FAPB1_16 Pathobiochemistry

Farmaceutická fakulta
jaro 2020
2/1/0. 4 kr. Ukončení: zk.
Mgr. Marie Brázdová, Ph.D. (přednášející)
Mgr. Marek Petr, Ph.D. (přednášející)
Mgr. Marie Brázdová, Ph.D. (cvičící)
Mgr. Robert Helma, Ph.D. (cvičící)
Mgr. Marek Petr, Ph.D. (cvičící)
PharmDr. Zuzana Soldánová (cvičící)
Mgr. Marie Brázdová, Ph.D.
Ústav molekulární farmacie – Ústavy – Farmaceutická fakulta
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je nabízen i studentům mimo mateřské obory.
Mateřské obory/plány
Cíle předmětu
Pathobiochemistry follows the course of Biochemistry taught in the winter semester. Biochemistry deals with the metabolic processes in living organisms.
The aim of the Pathobiochemistry course is to obtain knowledge of the possible disorders of metabolic processes, their causes, symptoms, possible reparations and therapy.
The aim of the practical exercises are analyzes of some selected diagnostically important compounds, the correct interpretation of the results of analyzes and their use for the purpose of human diagnostic and therapeutic practice.
  • Syllabus Pathobiochemistry

    1. Introduction, the importance of studying pathobiochemistry. The scope and requirements for successful completion of the course exam, recommended literature. Understanding the regulation of metabolism. Hormones. Biochemical communication.
    2. Metabolism disorders, types and causes. Hereditary metabolic diseases. Enzymes, regulation of metabolism. Causes increased activity of cellular enzymes in the plasma. Clinically significant enzymes.
    3. Pathobiochemistry of carbohydrates, glucose metabolism and its disorders. Glycemic control disorders. Pathobiochemistry of diabetes mellitus, types of DM. Disorders of glycogen metabolism, glykogenosis.
    4. Amino acid metabolism and its disorders. Types of diseases and therapy.
    5. Disorders of lipid metabolism. Cholesterol, lipoproteins. Lipidosy, dyslipoproteinaemia.
    6. Pathobiochemistry of arteriosclerosis. Ischemic heart failure - cardiac markers.
    7. The nucleic acid metabolism disorders of purine and pyrimidine. Hyperuricemia, orotacidurie, therapy.
    8. Blood, blood plasma proteins. Blood clotting, coagulopathy. Dysproteinaemias. Porphyrins. Biosynthesis, metabolism disorders. Porphyria, hemoglobinopathies.
    9. Xenobiotics and their effects on the body. Detoxification mechanism. Biological oxidation. The effects of free radicals on the organism. Lipoperoxidation antioxidants.
    10. Tumor, tumor markers. Basic characteristics of tumor cells. Strategy laboratory tests. Requirements ideal tumor marker. Used tumor markers.
    11. Relation between Pathobiochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry. Clinical and biochemical analysis and its specific features. Terminology of Clinical Biochemistry. The analyzed material. Material removal.
    12. Analysis of urea and the urinary sediment. Immunochemical methods.
    13. Mechanization and automation in clinical biochemistry. Analyzers, their distribution from different perspectives. Diagnostic kits. The organization of work in clinical-biochemical laboratory, laboratory and hospital information systems.
    Sylabus of practical exercises in pathobiochemistry:
    1. Exercise: Analysis of tumor suppressor by immunodetection on the membrane.
    2. Exercise: Basic biochemical determinations using a biochemical analyzer Dimension.
    3. Exercise: Immunochemical methods. Analyzer Immulite Immunoassay Analyzer.
    4. Exercise: Hematological methods. Use of automated hematology analyzers in clinical practice. Coagulation methods.
    5. Exercise: Final test
    Guarantors: Mgr. Marie Brázdová, Ph.D.,
    Tutorial lecturers:
    Mgr. Marie BRÁZDOVÁ, Ph.D.
    Mgr. R. Helm, Mgr. M. Peter, Mgr. Adamík, Mgr. Z. Bábková
    Mgr. Marie BRÁZDOVÁ, Ph.D.
    Mgr. J. Jelinek
    Garant of discipline:
    Mgr. Marie Brázdová, PhD.

    doporučená literatura
  • TOMANDL, J., Táborská,E. Biochemistry-seminars. 2012. info
  • Robbins and Cotran. Pathological Basis of Disease. 2010. info
  • MURRAY, R. K. Harper´s Illustrated Biochemistry. 2006. info
  • Koolman,J., RöhmK.H. Color Atlas of Biochemistry. 2004. info
  • HARVEY, R. A. Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Biochemistry. 2004. info
  • SMITH, C. Marks´Basic Medical Biochemistry. 2004. info
  • APPS,D.K.,COHEN,B.B.,STEEL,C.M. Biochemistry (A concise text for medical students). Bailliére Tindall, 1992. ISBN 70-20-1444-3. info
Vyučovací jazyk
Informace učitele
Předpokladem pro udělení zápočtu z předmětu Patobiochemie je absolvování všech praktických cvičení a odpovídající znalosti problematiky cvičení a přednášek. Kontrola znalostí je prováděna ústní i písemnou formou.
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