Curriculum Vitae
- Name, first names, scientific degrees
- Mgr. Martin Švec, born 7th March 1989 in Jihlava,
- Department/Faculty/University
- Department of Energy Law
Institute of Law and Technology
Faculty of Law, Masaryk University
- Department of Energy Law
- Function, current position
- Research Associate, Lecturer
- Education and academic qualifications
- since 2014: Ph.D. Candidate, Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, Theoretical Legal Sciences, International and European Law, Thesis: Dimensions of International and European Energy Law: State Sovereignty in Ensuring Energy Security
- 2008-2014: Master studies in Law, diploma work on "Europeanisation of Investment Protection", Masaryk university in Brno, Faculty of Law
- 2000-2008: Gymnasium Jihlava
- Professional experience
- Current:
- Research Associate, Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, Institute of Law and Technology, Department of Energy Law
- Research Fellow, Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Research Project: A multidisciplinary analysis of planetary defense from asteroids as the key national policy ensuring further flourishing and prosperity of humankind both on Earth and in Space
- Lecturer in International Law and International Energy Law, Masaryk University, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Social Sciences , Brno, Czech Republic
- Research Associate, Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development, UK
- Past:
- Lecturer in International and European Law, Mendel University, Brno, Czech Republic, 2016
- Teaching activities
- Public International Law, EU Law, International Economic Law, Energy Law, International Energy Law, International Arbitration in the Energy Sector, Energy in International Law, EU Energy Law
- Research activities
- Public International Law
- Energy Law
- International Environmental Law
- Climate Change Law
- International Investment Law
- Professional stays abroad
- Visiting Researcher at the Tel Aviv University, Israel 2017-2018
- Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels, Belgium, September 2015 - February 2016
- Other academic activities, research projects, grants
- Coach of the FDI Moot Team (international investment law)
- Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Research Project: A multidisciplinary analysis of planetary defense from asteroids as the key national policy ensuring further flourishing and prosperity of humankind both on Earth and in Space
- Most significant professional accomplishments
- Convenor of the ESIL (European Society of International Law) Interest Group on International Environmental Law
- Major publications
- HOPPE, Alexander, Michael HÜBNER, Sebastiaan PRINCEN a Martin ŠVEC. Adaptation, Experimentation or Conservation? The Uses of Differentiated implementation under the Energy Efficiency Directive. JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies. Hoboken: Wiley, 2024, roč. 2024, 24 July 2024, s. 1-20. ISSN 0021-9886. Dostupné z: Open access článku info
- FARAH, Paolo, Martin ŠVEC, Matjaz NACHTIGAL a Michael ADDANEY. Just Energy Transition: Legal Challenges Associated with Coal Phase Out. Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024, roč. 117, s. 255-267, 12 s. ISSN 0272-5037. Dostupné z: URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Symposium energetického práva 2025. 2024. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. EU Energy Transition: Focus on Critical Raw Materials. In 2024 American Society of Comparative Law Annual Meeting. 2024. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Právní spory v energetice po odstoupení EU/ČR od Smlouvy o energetické chartě. In 16. Česko-slovenské mezinárodněprávní sympozium. 2024. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. The Role of Emerging Technologies in Achieving Climate Justice: Detection of Methane Emissions“. In Workshop „Technological Change, Artificial Intelligence, and Governance: A Focus on Sustainable Development Goal 16 ‘Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions’ within the 2024 ESIL Annual Conference. 2024. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. EU Ensuring Sustainable and Responsible Sourcing and Processing of Raw Materials. In 8th Annual Energy Transitions Conference. 2024. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Article 194 (2) TFEU in the context of the Energy Transition. In Workshop "Legal Principles for a European Green Energy Transition". 2024. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Key Conditions for Transitioning to Low-emission Energy in the Czech Republic: The role of capacity mechanisms. In 1st ELAWNET CONFERENCE. 2024. