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Curriculum Vitae

  • Mgr. Bc. Stanislava Kováčová
  • 2009 - 2014: BA studies, Teacher Training in English Language and Special Education, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
  • 2008 - 2013: MA studies (a five-year program), Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
International Study/Research Visits
  • 10/2017 - 5/2018: University of Tehran, Iran (mentor - professor Nima Ghorbani)
  • 8/2015 - 12/2015: University of Arizona, AZ, USA (mentor - professor Jeff Stone)
  • 1/2015 - 4/2015: University of Helsinki, Finland (mentor - professor Inga Jasinskaja-Lahti)
  • 9/2012 - 1/2013: University of Groningen, Netherlands
Selected Awards/Scholarships
  • International Student Psychological Days 2011/Mezinárodní studentské psychologické dny 2011, Palacky University, Olomouc: the best student research award - won in a competition between psychology major students of all psychology departments in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic
  • Students to the World grant for talented Slovak students to study at foreign institutions - scholarship awarded by Tatra Banka Foundation
  • Travel grant awarded by Josai International University in Tokyo to attend Visegrad 4 + Japan Student Conference in Tokyo, Japan
  • LLP Erasmus, Erasmus+, Erasmus Mundus Scholarships to study at universities in the Netherlands, Finland and Iran
Training Course/Summer Schools
  • 8/2017: Learning-centred and Reflective Teaching: From Theory to Good Practice - summer school on teaching practices in higher education, Slovakia
  • 7/2017: Antall József Summer School - educational program on the cooperation of V4 countries, Hungary
  • 11/2016: Training course on No Hate Speech Movement and education for peace, Loesje Armenia, Armenia
  • 8/2016: European Association for Social Psychology Summer School at the University of Exeter - workstream “Using theory to inform behaviour change interventions”, England, UK
  • 8/2014: Utrecht Summer School at Utrecht University - course “Survey Research, Statistical Analysis and Estimation”, Netherlands
Profesional Experience
  • 4/2017 - 8/2017: The Ostrava International School, Czech Republic, School Psychologist, SEN Specialist
  • 5/2016 - 3/2017: Brno International Business School, Czech Republic, Coordinator of study programs validated by Staffordshire University
  • 6/2013 - 4/2016: Institute of Psychology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, Research Assistant, collaboration on a project 13-25656S "Determinants of Intergroup Relations: An Integrated Model of Intergroup Attitudes, Contact, Personality-, and Socially-Anchored Factors" awarded to doc. Mgr. Sylvie Graf, Ph.D. by the Czech Science Foundation
  • 9/2015 - 12/2015: Department of Pharmacology, University of Arizona, AZ, USA, Research Assistant
Teaching/Work at the Department of Psychology FSS MU
  • 11/2017: Political psychology and intergroup conflict
  • 2014 - 2017: Assisting Erasmus coordinators to select student candidates for study stays abroad
Membership in Professional Associations
  • 11/2017 - present: Association for Psychological Science Graduate Student Affiliate
  • 1/2016 - 12/2017: European Association of Social Psychology Postgraduate Member
  • GRAF, Sylvie a Stanislava KOVÁČOVÁ. Jak snižovat předsudky? Teorie meziskupinového kontaktu. Ceskoslovenska Psychologie. PRAGUE 1: Academia, 2016, roč. 60, č. 2, s. 185-196. ISSN 0009-062X. info
  • KOVÁČOVÁ, Stanislava. How can we harmonize relations between groups of people in an era of globalization? An overview of the intergroup contact theory. The Electronic Journal of Central European Studies in Japan. Tokyo, 2015, roč. 1. info
  • KOVÁČOVÁ, Stanislava. International youth exchanges and their role in reconciliation processes. In International History Festival èStoria. 2015. info
  • KOVÁČOVÁ, Stanislava. Social norms in intergroup context. In Visegrad 4 + Japan Student Conference. 2015. info
  • KOVÁČOVÁ, Stanislava. Jak bojovat s předsudky? Střetáváním kultur. In MUNI.CZ. Brno, 2015. URL info
  • KOVÁČOVÁ, Stanislava. Ako sociálne normy ovplyvňujú ľudské správanie. In M. Blatný, M. Jelínek, P. Květoň, V. Nielsen, D. Vobořil. Sborník příspěvků z konference Sociální procesy a osobnost. Brno, 2014, s. 166-169. info
  • KOVÁČOVÁ, Stanislava. Conformity in assessing attractiveness of opposite-sex faces. In 17th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. 2014. info
  • KOVÁČOVÁ, Stanislava a Jaroslava DOSEDLOVÁ. Vplyv injunktívnej a deskriptívnej spätnej väzby na spotrebu elektrickej energie domácností. Klinická psychologie a osobnost. Brno, 2013, roč. 1, s. 53-68. ISSN 1805-6393. info


Curriculum Vitae: Mgr. Bc. Stanislava Kováčová (učo 344005), version: English(1), last update: 2019/05/29 17:11, S. Kováčová