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Curriculum Vitae

Personal data
  • Jana Kotková, born in Prague, Czech Republic
  • Institute of Geological Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno
  • Associate Professor
Education and academic degrees
  • 2004: Associate Professor in Geological Sciences with specialization, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno
  • 1992: PhD in Geology and Geography, Czech Geological Survey, Prague
  • 1987: RNDr. (eq. Master) in Geochemistry, Fundamental and Economic Geology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
Work experience
  • 2008 – present: Institute of Geological Sciences, MU Brno, Associate Professor; Department of rock environment geochemistry, Czech Geological Survey, Prague, senior researcher
  • 2004 – 2007: limited work schedule due to maternity leave
  • 2001 – 2004: Institute of Geological Sciences, MU Brno, Assistant Professor
  • 1992-2001: Department of crystalline formations, Czech Geological Survey, Prague, researcher
  • 1987-1992: internship and PhD scholarship, Czech Geological Survey, Prague
Teaching and student supervision
  • Petrology of magmatic and metamorphic rocks, Metamorphic petrology, Metamorphic PTt paths, Petrology II, Petrology I, Instrumental methods in petrology
  • Supervisor of batchelor, master and PhD theses (since 2005, Masaryk University, Brno)
  • Oponent and member of master thesis and disertation committees (MU Brno, Charles University, Prague).
Research activities, presentations, projects
  • Petrology, thermobarometry, geochemistry, and geochronology of (ultra)-high-pressure crustal and mantle rocks, trace element distribution in zircon and garnet, study of microdiamonds using micro-nanoanalytical techniques, Raman spectroscopy in mineralogy, C and O stable isotope geochemistry, Ag-Hg-Sb mineralization.
  • 2017: member of the International Eclogite Conference (IEC12, Are) Scientific Committee
  • 2015: co-convener of the session 16h, Probing the record of mantle processes and crust-mantle interactions in minerals, rocks, and their geochemical properties, Goldschmidt Meeting, Prague
  • 1998: convener of the session Crustal melting in nature and experiment (EGS Nice)
  • Invited talks at universities, research institutes and professional societies in the Czech Republic and abroad, and at international conferences: MU Brno (1995), Charles University Prague (1996, 1999, 2008), ČGS Praha (1997, 1999, 2000, 2008, 2011, 2016), Comenius University Bratislava (1996, 2002), MAEGS Praha (1997), Universität Salzburg (1997), Universität Frankfurt (1997), Čzech geological society (2000), Ruhr-Universität Bochum (2001, 2003), Université de Genève (2002) , Open congress of the Czech and Slovak Geological Societies (2005, 2015), Universität Potsdam (2011), University of Uppsala (2011), Slovak Mineralogical Society (Inaugural Meeting, 2012), Universität Wien (2013), Czech Humboldt Club (2013), AGU (2014), IGCP649 workshop (2016), Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland meeting (2016).
  • Participation on IGCP 649 Project Diamonds and Mantle (since 2016). Element transfer in deep subduction environment: constraints from ultrahigh-presssure metamorphic terranes(Czech Science Foundation project 18-27454S, 2018-2020, project leader)
  • Diamond and coesite-bearing North Bohemian granulites: study of diamond-forming media in a deep subduction zone and consequences for geodynamic models (CSF project 13-21450S, 2013-2015, project leader)
  • Geological mapping of the selected areas of the western Mongolian Altai (2013-2014)
  • INCHEMBIOL, Institutional Research Plan, Masaryk University, Brno (MSM0021622412, 2008-2011)
  • Partial melting of rocks in the root zone of the Variscan orogeny (CSF project No. 205/03/0040, 2003-2005, project leader)
  • Function of the Neferefre funeral temple in Abusir in the light of selected finds(CSF project No. 404/03/1457, 2003-2005, working group leader)
  • Exhumation of the Variscan lower crust as reflected in the composition of Visean siliciclastics (E margin of the Bohemian Massif)(CSF project No 205/99/0567, 1999-2001, project leader)
  • Recent geodynamics of West Bohemia in relation to the crustal structure (unique natural laboratory) (CSF project No 205/99/0907, 1999-2001, working group leader)
  • PACE - TMR Research Network (1998-2001, one year Czech working group leader)
  • Melting processes in granulite facies (CSF project No 205/94/1459, 1994-1996, project leader)
  • Complex geoscientific research of the seismoactive area of the W Bohemia (CSF project No 205/94/1556, 1994-1996)
  • National coordinator of the IGCP 304 Project Lower Crustal Processes (1991-1995)
Scholarships and research stays
  • 2014, 2015 (1+1 week): GFZ Potsdam, Germany, FIB TEM work
