Curriculum vitae
- Person Identification
- Mgr. Bc. Libor Juhaňák, Ph.D.
- Workplace
- Department of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Arts
Masaryk University
Žerotínovo nám. 2
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Department of Educational Sciences
- Function, current position
- assistant professor
- Education and academic qualifications
- 2020: Ph.D. in Education; Department of Educational Sciences, FA MU; thesis: Learning analytics and educational data mining in the context of learning management systems.
- 2015: Bc. in Philosophy; Department of Philosophy, FA MU; thesis: Heterophenomenology.
- 2012: Mgr. in Information and Library Studies; Division of Information and Library Studies, FA MU; thesis: Integration of the virtual working environment into the student project teamwork.
- 2009: Bc. in Information and Library Studies; Division of Information and Library Studies, FA MU; thesis: The issue of virtual team working.
- Professional experience
- 2020 - : assistant professor; Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Arts, MU, Brno.
- 2017 - 2020: researcher; Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Arts, MU, Brno.
- 2011 - 2020: e-learning administrator and e-learning support; Centre for Information Technologies, Faculty of Arts, MU, Brno. (part-time cooperation)
- 2012 - 2015: e-learning specialist; Centre for Degree Curricula Innovation, Faculty of Arts, MU, Brno.
- 2012 - 2015: lektor, e-learning instructional designer, IT specialist; Institute of Computer Science, MU, Brno. (part-time cooperation)
- 2011 - 2012: e-learning administrator and IT support; NAKLIV Centre, Faculty of Arts, MU, Brno. (part-time cooperation)
- Teaching activities
- E-learning
- Online Learning Environments
- Digital technologies in education
- Methods and Techniques of Educational Research
- Data analysis and visualization in education
- Research activities
- 2021 – : team leader in a research project entitled Multimodal learning analytics to study self-regulated learning processes within learning management systems (Czech Science Foundation, GA21-08218S).
- 2018 – 2020: team member in a research project entitled Career adaptability of vocational upper-secondary school graduates during the school-to-work transition (Czech Science Foundation, GA18-07537S).
- 2017 – 2019: team member in a research project entitled Digital technologies in everyday lives and learning of students (Czech Science Foundation, 17-06152S).
- Internship and stays for the purpose of study or work
- 2019/03/11 – 2019/03/29: GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences, Köln, 48th GESIS Spring Seminar: Bayesian Modelling in the Social Sciences
- 2016/08/12 – 2017/01/16: University of Oslo, Oslo, Erasmus+, NOR
- Most significant professional accomplishments
- 2020: Awarded by the Rector's Award of Masaryk University for outstanding students of doctoral study programs
- 2018: Awarded by the Czech Educational Research Association for a remarkable research-oriented publication in the junior category.
- Major publications
- JUHAŇÁK, Libor, Vojtěch JUŘÍK, Nicol DOSTÁLOVÁ and Zuzana JUŘÍKOVÁ. Exploring the effects of metacognitive prompts on learning outcomes: An experimental study in higher education. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 2025, vol. 41, No 1, p. 42-59. ISSN 1449-3098. Available from: URL info
- NEHYBA, Jan, Libor JUHAŇÁK and Jakub CIGÁN. Effects of Seating Arrangement on Students' Interaction in Group Reflective Practice. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL EDUCATION. ABINGDON: ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD., 2023, vol. 91, No 2, p. 249-277. ISSN 0022-0973. Available from: URL info
- HLAĎO, Petr, Libor JUHAŇÁK, Lenka HLOUŠKOVÁ and Bohumíra LAZAROVÁ. Exploring the Roles of Career Adaptability, Self-Esteem, and Work Values in Life Satisfaction Among Emerging Adults During their Career Transition. Emerging Adulthood. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publishing, 2022, vol. 10, No 1, p. 135-148. ISSN 2167-6968. Available from: URL info
- ZOUNEK, Jiří, Libor JUHAŇÁK and Klára ZÁLESKÁ. Life and Learning of Digital Teens : Adolescents and digital technology in the Czech Republic. Cham: Springer Nature, 2022, 254 pp. Young People and Learning Processes in School and Everyday Life, Volume 6. ISBN 978-3-030-90042-7. Available from: URL info
- ZOUNEK, Jiří, Libor JUHAŇÁK, Hana STAUDKOVÁ and Jiří POLÁČEK. E-learning : učení (se) s digitálními technologiemi (E-learning : Teaching/Learnig Using Digital Technologies). 2nd ed. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2021, 330 pp. ISBN 978-80-7676-175-9. URL info
- NOVOTNÝ, Petr, Karla BRÜCKNEROVÁ, Milada RABUŠICOVÁ, Libor JUHAŇÁK, Dana KNOTOVÁ and Katarína ROZVADSKÁ. Netradiční studenti pedagogických oborů na českých vysokých školách (Non-traditional students studying education in Czech universities). Online. 1., elektronické vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2021, 305 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-9974-6. Čítárna Munispace info
