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Curriculum Vitae

Person-Related Identification Information
  • Lucie Galčanová Batista, *1980
  • Department of Environmental Studies
    Faculty of Social Studies
    Masaryk University
Employment - Position
  • Assistant professor
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • 2013 PhD in Sociology, FSS MU 2007 Master in Sociology, FSS MU 2004 Bachelor in Political Science and Sociology, FSS MU
  • Since I / 2021 - Department of Environmental Studies (KES FSS MU) – assistant professor (III 2022 – VI 2023 long-term sick leave) I / 2012 – XII/2020: Office for Population Studies (ÚPS FSS MU) – researcher and external teacher at the Department of Sociology (SOC FSS MU) (IX 2016 – III 2017 maternity leave, until 2019 parental leave) I / 2013 - XII/2014: Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Socioeconomics of Housing Department VI / 2011 – V / 2012: Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs (Rilsa), I / 2006 – XII / 2011: Institute for Research on Social Reproduction and Integration (IVRIS FSS MU)
Teaching Activities
  • Introduction to methodology Qualitative research in environmentalism Environmental sociology
Scientific and Research Activities
  • since I / 2020 - Ageing and Older People in the Time of Climate Change (GA20-12567S) - principal investigator since X / 2019 - A life course perspective on the GENdered PATHways of Social exclusion in later life, and its consequences for health and wellbeing (TJ03000002), applicant Dr Lucie Vidovićová X / 2016 – 4 / 2017 maternity leave, 5 / 2016 – XII / 2018 parental leave, working part-time III / 2016 – IV/ 2018 Industrial Town and its Transformations in the 20th Century: the Culture, Identity and System of Urban Industrial Society as Exemplified by the “Ideal Town” of Zlín (DG16P02M028) applicant Dr Barbora Vacková 2018 Rural ageing: unanswered question(s) in environmental gerontology (GA16-20873S) applicant Dr Lucie Vidovićová 2015 – 2017 The fourth age: the identity of disability during the period of active ageing (GA15-03156S) applicant Dr Marcela Petrová Kafková 2015 – 2016 Environmentally-Friendly Lifestyle in the March of Time (GA15-05552S) applicant prof. Hana Librová 2013 - 2015 Role overload: grandparents in the era of active ageing (GA13-34958S) applicant Dr Lucie Vidovićová 2013 - 2014 The Meaning of Home for Solo Living People (GA13-32237S) applicant Dr Barbora Vacková. 2013 – 2014 HELPS project - Housing and Care for the Elderly and Vulnerable People and Local Partnership Strategies in Central European Cities, a project implemented through the Central Europe Programme co-financed by the ERDF. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, applicant Dr Martin Lux.
Internship and stays for the purpose of study or work
  • 2009/02/01: University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, DNK
Activities Outside University
  • ESA RN01 Ageing in Europe (Advisory Board, former coordinator)
Awards Related to Science and Research
  • Dean's Award in Teaching and Education, April 2024, FSS MU
Major Publications
  • GALČANOVÁ BATISTA, Lucie, Anna URBANIAK and Anna WANKA. Doing ageing research in pandemic times : a reflexive approach towards research ethics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ageing & Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024, vol. 44, No 6, p. 1235-1246. ISSN 0144-686X. Available from: article - open access info
  • KOZDASOVÁ, Anežka, Lucie GALČANOVÁ BATISTA, Radim HÉDL and Péter SZABÓ. Coppice reintroduction in the Czech Republic : extent, motivation and obstacles. European Journal of Forest Research. New York: Springer, 2024, vol. 143, No 1, p. 305-317. ISSN 1612-4669. Available from: article - open access info
