneyho Starka (The Rise of Christianity and Cities of God: Some Critical Remarks to the Works of Rodney Stark). Religio. Revue pro religionistiku. 2007, vol. 15, No 1, p. 69-86. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Římský císařský kult: náboženská politika, nebo politické náboženství? (The Roman Imperial Cult: Religious Politics or Political Religion?). In BUBÍK, Tomáš and Henryk HOFFMANN. Náboženství a politika I. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2007, p. 154-163. ISBN 978-80-7194-994-7. info
  • CHALUPA, Ales. Roman Emperors: Gods, Men, Something Between Or An Unnecessary Dilemma? Religio: Revue pro religionistiku. 2007, vol. 15, No 2, p. 256-270. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • HAVELKA, Rudolf and Aleš CHALUPA. Vladimír Podborský, Náboženství pravěkých Evropanů (recenze) (Vladimír Podborsky, Náboženství pravěkých Evropanů (review article)). Religio: Revue pro religionistiku. 2007, vol. 15, No 2, p. 291-295. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Venenum, nebo venenum? Tacitus, magie a větrné mlýny Dona Quijota. Několik poznámek k metodologii studia antické magie (Venenum or venenum? Tacitus, Magic, and Don Quijote´s Windmills). Religio. Revue pro religionistiku. 2006, vol. 14, No 1, p. 101-118. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Četl Caesar Dumézila? "Ideologie tripartie" a její přínos pro studium římského náboženství I. (Did Caesat Read Dumézil? "Ideologie tripartie" and its contribution to the Study of Roman Religion I). Sacra aneb Rukověť religionisty. 2006, vol. 4, No 1, p. 5-25. ISSN 1214-5351. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Mithraistické album z Viruna a jeho význam pro studium mithraismu (Mithraic album from Virunum and Its Importance for the Study of Mithraism). Religio. Revue pro religionistiku. 2006, vol. 14, No 2, p. 243-258. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • CHALUPA, Ales. Četl Caesar Dumézila? "Ideologie tripartie" a její přínos pro studium římského náboženství II. (Did Caesar Read Dumézil? "Ideologie tripartie" and its contribution to the Study of Roman Religion II). Sacra aneb Rukověť religionisty. 2006, vol. 4, No 2, p. 5-17. ISSN 1214-5351. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Tichá modlitba v římském náboženství: antropomorfismus, "hloupí bohové" a lidská kognice (Silent Prayer in Roman Religion: Anthropomorphism, "Dumb Gods", and Human Cognition). In BABYRÁDOVÁ, Hana and Jiří HAVLÍČEK. Spiritualita. Fenomén spirituality z pohledu filozofie, religionistiky, teologie, literatury, teorie a dějin umění, pedagogiky, sociologie, antropologie, psychologie a výtvarných umělců. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2006, p. 73-81. ISBN 80-210-4206-0. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Robert Turcan, Mithra a mithraismus (recenze) (Robert Turcan, Mithra a mithraismus (review article)). Religio. Revue pro religionistiku. 2005, vol. 13, No 1, p. 165-169. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Hyenas or Lionesses? Mithraism and Women in the Religious World of the Late Antiquity. Religio: Revue pro religionistiku. 2005, vol. 13, No 2, p. 198-230. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • CHALUPA, Aleš. Lynn E. Roller, In Search of God the Mother (recenze). Religio. Revue pro religionistiku. 2003, 11, 1, p. 135-137. ISSN 1210-3640. info


Curriculum vitae: Mgr. Aleš Chalupa, Ph.D. (učo 39781), version: English(9), last update: 2013/03/15 08:29, A. Chalupa

Another Variant: Czech(1)