  • 2014 (1 week): Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden, NORDSIM (EU programme SYNTHESYS)
  • 2011 (2 months): Potsdam University, Germany, Raman spectroscopy (DAAD scholarship)
  • 2010 (3 months): Potsdam University, Germany, Raman spectroscopy (Humboldt scholarship) 1999 (2 months): NIGL Keyworth, UK, U-Pb TIMS geochronoloty (Europrobe Travel Grant)
  • 1995 (2 months):Edinburgh University, UK, SIMS (British Council grant),
  • 1997-1998 (6 months): University of Salzburg, Austria (Lisa Meitner scholarship) 1989, 1990, 1991 (2+1+0.5 months): studentship at École Normale Supérieure Lyon and BRGM Orléans, France, metamorphic petrology, thermodynamic modelling
University activities
  • member of the committees for Bachelor and Master final state examination
  • member of the committees for Doctoral examinations and Doctoral Dissertation Defences
Other activities
  • since 2017: member of SAG (Science Advisory Group) of ICDP
  • since 2016: member of the Medal Committee, IMA
  • since 2004: member of the Czech Humboldt Club
  • 2007-2017: editorial board member, Journal of Geosciences (former Journal of the Czech Geol. Society)
  • 2001-2003: prezident of the Czech Geological Society
  • 2016: Excellent publication award (Panel EP01, Pillar II A, for Masaryk University, Brno)
  • 2015: Excellent publication award (Panel EP01, Pillar II A, for Czech Geological Survey, Prague)
  • 1998: third price in the Young Researcher in Geology publication contest, Czech Tectonic Studies Group
  • 1997: winner of the Young Researcher in Geology publication contest(Czech Geological Survey)
Selected publications
  • HAIFLER, Jakub a Jana KOTKOVÁ. UHP-UHT peak conditions and near-adiabatic exhumation path of diamond-bearing garnet-clinopyroxene rocks from the Eger Crystalline Complex, North Bohemian Massif. Lithos. Elsevier, 2016, roč. 248, April, s. 366-381. ISSN 0024-4937. Dostupné z: URL info
  • HAIFLER, Jakub a Jana KOTKOVÁ. P-T evolution of diamond-bearing intermediate granulites from North Bohemia: first results. In 4th Central European Mineralogical Conference. 2014. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana, Radek ŠKODA a Vladimír MACHOVIČ. Kumdykolite from the ultrahigh-pressure granulite of the Bohemian Massif. American Mineralogist. CHANTILLY: Mineralogical Society of America, 2014, roč. 99, 8-9, s. 1798-1801. ISSN 0003-004X. Dostupné z: info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana, Patrick J. O´BRIEN a Martin A. ZIEMANN. Diamond and coesite discovered in Saxony-type granulite: Solution to the Variscan garnet peridotite enigma. Geology. Boulder (USA), 2011. ISSN 0091-7613. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana, Urs SCHALTEGGER a Jaromír LEICHMANN. Two types of ultrapotassic plutonic rocks in the Bohemian Massif: coeval intrusions at different crustal levels. Lithos. 2010, roč. 115, March, s. 163-176. ISSN 0024-4937. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana a Simon L. HARLEY. Anatexis during high-pressure crustal metamorphism: evidence from garnet-whole rock REE relationships and zircon-rutile Ti-Zr thermometry in leucogranulites from the Bohemian Massif. Journal of Petrology. Oxford University Press, 2010, roč. 51, č. 10, s. 1967-2001, 34 s. ISSN 0022-3530. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana a S.L. HARLEY. Evidence for high-pressure melting producing leucogranulites of the Bohemian Massif. In Granulites and Granulites. 2009. ISBN 978-80-254-4825-0. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana. Natural materials used for the amulets. In Bareš L., Smoláriková K. (eds), The shaft tomb of Iufaa, Vol.I - Archaeology. Praha: Český egyptologický ústav, 2008, s. 146-147. Abusir XVII. ISBN 978-80-7308-238-3. info
  • CALLENDER, V.G. a Jana KOTKOVÁ. The Amulets from Nekau's burial. In Bareš L., Smoláriková K. (eds), The shaft tomb of Iufaa, Vol.I - Archaeology. Praha: Český egyptologický ústav, 2008, s. 139-145. Abusir XVII. ISBN 978-80-7308-238-3. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana, Axel GERDES, R.R. PARRISH a Milan NOVÁK. Clasts of Variscan high-grade rocks within Upper Visean conglomerates - a missing link in the late Variscan evolution of Central Europe: constraints from U-Pb chronology. Journal of metamorphic Geology. 2007, roč. 25, č. 8, s. 781-801. ISSN 0263-4929. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana. High-pressure granulites of the Bohemian Massif: recent advances and open questions. Journal of Geosciences. Praha: Česká geologická společnost, 2007, roč. 52, 1/2, s. 45-71, 26 s. ISSN 1802-6222. URL info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana, Igor PETRÍK a Urs SCHALTEGGER. Magmatic and metamorphic evolution of the Variscan orogenic crust. Holandsko: Elsevier, 2005, 248 s. Lithos, vol. 82, č.1-2. ISBN 0024-4937. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana. Geology without Frontiers:Magmatic and Metamorphic Evolution of Central European Variscides. Episodes. China: INT UNION GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2004, roč. 27, č. 1, s. 49-50. ISSN 0705-3797. info