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Je cesta ke klimatické neutralitě dlážděná žalobami? In Seminář energetické sekce Unie podnikových právníků (jaro 2024). 2024. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Just Energy Transition: An Innovative Role of International Investment Ageement. In Energy Justice Early Career Conference. 2024. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Předcházení a řešení energetických krizí: Role mezinárodního práva a práva EU. 2023. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Pravomoc EU v oblasti energetiky. In PODZIMNÍ SEMINÁŘ PRÁVNÍKŮ ENERGETICKÝCH SPOLEČNOSTÍ pořádaný Unií podnikových právníků ČR z.s. a její Energetickou sekcí. 2023. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Zahraniční investor jako potenciální hrozba nejenom pro energetickou bezpečnost ČR. In Právnický podzim 2023. 2023. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Evropská unie na cestě k udržitelnému podnikáni: ESG, energetika a životní prostředí. 2023. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Legal Framework in the Energy Industry. In Baku Summer Energy School 2023. 2023. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Symposium energetického práva 2023. 2023. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Předcházení a řešení energetických krizí: Role mezinárodního práva a práva EU. 2023. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Persistent Imbalances in EU's Effort to Ensure Secure and Sustainable Supply of Critical Raw Materials for Europe's Industry. In Persistent Imbalances In International Trade And The Prospects For Sustainable Development. 2023. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. The EU’s Energy Policy from the Perspective of a Central-Eastern European Country - The Czech Republic. In Maastricht 30. 2023. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Regulace v době energetické krize a inovativní trendy v energetice pohledem ERÚ. 2023. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Vybrané praktické aspekty podporovaných zdrojů energie. 2023. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Just Energy Transition: Legal Challenges Associated with Coal Phase Out. In 117. Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law. 2023. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Symposium energetického práva 2022. 2022. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Právo, energetika a krize. In Symposium energetického práva 2022. 2022. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Mezinárodněprávní limity národního řešení energetické krize. In Podzimní seminář právníků energetických společností. 2022. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Právnický podzim 2022. 2022. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Klimatická litigace – důsledky pro soukromý sektor. In Právnický podzim 2022. 2022. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Soutěžní právo v době energetické krize. 2022. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Členství v organizačním výboru sekce pro mezinárodní právo životního prostředí Evropské společnosti pro mezinárodní právo (ESIL). Coordinating Committee of the Interest Group on International Environmental Law of the European Society of International Law, 2022 - 2026. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Energy Intensive Companies and Interests of Current and Future Generations. In An interdisciplinary International Conference on “Liberalism and Ecology in the Anthropocene”. 2022. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. REPowerEU: EU’s Energy Transition in the Context of Russian Aggression against Ukraine. In 2ND ENERGY TRANSITION COLLOQUIUM (ONLINE). 2022. final programe call for papers info
- ŠVEC, Martin. The role and relevance of public international law in global security discourse: Planetary defense in the context of international law. 2022. ESIL Research Fora are aimed at early career researchers to ensure ECRs have an opportunity to present and discuss their work every year at a dedicated ESIL conference. The 2022 Research Forum addresses the topic of “International Law and Global Secu info
- ŠVEC, Martin. EU’s Energy Transition: A Coal Phase-out in the Context of International Obligations Arising from the Energy Charter Treaty. In An international scientific conference "Green Ambitions for Sustainable Development: Past, Present and Future". 2022. The Institute of International Law and European Law of the Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice would like to warmly invite you to the international scientific conference "Green Ambitions for Sustainable Development: Past, Present and info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Plynárenství v kontextu války na Ukrajině. 2022. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Energy Transition Diplomacy: Energetická a klimatická diplomacie jako klíčové nástroje k dosažení klimatické neutrality. 2022. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Changing attitudes of Central and Eastern European States towards the Artemis Accords. In I. ASCEA - ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE OF THE CENTRAL EUROPEAN ACADEMY. 2022. info
