PdF:SZ6639 Educational Psychology - Informace o předmětu
SZ6639 Educational Psychology
Pedagogická fakultapodzim 2019
- Rozsah
- 1/1/0. 4 kr. Ukončení: zk.
- Vyučující
- prof. PhDr. Michaela Bucková, Ph.D. (přednášející)
Mgr. et Mgr. Jan Mareš, Ph.D. (přednášející)
prof. PhDr. Evžen Řehulka, CSc. (přednášející)
Mgr. Tereza Škubalová, Ph.D. (přednášející) - Garance
- prof. PhDr. Evžen Řehulka, CSc.
Katedra psychologie – Pedagogická fakulta
Dodavatelské pracoviště: Katedra psychologie – Pedagogická fakulta - Rozvrh
- každou lichou středu 11:00–11:50 učebna 33
- Rozvrh seminárních/paralelních skupin:
- Předpoklady
- !NOWANY( SZ6039 Pedagogická psychologie )
- Omezení zápisu do předmětu
- Předmět je nabízen i studentům mimo mateřské obory.
- Mateřské obory/plány
- Lower Secondary School English Language Teacher Training (program PdF, N-AJ2A) (2)
- Speciální pedagogika (angl.) (program PdF, N-SPD)
- Učitelství anglického jazyka pro základní a jazykové školy (angl.) (program PdF, N-ZS)
- Cíle předmětu
- The course is a follow up of bachelor’s study courses (Introduction to education and psychology; Developmental psychology; Social psychology; Educational-psychological diagnostics I.). It focuses on developing so called psychological proficiency of the students. It further deepens and theoretically anchors knowledge and experience of students gained during teaching practice and field-specific methodology courses. The course is based on current findings in psychological and educational research of formal and informal teaching situations. It provides opportunities to students to develop key professional skills of teachers such as self-reflection and assessment techniques. The structure of the course topics is based on an international comparison of Czech and foreign scholarship and theoretical paradigms.
- Výstupy z učení
- After completing the course, the student will be able to:
- understand and use the basic terminology and concepts of educational and school psychology ;
- apply gained theoretical knowledge thorough understanding (description, analyses, interpretation and evaluation) of teaching situations ;
- reflect on and characterize educational school environment (of the school of student’s own teaching practice) in psychological terms ;
- describe and explain and present a case study of individually-specific learning processes ;
- based on psychological report, present in own words the results of a psychological examination and principles of work with the pupil (including context of legislation – methodological recommendations) ;
- reflect on typical teaching situations from the point of view of chosen theories of educational psychology ; - produce a case study with the help of a relevant (Czech and international) literature review ;
- design an example of a learning task and formulate differentiated instruction (cognitive difficulty) considering individual needs of the pupil. - Osnova
- 1. The way educational psychology is useful for teachers. Teaching profession, its changes in time and pre-gradual teacher training. Joys and sorrows of the teaching profession. Appeals and changes in history.
- The aim of the lecture and the follow-up seminar is to link up previous courses to developing psychological literacy, to identify the difference between personal experience of a pupil and a student, to provide an overview of relevant sources and to offer individualized perspective of educational psychology, taking in consideration ones professional development stage.
- 2. The process of learning. The process of learning and the teacher. Chosen theories of learning.
- The aim of the lecture is to connect the previous practical experience with individual teaching, the current psychological approaches of examining the process of learning and their application in their own learning and teaching practice.
- 3. The relationship between learning, development and upbringing. Somatic, cognitive, social and moral development of pupils A critical reflection of a “typical pupil”.
- The aim of the lecture is to connect the gained theoretical knowledge and practical experience to individual teaching, own experience with current psychological approaches, respecting individual development of pupils.
- 4. Personality and individual specificity of contemporary pupils. Cognitive styles and learning styles. Multiple intelligence theory Differences in attitudes and individualities aiming at inclusion. Talent. The question of gender in teaching. “The innate” and “the learned” from contemporary point of view. Social reproduction, cultural stereotypes and expectations. Working with diversity in teaching.