  • LEICHMANN, Jaromír, Jana HRUBÁ, Jana KOTKOVÁ a Petra VLČKOVÁ. Materiálová charakteristika kamenných nádob ze zádušního chrámu panovníka Neferefrea v Abúsíru. In Pražské egyptologické studie. III. Praha: UK Praha, 2004, s. 121 - 135, 14 s. ISBN 80-86277-26-7. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana, Rostislav MELICHAR a Jitka POKORNÁ. The Story of Bory Granulites: Early Thoughts. Geolines. Praha: Česká akademie věd, 2003, roč. 16, č. 1, s. 57. ISSN 1210-9606. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana. Geology without frontiers: magmatic and metamorphic evolution of Central European Variscides. Excursion Guide. Praha: Česká geologická společnost, 2003, 77 s. mimo edice. ISBN 80-7075-603-9. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana. Granulites. In Geology without frontiers: magmatic and metamorphic evolution of Central European Variscides. Excursion Guide. Praha: Česká geologická společnost, 2003, s. 11-13, 4 s. ISBN 80-7075-603-9. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana a Rostislav MELICHAR. Horní Bory. Structural and metamorphic evolution of the high-T/high-P Gföhl unit (Moldanubicum). In Geology without frontiers: magmatic and metamorphic evolution of Central European Variscides. Excursion Guide. Praha: Česká geologická společnost, 2003, s. 34-41. ISBN 80-7075-603-9. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana, Axel GERDES a Randall R. PARRISH. Rapid exhumation and cooling of the thickened crust: evidence from the granulite clasts within the Upper Visean Conglomerates (Rhenohercynikum). In Geology without frontiers: magmatic and metamorphic evolution of Central European Variscides. Excursion Guide. Praha: Česká geologická společnost, 2003, s. 67-72, 7 s. ISBN 80-7075-603-9. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana, Urs SCHALTEGGER a Jaromír LEICHMANN. 338 to 335 Ma old intrusions in the Bohemian Massif: a relic of the orogen-wide durbachitic magmatism in European Variscides. Journal of the Czech Geological Society. Praha: Česká geologická společnost, 2003, roč. 48, 1/2, s. 80-81. ISSN 1210-8197. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana. Geology without frontiers: magmatic and metamorphic evolution of Central European Variscides. 2003. info
  • MELICHAR, Rostislav a Jana KOTKOVÁ. Introduction to regional geology of the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif. In Geology without frontiers: magmatic and metamorphic evolution of Central European Variscides. Excursion Guide. Praha: Česká geologická společnost, 2003, s. 5-10. ISBN 80-7075-603-9. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana. Magmatic and metamorphic evolution of Central European Variscides. 2003. info
  • ZULAUF, Gernold, Wolfgang DORR, Jiří FIALA, Jana KOTKOVÁ, Henri MALUSKI a Pablo VALVERDE-VAQUERO. Evidence for high-temperature diffusional creep preserved by rapid cooling of lower crust (North Bohemian shear zone, Czech Republic). Terra Nova. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd., 2002, roč. 14, č. 5, s. 343-353. ISSN 0954-4879. info
  • PROS, Zdeněk, Tomáš LOKAJÍČEK, Marta MARTÍNKOVÁ, Karel KLÍMA a Jana KOTKOVÁ. Elastic anisotropy of volcanic rocks: two examples from neovolcanics of the Bohemian Massif. Studia geofyzica et geodetica. Praha: StudiaGeo, 2000, roč. 44, č. 1, s. 581-588. ISSN 0039-3169. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana a Simon HARLEY. Formation and evolution of HP leucogranulites: experimental constraints and unresolved issues. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Oxford: Pergamon, 1999, roč. 24, A, s. 299-303. ISSN 1464-1895. info
  • ZULAUF, Gernold, Wolfgang DORR, Jiří FIALA a Jana KOTKOVÁ. Variscan elevator-style tectonics in the Bohemian Massif - A consequence of a collapsing crustal root. Acta Univers Carolinae, Geologica. Praha, 1998, roč. 42, s. 363. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana, Simon HARLEY a Milan FIŠERA. A vestige of very high - pressure (ca. 28 kbar) metamorphism in the Variscan Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic. European Journal of Mineralogy. Německo, 1997, roč. 9, s. 1017-1032. ISSN 0935-1221. info
  • KOTKOVÁ, Jana, Alfred KRONER, Wolfgang TODT a Jiří FIALA. Lower Carboniferous high-pressure event in the Bohemian Massif: evidence from North Bohemian granulites. Geologische Rundschau. Německo, 1996, roč. 85, s. 154-160. ISSN 1437-3254. info


Curriculum Vitae: doc. RNDr. Jana Kotková, CSc. (učo 54844), version: English(1), last update: 2018/10/10 20:28, J. Kotková

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