ENSn4675 Green transition from international and european perspective

Fakulta sociálních studií
jaro 2024
Výuka probíhá blokově, celkem 6 termínů dva bloky po sobě. 4 kr. Ukončení: zk.
Rastislav Vrbenský, MSc, Ph.D. (přednášející)
Mgr. Martin Chovančík, Ph.D. (pomocník)
doc. Mgr. Karel Stibral, Ph.D.
Katedra environmentálních studií – Fakulta sociálních studií
Kontaktní osoba: Mgr. Kateřina Hendrychová
Dodavatelské pracoviště: Fakulta sociálních studií
Čt 7. 3. 14:00–17:40 U32, Pá 8. 3. 8:00–11:40 U32, Čt 11. 4. 14:00–17:40 U32, Pá 12. 4. 8:00–11:40 U32, Čt 9. 5. 14:00–17:40 U32, Pá 10. 5. 8:00–11:40 U32
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je nabízen i studentům mimo mateřské obory.
Mateřské obory/plány
předmět má 13 mateřských oborů, zobrazit
Cíle předmětu
The course introduces and analyses the concepts of green transition and decarbonization in the context of sustainable development/ Agenda 2030 along with its regulatory and policy framework, pathways, taxonomy, monitoring and reporting framework as well as financing at the global, regional, and national levels. Special attention will be given to the green transition in the European Union context. The course will then continue by looking more closely at the decarbonization of key sectors such as energy, industry and transport among others. This will be complemented by exploration of the concept of ‘just transition’ in the framework of ‘leaving no one behind’ principle. The ability to innovate and continuous change management has been recognized as one of the key aspects of successful implementation of green transition. The course will therefore explore the role of innovation and new technologies in green transition. Last part of the course will concentrate on executive aspects of green transition such as leadership, organizational management and change management, this will be illustrated on the examples from both public and private sector entities. The course puts particular emphasis on combining the understanding of overall concepts and their theoretical underpinnings with practical examples and hands-on experience from implementation of public polices and development initiatives.
Výstupy z učení
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
- demonstrate comprehensive understanding of genesis, theoretical underpinnings and aims of green transition and challenges of its practical implementation,
- specifically illustrate this understanding through knowledge of decarbonization approaches in key climate-relevant sectors as well as of the concept of just transition.
- they will also understand the role of innovation and new technology in promoting green transition as well as the motivation, leadership and organizational management aspects of green transition in the governments and private sector.
- as the course will use numerous real-life examples, the course learning will lead to building practical skills applicable in the development and public policy jobs related to green transition.
  • Block I. - GREEN TRANSITION – ORIGIN, DRIVERS AND FRAMEWORKS | Lecture 1: Origin of green transition, key drivers, policies and implications in international and European context (Rastislav Vrbensky) | Lecture 2: Green Transition in European Union context/ European Green Deal (Milan Chrenko)
  • Block II. - INNOVATION AND LEADERSHIP/ MANAGEMENT ASPECTS OF GREEN TRANSITION | Lecture 3: Innovation and new technologies for green transition (Oldrich Sklenar) | Lecture 4: Leadership, management and communication/ media aspects of green transition (Oldrich Sklenar)
  • BLOCK III. - DECARBONIZATION & BUSINESS | Lecture 5: Intro: Why decarbonisation & business? (Marina Olshanskaya) | Lecture 6: Corporate carbon accounting, science-based decarbonisation targets and corporate climate disclosure based on industry case studies (with group exercise) (Marina Olshanskaya)
  • BLOCK IV. - GREENING OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE FINANCE | Lecture 7: Climate Finance - Public Sector (Rastislav Vrbensky) | Lecture 8: Climate Finance - Private Sector (Marina Olshanskaya)
  • Block V. - JUST TRANSITION AND GREEN TRANSITION FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF GOVERNMENTS AND BUSINESSES | Lecture 9: Just transition in European and international context (Rastislav Vrbensky) | Lecture 10: Green transition from the perspective of Government and private sector (Igor Luksic)
  • Block VI. - CONFERENCE DAY | Conference 1: Group presentation of research assignments/ case studies | Conference 2: Group presentation of research assignments/ case studies
    povinná literatura
  • Žižlavský O., 2020: An Analysis of Innovation Classification and Typology: A Literature Review, available online: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280233077_An_Analysis_of_Innovation_Classification_and_Typology_A_Literature_Review
  • Politico (2020): The Wonk´s Survival Guide to the European Green Deal (chapter 1, 2, and 3). https://www.politico.eu/policy-guide/
  • UN DESA Policy Brief: A just green transition: concepts and practice so far, November 2022 https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/publication/un-desa-policy-brief-no-141-a-just-green-transition-concepts-and-practice-so-far/
  • Financed emissions: Global GHG accounting and reporting standards: https://carbonaccountingfinancials.com/files/downloads/PCAF-Global-GHG-Standard-exec-summary.pdf
  • State and trend of carbon pricing 2021, World Bank: https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/35620