- The aim of the lecture and the follow-up seminar is to introduce current topics connected to pupil diversity and good practice examples.
- 5. The teacher in teaching practice. Reflexive practice. Self-monitoring. Teaching styles of a teacher. Psycho-hygiene of a teacher.
- The aim of the lecture and the follow-up seminar is to anchor students’ experience of a reflexive teacher in psychological theory and to show advantages of reflexive practice through particular training methods.
- 6. Pupil motivation. Relationship between the teacher and pupils as a dynamic phenomenon.
- The aim of the lecture is to introduce current approaches to pupil motivation and current approaches to work with the position power of the teacher.
- 7. Psychology of teaching. Lesson planning, teaching goals and students specifics. Psychological aspects of using ICT in teaching.
- The aim of the lecture and the follow-up seminar is to broaden knowledge gained in previous lectures and to present examples of evidence based approaches of good teaching practice from its planning to its realization in certain conditions.
- 8. Psycho-social school/classroom climate and classroom management.
- The aim of the lecture and the follow-up seminar is to introduce a frequented and interdisciplinary topic in psychological context and present a certain assessment tools. Students will also be trained in using the tools. 9. Assessment. Achievement and failure.
- The aim of the lecture is to introduce the issue of assessment (at different levels) as an inseparable part of teaching process as well as a psychological phenomenon with consequences for pupil self-concept, motivation, academic aspirations and relationship to the teacher or parents.
- 10. Psychology of upbringing. Family and school. Communication with parents and its specifics. Communication with supporting professions members.
- The aim of the lecture and the follow-up seminar is to introduce the issue of parent approaches, expectations and relationships with the pupil and the educational institution- not as a problem, but rather as an opportunity.
- 11. Planning and evaluation of interventions from educational-psychologic point of view.
- The aim of the lecture and the follow-up seminar is to demonstrate benefits of collecting focus information (incl. diagnostics), intervention planning and result evaluation for development of the pupil, the teacher and the school.
- 12. Psychological research and teaching practice of the teacher. The aim of the lecture is to introduce advantages of a teacher becoming an active participant of research activities as well as a satisfied submitter and user of the results of educational-psychological action research.
- Literatura
- povinná literatura
- Seifert, K., & Sutton, R. (2011). Educational psychology. Athens: The Global Textbook Project.
- doporučená literatura
- SANTROCK, John W. Educational psychology. Fifth edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011, xxxviii, 6. ISBN 9780071314961. info
- STERNBERG, Robert J. a Wendy M. WILLIAMS. Educational psychology. Second edition. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Merrill, 2010, xxiv, 615. ISBN 9780205626076. info
- Výukové metody
- Předpokládané výukové činnosti a výukové metody uplatňované na seminářích: skupinová diskuse, problémové učení, řešení kazuistik, samostatné studium odborné literatury, zpracování a prezentace tezí z četby odborné literatury, plnění průběžných úkolů, příprava posteru. Výstupní dovednosti studujícího: analyzuje a kriticky reflektuje a v práci využívá odborné texty jako oporu pro vlastní odbornou argumentaci, systematizuje a s porozuměním na modelových příkladech používá základní odbornou terminologii.
- Metody hodnocení
- The course is completed by a written examination (50% of the assessment). The final grade is affected by points gained for running preparation and in-class work. Point are given for the following activities:
- Reading of compulsory and recommended literature (submission of paper in the IS)
- Active participation in class
- Preparation and presentation of a poster in class - Vyučovací jazyk
- Angličtina
- Další komentáře
- Studijní materiály
- Nachází se v prerekvizitách jiných předmětů
- SZ6039 Pedagogická psychologie
- SZ6039 Pedagogická psychologie
- Statistika zápisu (podzim 2019, nejnovější)
- Permalink: https://is.muni.cz/predmet/ped/podzim2019/SZ6639