Curriculum vitae
- Person Identification
- Jiri Denemark, born on February 8, 1979 in Havlickuv Brod, Czech Republic.
- Workplace
- Laboratory of Advanced Network Technologies
Faculty of Informatics
Masaryk University
Botanicka 68a
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Laboratory of Advanced Network Technologies
- Employment Position
- PhD student
- Education and Academic Qualifications
- 2003: graduated in Informatics at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
- Employment Summary
- since 2006: researcher, CESNET z. s. p. o.
- since 2003: PhD student at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
- Pedagogical Activities
- since 2002: Introduction to Information Technologies and Computer Networks
- Autumn 2005: Computer Networks and Applications I
- Scientific and Research Activities
- computer networks, network support for multimedia applications, virtualization in Grids
- since 2006: METACentrum activity of the CESNET research intent Optical National Research Network and its New Applications (MŠM 6383917201)
- since 2006: ITHANET project within the 6th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development of the European Union (RI-2004-026539)
- 2004--2007: Virtual collaborative environment activity of the CESNET research intent Optical National Research Network and its New Applications (MŠM 6383917201)
- 2001--2003: Multimedia transmissions project of the CESNET research intent High-speed National Research Network and its New Applications (MŠM 000000001)
- Academical Stays
- October--December 2004: Center for Computation and Technology, Luisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Luisiana, U.S.A.
- Selected Publications
- DENEMARK, Jiří, Miroslav RUDA a Luděk MATYSKA. Virtualizing METACentrum Resources Using Magrathea. In Networking Studies II: Selected Technical Reports. 1. vyd. Praha: CESNET, 2008, s. 129-145. ISBN 978-80-254-2151-2. URL info
- LIŠKA, Miloš a Jiří DENEMARK. Real-time Transcoding and Scalable Data Distribution for Lecture Streams. 2007. info
- DENEMARK, Jiří, Miroslav RUDA a Luděk MATYSKA. Magrathea -- Grid Management Using Virtual Machine. In Cracow Grid Workshop '06. Krakow, Polsko: Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH, 2007, s. 138-145. ISBN 83-915141-7-X. info
- RUDA, Miroslav, Jiří DENEMARK a Luděk MATYSKA. Scheduling Virtual Grids: the Magrathea System. In Second International Workshop on Virtualization Technology in Distributed Computing. USA: ACM digital library, 2007, s. 1-7. ISBN 978-1-59593-897-8. info
- DENEMARK, Jiří. Virtual Grid Execution Environment. In Proceedings of MIPRO 2006 / Hypermedia and Grid Systems. Opatija, Croatia: Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, 2006, s. 227-231. ISBN 953-233-018-6. info
- DENEMARK, Jiří, Michał JANKOWSKI, Aleš KŘENEK, Luděk MATYSKA, Norbert MEYER, Miroslav RUDA a Paweł WOLNIEWICZ. Best Practices of User Account Management with Virtual Organization Based Access to Grid. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 2006, roč. 3911, -, s. 633-642. ISSN 0302-9743. info
- DENEMARK, Jiří, Michał JANKOWSKI, Luděk MATYSKA, Norbert MEYER, Miroslav RUDA a Paweł WOLNIEWICZ. User Management for Virtual Organizations. In CoreGRID Integration Workshop. EU: CoreGRID, 2006. info
- JANKOWSKI, Michał, Paweł WOLNIEWICZ, Jiří DENEMARK, Norbert MEYER a Luděk MATYSKA. Virtual Environments -- Framework for Virtualized Resource Access in the Grid. In CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware. 2006, 11 s. info
- JANKOWSKI, Michał, Paweł WOLNIEWICZ, Jiří DENEMARK, Norbert MEYER a Luděk MATYSKA. Virtualized Access to the Grid Computational Resources. 2006. URL info
- DENEMARK, Jiří a Miloš LIŠKA. Real-time Transcoding and Scalable Data Distribution for Video Streaming. CESNET z.s.p.o., 2006, 6 s. 30/2006. URL info
- DENEMARK, Jiří, Archit KULSHRESTHA a Gabrielle ALLEN. Deploying Legacy Applications on Grids. In Thirteenth Annual Mardi Gras Conference -- Frontiers of Grid Applications and Technologies. Baton Rouge, USA: Louisiana State University, 2005, s. 29-34. info
- DENEMARK, Jiří a Eva HLADKÁ. Pokročilé řízení kolaborativního prostředí. In Širokopásmové sítě a jejich aplikace. Olomouc: UP Olomouc, 2005, s. 94--99. ISBN 80-244-1035-4. info
- HLADKÁ, Eva a Jiří DENEMARK. Communication Support as the User Tool. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Emerging e-learning Technologies and Applications. Košice: elfa s. r. o., 2005, s. 283-288. info
- REBOK, Tomáš a Jiří DENEMARK. Data Distribution Models in Network of Active Elements. Znojmo: MEMICS 2005, 2005. info
- MATYSKA, Luděk, Miroslav RUDA, Jiří DENEMARK, Norbert MEYER, Paweł WOLNIEWICZ a Michał JANKOWSKI. User Management for Virtual Organizations. EU: CoreGRID, 2005. TR-0012. URL info
- HLADKÁ, Eva, Petr HOLUB a Jiří DENEMARK. User Empowered Virtual Multicast for Multimedia Communication. In Proccedings of 3rd International Conference on Networking. Colmar, France: University of Haute Alsace, 2004, 6 s. ISBN 0-86341-325-0. info
- HLADKÁ, Eva, Petr HOLUB a Jiří DENEMARK. User-Empowered Programmable Network Support for Collaborative Environment. In Universal Multiservice Networks: Third European Conference, ECUMN 2004, Porto, Portugal, October 25-27, 2004. Proceedings. Heidelberg, Němeko: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3262, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 2004, s. 367-376. ISBN 3-540-23551-5. SpringerLink info
- DENEMARK, Jiří a Eva HLADKÁ. Bezpečnost v aktivních sítích. In Širokopásmové sítě a jejich aplikace. Olomouc, 2003, s. 138-142. ISBN 80-244-0642-X. info
- DENEMARK, Jiří. Autentizace v aktivních sítích. Diplomová práce. Brno: Fakulta informatiky, Masarykova univerzita v Brně, 2003. info
- DENEMARK, Jiří, Petr HOLUB a Eva HLADKÁ. RAP - Reflector Administration Protocol. CESNET z.s.p.o., 2003, 32 s. Technical report 9/2003. URL info
- HLADKÁ, Eva a Jiří DENEMARK. On-Demand Secure Collaborative Support. In @ITIM 2003 (Italian Assiciation of Temedicine and Medical Informatics. Poster section. Roma, Italy, 2003. info
- HLADKÁ, Eva, Petr HOLUB a Jiří DENEMARK. Teleconferencing Support for Small Groups. In TERENA Networking Conference 2002. 2002, 6 s. Full paper. TNC2002 Proceedings. info
Curriculum vitae: RNDr. Jiří Denemark (učo 4135), version: English(1), last update: 2008/04/28 22:08, J. Denemark
Další varianta: čeština(1)