  • PELIKÁN, Vojtěch and Lucie GALČANOVÁ BATISTA. Czech voluntary simplifiers from 1992 to the present : Discussing the fourth wave of longitudinal research of “the Colourful”. In ESA RN5 Mini Midterm Meeting "The Sociology of Consumption: Bonding beyond boundaries", Prague August 28, 2023. 2023. URL info
  • LIBROVÁ, Hana, Vojtěch PELIKÁN, Lucie GALČANOVÁ and Lukáš KALA. The Faithful and the Reasonable. Chapters on ecological Foolishness. Online. 1., elektronické vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2021, 263 pp. Masaryk University Monographs 1. ISBN 978-80-210-9992-0. Available from: Čítárna Munispace info
  • GALČANOVÁ BATISTA, Lucie. Stárnutí ve městě: Jaké výzvy, překážky a výhody přináší život v městském prostředí ve vyšším věku? (Ageing in the city.). In Knihovna pro bezbariérové Brno. Brno: Knihovna Jiřího Mahena, 2020. Živě vysíláno 26. 5. 2020 URL info
  • GALČANOVÁ BATISTA, Lucie. Age-friendly bydlení: Nové poznatky a příklady dobré praxe, principy a úskalí. In Age-friendly bydlení: Dobrá praxe v podpoře seniorům přátelského bydlení. 11. 11. 2021 (online). 2020. Záznam a prezentace přednášek on-line. info
  • GALČANOVÁ BATISTA, Lucie. Covid-19 a nové perspektivy v environmentální gerontologii a výzkumu stárnutí (Covid-19 and new perspectives in environmental gerontology and ageing research). In Interdiciplinární konference Sociálne siete v starnúcej spoločnosti. 26. 11. 2020, Bratislava (online). 2020. URL info
  • GALČANOVÁ, Lucie and Marcela PETROVÁ KAFKOVÁ. Self-perception during the Transition to the Fourth Age in the Czech Republic. Ethnologie française. Presses Universitaires de France, 2018, vol. 48, No 3, p. 413-426. ISSN 0046-2616. Available from: URL info
  • PETROVÁ KAFKOVÁ, Marcela and Lucie GALČANOVÁ. Fourth Age Identity : An Ambiguous Field. In 3rd ENAS conference : Cultural Narratives, Processes and Strategies in Representations of Age and Aging, April 27-30 Graz. 2017. URL info
  • VYHLÍDAL, Jiří and Lucie GALČANOVÁ. Diskriminace a rizikové spotřební jednání seniorů: vybrané aspekty v kulturní perspektivě (Discrimination and risk behaviour of older consumers: selected aspects in the cultural perspective). Scientia et Societas: časopis pro společenské vědy a management. Praha: Newton College, 2016, XII, No 1, p. 134-162. ISSN 1801-7118. URL info
  • SKALÍK, Jan, Tomáš CHABADA, Vojtěch PELIKÁN, Hana LIBROVÁ, Dominik GROHMANN, Martin ČERNÝ, Lukáš KALA and Lucie GALČANOVÁ. Proměny životního způsobu a jeho environmentálních souvislostí (Changes in lifestyle and its environmental consequences). 2016. URL info
  • GALČANOVÁ, Lucie and Marcela PETROVÁ KAFKOVÁ. Ageing As an Increasing Uncertainty. In Third ISA Forum - The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World. Vienna, July 10 - 14, 2016. 2016. RC11 Sociology of Aging - Session 139: The Fourth Age: “Real” Old Age? info
  • MICHLÍČKOVÁ, Eliška and Monika ŠPANIELOVÁ. The parent and grandparent roles from the perspective of contemporary Czech grandparents. Studia paedagogica. Masarykova univerzita, 2016, vol. 21, No 2, p. 131-145. ISSN 1803-7437. Available from: URL info
  • VIDOVICOVÁ, Lucie, Lucie GALČANOVÁ, Marcela PETROVÁ KAFKOVÁ and Dana SÝKOROVÁ. Stáří ve městě, město v životě seniorů (Ageing in the City, City in the Life of Seniors). 1. vyd. Praha, Brno: Masarykova univerzita a Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON), 2013, 372 pp. Studie. ISBN 978-80-210-6095-1. info


Curriculum Vitae: Mgr. Lucie Galčanová Batista, Ph.D. (učo 41048), version: English(1), last update: 2024/06/11 17:36, L. Galčanová Batista

Another Variant: Czech(1)