  • Bruegel, How to make the European Green Deal Work, Policy Contribution, Issue n˚13, November 2019 https://www.bruegel.org/policy-brief/how-make-european-green-deal-work#:~:text=Green%20investment%20should%20be%20promoted,support%20for%20European%20promo
  • https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/2051AAAA_Outcome.pdf
  • University of California, 2016: SMART Goals: A How to Guide, available online: https://med.stanford.edu/content/dam/sm/s-spire/documents/How-to-write
  • Global climate finance landscape 2021: https://www.climatepolicyinitiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Full-report-Global-Landscape-of-Climate-Finance-2021.pdf
  • McCauley, D., Heffron, R (2018) Just transition: Integrating climate, energy and environmental justice, Energy Policy, Volume 119 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0301421518302301#preview-section-introduction
  • Financial markets and climate transition.OECD: https://www.oecd.org/finance/Financial-Markets-and-Climate-Transition-Opportunities-Challenges-and-Policy-Implications.pdf
  • The Greenhouse Gas Protocol. A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. Available at https://ghgprotocol.org/corporate-standard
  • Science Based Net Zero. Scaling Urgent Corporate Climate Action Worldwide. SCIENCE BASED TARGETS INITIATIVE ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT, 2021. Available at https://sciencebasedtargets.org/resources/files/SBTiProgressReport2021.pdf
  • https://ungc-communications-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/docs/about_the_gc/UN-GLOBAL-COMPACT-STRATEGY-2021-2023.pdf
    doporučená literatura
  • Collective Climate Ambition - a Joint Statement at COP26 by the Multilateral Development Banks https://thedocs.worldbank.org/en/doc/8b63ef9b33c96b80138ac1b1528bd65e-0020012021/original/COP26-Joint-MDB-Climate-Ambition-Statement.pdf
  • ILO (2015), Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/@ed_emp/@emp_ent/documents/publication/wcms_432859.pdf
  • https://hlpf.un.org/sites/default/files/vnrs/2022/VNR%202022%20Montenegro%20Report.pdf
  • https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2020/08/01/introduction-to-esg/
  • ILO, Frequently Asked Questions on Just Transition https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/green-jobs/WCMS_824102/lang--en/index.htm
  • https://unfccc.int/process/conferences/pastconferences/paris-climate-change-conference-november-2015/paris-agreement
  • Kuhnhenn K. et al., 2020: A Societal Transformation Scenario for Staying Below 1.5°C, availableonline: https://www.boell.de/sites/default/files/2020-12/A%20Societal%20Transformation%20Scenario%20for%20Staying%20Below%201.5C.pdf
  • Terzi, A (2020), Crafting an effective narrative on the green transition https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S030142152030598X
Výukové metody
The course consists of lectures combined with interactive class discussions and 2 conferences dedicated to the key topics of the course, special attention will be given to sharing and discussing practical case studies and examples from public sector and development field. The lectures and subsequent discussions aim at maximizing learning on practical application of acquired knowledge of various aspects of green transition and decarbonization in concrete, real-life public sector and development situations. Lectures serve as important introduction to the issues of the course, it is however assumed that additional part of subject matter knowledge will be acquired through self-studying of required and recommended literature. The course will also include a group research assignment/ practical case study linked to course subjects to be prepared by a group of students and presented during the last block of Conferences. This will represent an integral part of overall assessment and will be complemented by a written exam.
Metody hodnocení
During the course, the students will be required to participate in a group research assignment/ case study as well as successfully complete the written exam.
30 points will be awarded for presentation, 70 points for written exam, overall assessment with be as follows: 100-92 points = A, 91-84 points = B, 83-76 points = C, 75-68 points = D, 67-60 = E, less then 60 points = F (failed).
Vyučovací jazyk
Informace učitele

Dr, Rastislav Vrbensky - Lecturer, Adviser and Business Developer in Sustainability, Climate and Innovation. Former UNDP Deputy Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative/ Country Director Linkedin: https://bit.ly/3eE4C9W, personal web: https://vrbensky.eu
Prof. Igor Luksic - Professor of Economics, University Dolna Gorica Montenegro, former Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro, PwC Southeast Europe, ESG Business Development Leader, PILPG Senior Peace Fellow and WEF YGL 2013, board member of several private and academic institutions
Milan Chrenko, Head of Group – Networks and Partnerships, European Environmental Agency, Denmark, former Minister of Environment of Slovakia https://www.linkedin.com/in/milan-chrenko-08851a3/
Marina Olshanskaya, Lecturer at Central European University Vienna, Partner in Avantgarde Group, Slovakia https://www.linkedin.com/in/marinaolshanskaya/?originalSubdomain=sk https://avantgarde-group.eu/
Oldřich Sklenář - Research Fellow of Association for International Affairs, consultant to the Facts on Climate Change project Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oldrichsklenar/, AMOprofile: https://www.amo.cz/autor/oldrich-sklenar/
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Předmět je zařazen také v obdobích jaro 2023, jaro 2025.
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