Parallel bars 10 – Shoulderstand

The element begins in straddle sit position with hands in front of the body by active upward movement of the hips. Shoulders are resting on the bars over the bent arms, elbows out. The gymnast puts his extended legs together while moving upwards to the shoulderstand. The head is slightly extended, the eyes follow the ground.


View of the practitioner

Shoulderstand: View of the practitioner

From a mechanical point of view, the movement to the shoulderstand is based on the mechanical work done by the muscles, especially the trunk extensors. This provides the body with potential energy, which is related to the increasing height of the body's centre of gravity. In the final position, the body's centre of gravity is above the base of support. It is desirable that the body's balance movements are executed in a minimum range. In general, the resultant of all applied moments of force has to equal zero.

Shoulderstand: Biomechanics
  • Head flexed.
  • Shoulders laid too close to the hands.
  • Physical preparation 1

    It is important to do core strengthening exercises.

    Shoulderstand: Physical preparation 1.1
    Shoulderstand: Physical preparation 1.2
  • Drill 1

    Start by practicing headstand on the floor.

    Shoulderstand: Drill 1.1
    Shoulderstand: Drill 1.2
  • Drill 2

    Use push up bars to practice the shoulderstand before moving to the parallel bars.

    Shoulderstand: Drill 2.1
    Shoulderstand: Drill 2.2

The spotter supports the gymnast at the back with one hand passing under the bar, the other hand helps the upward movement by holding the gymnast above the knee.

Shoulderstand: Spotting