- BRÜCKNEROVÁ, Karla, Katarína ROZVADSKÁ, Dana KNOTOVÁ, Libor JUHAŇÁK, Milada RABUŠICOVÁ and Petr NOVOTNÝ. Educational Trajectories of Non-traditional Students: Stories Behind Numbers. Studia paedagogica. Masarykova univerzita, 2020, vol. 25, No 4, p. 93-114. ISSN 1803-7437. Available from: URL info
- HLAĎO, Petr, Lucia KVASKOVÁ, Lenka HLOUŠKOVÁ, Bohumíra LAZAROVÁ, Stanislav JEŽEK, Libor JUHAŇÁK, Petr MACEK, Petra DAŇSOVÁ, Jaroslav GOTTFRIED, Petr PALÍŠEK, Karel REČKA and Václav ŠAŠINKA. Kariérová adaptabilita : její podoby, proměny, souvislosti a role v životě mladých dospělých procházejících středním odborným vzděláváním (Career adaptability : Its Forms, Changes, Contexts, and Roles in the Lives of Young Adults Undergoing Upper-Secondary Vocational Education). Online. 1., elektronické vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2020, 208 pp. monografie. ISBN 978-80-210-9692-9. Available from: Čítárna Munispace info
- JUHAŇÁK, Libor, Jiří ZOUNEK and Lucie ROHLÍKOVÁ. Using process mining to analyze students' quiz-taking behavior patterns in a learning management system. Computers in Human Behavior. Pergamon Press, 2019, vol. 92, MAR 2019, p. 496-506. ISSN 0747-5632. Available from: URL info
- JUHAŇÁK, Libor and Jiří ZOUNEK. Learning Analytics : Challenges and Opportunities of Using Data Analysis in Education. In Ordóñez de Pablos, Patricia; D. Lytras, Miltiadis; Zhang, Xi; Chui, Kwok Tai. Opening Up Education for Inclusivity Across Digital Economies and Societies. Hershey, USA: IGI Global, 2019, p. 52-72. ISBN 978-1-5225-7473-6. Available from: URL info
- JUHAŇÁK, Libor, Jiří ZOUNEK, Klára ZÁLESKÁ, Ondřej BÁRTA and Kristýna VLČKOVÁ. The relationship between the age at first computer use and students' perceived competence and autonomy in ICT usage : A mediation analysis. Computers & Education. 2019, vol. 141, NOV 2019, p. 1-14. ISSN 0360-1315. Available from: URL info
- NOVOTNÝ, Petr, Karla BRÜCKNEROVÁ, Libor JUHAŇÁK and Katarína ROZVADSKÁ. Driven To Be a Non-Traditional Student : Measurement of the Academic Motivation Scale with Adult Learners After Their Transition to University. Studia paedagogica. Masarykova univerzita, 2019, vol. 24, No 2, p. 109-135. ISSN 1803-7437. Available from: URL info
- ZÁLESKÁ, Klára, Libor JUHAŇÁK, Kateřina TRNKOVÁ and Martina ŠMAHELOVÁ. Uvádění začínajících učitelů v mateřských, základních a středních školách pohledem jeho hlavních aktérů (Novice teachers and their induction process inkindergartens, primary, secondary schools by the view of its main actors). Pedagogická orientace. 2019, vol. 29, No 2, p. 149-171. ISSN 1211-4669. Available from: URL info
- ZOUNEK, Jiří, Klára ZÁLESKÁ, Libor JUHAŇÁK, Ondřej BÁRTA and Kristýna VLČKOVÁ. Czech Republic and Norway on their path todigital education. Studia paedagogica. Masarykova univerzita, 2018, vol. 23, No 4, p. 11-48. ISSN 1803-7437. Available from: URL info
- JUHAŇÁK, Libor, Jiří ZOUNEK, Klára ZÁLESKÁ, Ondřej BÁRTA and Kristýna VLČKOVÁ. The Relationship between Students’ ICT Use and Their School Performance: Evidence from PISA 2015 in the Czech Republic. Orbis Scholae. Karolinum, 2018, vol. 12, No 2, p. 37-64. ISSN 1802-4637. Available from: URL info
- JUHAŇÁK, Libor. Sociální sítě autorů publikujících v pedagogických vědách v letech 2009–2013 : exploratorní analýza (Social Networks of Authors Publishing in Educational Sciences Between 2009 and 2013 : An Exploratory Analysis). Studia paedagogica. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2017, vol. 22, No 1, p. 9-36. ISSN 1803-7437. Available from: Digitální knihovna FF MU info
- CHROMEC, Jakub and Libor JUHAŇÁK. moodler : A new R package to easily fetch data from Moodle. In useR! International R User Conference, 3.-7. 7. 2017. 2017. URL info
- ARNSETH, Hans Christian, Ola ERSTAD, Libor JUHAŇÁK and Jiří ZOUNEK. Pedagogika a nové výzvy výzkumu ICT : role digitálních technologií v každodenním životě a učení mládeže (Pedagogy and New Challenges in ICT Research : On the Role of Digital Technologies in Everyday Life and Youth Learning). Studia paedagogica. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016, vol. 21, No 1, p. 87-110. ISSN 1803-7437. Available from: Digitální knihovna FF MU info
- JUHAŇÁK, Libor and Jiří ZOUNEK. Analytika učení : nový přístup ke zkoumání učení (nejen) ve virtuálním prostředí (Learning analytics : A new approach to the study of learning (not only) in virtual environments). Pedagogická orientace. Brno: Česká pedagogická společnost, 2016, vol. 26, No 3, p. 560-583. ISSN 1211-4669. Available from: info
Curriculum vitae: Mgr. Bc. Libor Juhaňák, Ph.D. (učo 217393), version: English(1), last update: 2021/08/05 15:13, L. Juhaňák
Another Variant: Czech(1)