VV8MP_S4e2 Specialization S4e2: Education of Pupils with Severe Intellectual Disabilities

Faculty of Education
Autumn 2017
Extent and Intensity
0/4/0. 6 credit(s). Type of Completion: zk (examination).
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Jarmila Pipeková, Ph.D. (lecturer)
Guaranteed by
prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc.
Department of Special and Inclusive Education – Faculty of Education
Contact Person: PhDr. Mgr. Ilona Fialová, Ph.D.
Supplier department: Department of Special and Inclusive Education – Faculty of Education
Timetable of Seminar Groups
VV8MP_S4e2/01: Thu 8:25–11:55 kancelář vyučujícího
Successful completion of the course VV8MP_S4e1 Education of individuals with mental disabilities 1
Course Enrolment Limitations
The course is only offered to the students of the study fields the course is directly associated with.
fields of study / plans the course is directly associated with
Course objectives
The aim is to gain theoretical knowledge of the field   personality and education of people with moderate mental disabilities. Understand able to explain the term mental retardation   in the context of the current concept in terminology     pedagogy persons with mental disabilities. The course is to acquire the current knowledge about the possibilities of education pupils with moderate learning disabilities, including specific methods of education at special school. Students will be able to present reasoned decision to   inclusion of pupils with moderate mental disabilities into the educational system and to interpret his knowledge of   advice and legislation. Part of education is also the issue of autism spectrum disorders.
  • Theory of education for children with mental disabilities  , basic terms. Personality of the pupil with moderate mental retardation, severe mental retardation, profound mental retardation and multiple disabilities. Early care.   Family of a child with mental disabilities. Nongovernmental organizations. Preschool education for children with   heavier degrees of mental disability. Framework educational program for preschool education. Early care. Basic special school, preparatory stage of a special elementary school.   Definition in the education system. Framework educational program for the field of education elementary school special. Consultancy services for students participating in special elementary school. Special Educational Centre. Circuit elementary school students special (multiple disabilities, Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy and other syndromes associated with   heavier degrees of mental disability). Special education diagnostics with a focus on the pupil with moderate mental disabilities. Didactic principles used in teaching in special elementary school. The teaching methods used in teaching in special elementary school, including specific methods of work (the concept of basal stimulation Snoezelen, therapeutic approaches, and others). Teaching forms used in special elementary school, specifics of education, the structure of preparing teachers for the teaching block. Philosophy of teaching reading and writing in elementary school special. 1Specific educational materials used in elementary school special. Central   pupils with more severe mental disability and specifics of employment of persons with moderate mental disabilities. Adulthood people with moderate mental disabilities. The system of augmentative and alternative communication students from the elementary school special. Legislature on education issues   pupils with more severe degrees of mental disability. Supporting measures.
    required literature
  • VALENTA, Milan. Mentální postižení: v pedagogickém, psychologickém a sociálně-právním kontextu. 2012, 349 pp. ISBN 978-80-247-3829-1. info
  • VALENTA, Milan, Oldřich MÜLLER and Marie VÍTKOVÁ. Psychopedie (Teaching the Mentally Impaired). 3 aktual. a rozšířené vyd. Praha: Parta Praha, 2007, 386 pp. Pedagogická literatura. ISBN 978-80-7320-099-2. info
    recommended literature
  • BENDOVÁ, Petra, Jana DLOUHÁ, Martin KALIBA and Petra KALIBOVÁ. "Vybrané kapitoly z psychopedie a etopedie nejen pro speciální pedagogy". Vydání první. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2015, 137 stran. ISBN 9788074354236. info
  • PIPEKOVÁ, Jarmila and Marie VÍTKOVÁ. Od edukace k sociální inkluzi osob se zdravotním postižením se zaměřením na mentální postižení (From education to social inclusion of people with health disabilities, focused on mental handicap). 2. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014, 246 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-7689-1. info
  • BAZALOVÁ, Barbora. Poruchy autistického spektra v kontextu české psychopedie. 1. vydání. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, 278 stran. ISBN 9788021059306. info
  • OPATŘILOVÁ, Dagmar. Raná intervence u dítěte s těžkým zdravotním postižením. (Early Intervention for Children with Profound Disabilities.). In Raná podpora a intervence u dětí se zdravotním postižením. Early Support and Intervention for Children with Disabilities. první. Brno: MU, 2012, p. 105-114. ISBN 978-80-210-5880-4. info
  • OPATŘILOVÁ, Dagmar and Zita NOVÁKOVÁ. Raná podpora a intervence u dětí se zdravotním postižením (Early Support and Intervention for Children with Disabilities). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, 321 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-5880-4. info
  • CHALOUPKOVÁ, Soňa. Analýza školních vzdělávacích programů a vyučovacího procesu na základních školách praktických v České republice (An Analysis of School Curricula and Teaching Process in Elementary Schools Practice in the Czech Republic). 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2011, 232 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-5646-6. info
  • OPATŘILOVÁ, Dagmar. Poradenství pro žáky se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami v hlavním vzdělávacím proudu (Counselling for students with special educational needs in mainstream education). 2011. info
  • OPATŘILOVÁ, Dagmar. Vzdělávání žáků se zdravotním postižením a zdravotním znevýhodněním. (Education of Students with Disabilities and Health Disadvantages). 1. vyd. Brno: Paido, 2011, 298 pp. ISBN 978-80-7315-219-2. info
  • OPATŘILOVÁ, Dagmar. Pedagogická intervence v raném a předškolním věku u jedinců s dětskou mozkovou obrnou. (Educational Intervention in Early and Pre-school Age in Persons with Cerebral Palsy.). 2., přepracované a rozšířené. Brno: MU, 2010, 150 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-5266-6. info
  • BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava, Barbora BAZALOVÁ and Jarmila PIPEKOVÁ. Psychopedie. Texty k distančnímu vzdělávání. (Psychopaedia. Texts for Long Distance Studies.). Brno: Paido, 2007, 150 pp. 1. vydání. ISBN 978-80-7315-144-7. info
  • BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava. Současné trendy v edukaci dětí a žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami v České republice. Vyd. 1. Brno: MSD, 2005, 420 s. ISBN 8086633373. info
  • OPATŘILOVÁ, Dagmar. Speciálně pedagogická diagnostika a intervence u jedinců s kombinovaným postižením (Special Education Assessment and Intervention in Persons with Multiple Disabilities.). In Pedagogická fakulta Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě, katedra speciální pedagogiky. Přednáška. 2003. info
    not specified
  • ČERNÁ, Marie. Česká psychopedie : speciální pedagogika osob s mentálním postižením. Vydání první. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, nakladatelství Karolinum, 2008, 222 stran. ISBN 9788024615653. info
  • OPATŘILOVÁ, Dagmar. Metody práce u jedinců s těžkým postižením a více vadami (Methods of Work in Pupils with Profound Disabilities). 1. vydání. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2005, 146 pp. 55-984A-2005 02/58 11/Pd. ISBN 80-210-3819-5. info
Teaching methods
The seminar with mandatory active participation.
Assessment methods
1. Active attendance at seminars 80% attendance is compulsory. 2. Processing and presentation applications support measures in the education of pupils in special elementary school. 3. Oral exam.
Language of instruction
Further comments (probably available only in Czech)
Study Materials
The course is taught annually.
The course is also listed under the following terms Autumn 2012, Autumn 2013, Autumn 2014, Autumn 2015, Autumn 2016, Autumn 2018.
  • Enrolment Statistics (Autumn 2017, recent)
  • Permalink: https://is.muni.cz/course/ped/autumn2017/VV8MP_S4e2