- ŠVEC, Martin a Nikola SCHMIDT. Space Mining: Attempts to Materialise Cosmopolitan Ideas Enshrined in International Space Law. In Nikola SCHMIDT. Governance of Emerging Space Challenges: The Benefits of a Responsible Cosmopolitan State Policy. Springer Nature, 2022. ISBN 978-3-030-86555-9. Dostupné z: info
- ŠVEC, Martin a Nikola SCHMIDT. International Space Law as the Transiting Path to Cosmopolitan Order. In Governance of Emerging Space Challenges: The Benefits of a Responsible Cosmopolitan State Policy. Governance of Emerging Space Challenges: The Benefits of a Responsible Cosmopolitan State Policy. Springer Nature, 2022. ISBN 978-3-030-86555-9. Dostupné z: info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Outer Space, an Area Recognised as Res Communis Omnium: Limits of National Space Mining Law. Space Policy. England: Elsevier SCI, 2022, roč. 60, May 2022, s. nestránkováno, 38 s. ISSN 0265-9646. Dostupné z: Omezený přístup na článek info
- PRINCEN, Sebastiaan, Martin ŠVEC, Alexander HÜBNER a Elaine MARK. Flexible Implementation and the Energy Efficiency Directive. RSC Working Paper Series. Fiesole: European University Institute, 2022, roč. 2022, 39 s. ISSN 1028-3625. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin, Antonín PANÁK a Michal PETR. Symposium energetického práva 2021. Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi. Brno: Masarykova univezita, Právnická fakulta, 2021, roč. 29, č. 3, s. 703-708. ISSN 1805-2789. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. The Energy Charter Treaty: A Commentary. Hobér, K. Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology. Masarykova univerzita, 2020, roč. 14, č. 2, s. 321-328. ISSN 1802-5943. Dostupné z: URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin, Nikola SCHMIDT a Petr BOHÁČEK. Utilization of Natural Resources in Outer Space: Social License to Operate as an Alternative Source of Both Legality and Legitimacy. Oil, Gas & Energy Law | OGEL Journal. 2020, č. 1. ISSN 1875-418X. Open access článku info
- ŠVEC, Martin a Nikola SCHMIDT. Dilemmas for Planetary Defense Posed by the Current International Law Framework. In Nikola Schmidt. Planetary Defense Global Collaboration for Defending Earth from Asteroids and Comets. 1. vyd. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, s. 245-260. Space and Society. ISBN 978-3-030-00999-1. Dostupné z: Web nakladatele info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Dohoda k energetické chartě jako klíčový nástroj mezinárodního energetického práva: 20. výročí jejího vstupu v platnost. Časopis pro pravní vědu a praxi. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2019, roč. 27, s. 519–538. ISSN 1210-9126. Dostupné z: info
- ŠVEC, Martin a Matteo BARRA. Reinforcing Energy Governance under the EU Energy Diplomacy: A Proposal for Strengthening Energy Frameworks in Africa. European Journal of Risk Regulation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018, roč. 9, č. 2, s. 245-267. ISSN 1867-299X. Dostupné z: Open access časopisu info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Role EU’s Free Trade Agreements in the implementation of the Paris Agreement through promotion of energy efficiency and transfer of low-carbon technologies. In The European Society of International Law Research Forum International Law in Times of Disorder and Contestation: International Law on Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Environmental Protection in Times of Disorder and Contestation. 2018. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. EU Competence Over Energy and Environment Against the Backdrop of the Transition towards a Low- Carbon Economy. In Session on “Contemporary Challenges to International Law and Policy on Sustainable Development, Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Protection, Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer”, organized by gLAWcal, the European Society of International Law, the American Society of International Law on the occasion of the conference COFOLA International, 2018, Telč, Czech Republic. 2018. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Evropská unie jako garant energetické bezpečnosti: principy evropské strategie energetické bezpečnosti a nástroje práva EU. In Cofola Conference For Young Lawyers, 2018, Telč, Czech Republic). 2018. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Investment Protection of Energy Projects in the European Union. In Ing. Jiří Franek, Ph.D. Participants’ reviewed papers from 19th International Conference MEKON 2017. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, 2017, s. 234-243. ISBN 978-80-248-4034-5. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. External dimension of the Energy Union: Transition to a low carbon economy. In UEF Law School's 5th annual Energy Transitions conference. 2017. UEF Law School, in cooperation with the UEF Centre for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law, (CCEEL) organized its 5th annual international and European energy law and policy conference "ENERGY TRANSITIONS". info
- ŠVEC, Martin. The Impact of the Ukraine Crisis on the Investment Protection of Energy Projects in Crimea. In The Milestones of Law in the Area of Central Europe. 2017. Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia organizovaná pod záštitou dekana Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave, Právnickej fakulty doc. JUDr. Eduarda Burdu, PhD. a Kancelárie Národnej Rady Slovenskej Republiky. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Transition to a low-carbon economy: Role of private investments. In International Scientific Conference "Globalization and Law" (the University of Niš Faculty of Law, Serbia). 2017. info
- ŠVEC, Martin a Matteo BARRA. The Energy Union: existing tools and proposals for external energy and climate diplomacy. In The EUI/FSR conference “New governance structures in the EU energy sector”, organized by the Belgian Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation, Bruxelles. 2017. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin a Matteo BARRA. Opportunities for advancing the water-energy-food nexus in development cooperation: the case of Africa. In International Conference on ”Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Environmental Sustainability: Choices, Compromises and Priorities” to be held on September 6, 2017 on the occasion of the 13th ESIL Annual Conference on “Global Public Goods, Global Commons and Fundamental Values: The Responses of International Law”, Naples, 7–9 September 2017. 2017. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Role plynových zásobníků v EU a národní energetické politice: Bezpečnost dodávek zemního plynu. In Jiří Franěk. Participants’ reviewed papers from 18th International Conference MEKON 2016, February 3-4. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, 2016, s. 281-289. ISBN 978-80-248-3899-1. Dostupné z: info
- ŠVEC, Martin. The Energy Charter Treaty: Renewable Energy Disputes in Light of the Charanne Case. In Klára Drličková, Tereza Kyselovská. Cofola International 2016: Resolution of International Disputes and Public Law in the Context of Immigration Crisis: Conference Proceedings. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, Právnická fakulta, 2016, s. 237-252. ISBN 978-80-210-8356-1. Open access sborníku info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Právní režim dopadající na použití síly v boji proti nestátnímu aktéru: Východní Ukrajina 2015. In Tereza Kyselovská, Vojtěch Kadlubiec, Jan Provazník, Nelly Springinsfeldová, Alica Virdzeková. Cofola 2015: Conference Proceedings. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, s. 131-146. ISBN 978-80-210-7976-2. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. International Investment Arbitration: Investor-to-State Dispute Settlement in EU Agreements. In Klára Drličková. Cofola International 2015: Current Challenges to Resolution of International (Cross-border) Disputes: Conference Proceedings. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, s. 206-218. ISBN 978-80-210-8020-1. Open access konference info
- ŠVEC, Martin a Lenka ČIHÁKOVÁ. „Targeted killing“ jako nástroj při boji proti terorismu ve světle Evropské úmluvy o ochraně lidských práv. In 7. Výroční studentská konference k bezpečnostním tématům. 2015. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Ochrana investic ve světle ukrajinské krize. In Olomoucké právnické dny 2015. 2015. info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Vojenské obsazení autonomní republiky Krym z pohledu mezinárodního práva. Bulletin Centra pro lidská práva a demokratizaci. Centrum pro lidská práva a demokratizaci o.s., 2014. ISSN 1804-2392. URL info
- ŠVEC, Martin. Interpretace mezinárodních smluv o ochraně investic: Role tribunálu pro řešení investičních sporů mezi státy. In Days of Law 2014. 2014. info
Curriculum Vitae: Mgr. Martin Švec, Ph.D. (učo 325544), version: English(1), last update: 2020/09/18 10:23, M. Švec
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