Valut 3 – Squat through
- Technique
- View of the practitioner
- Biomechanics
- Faults
- Physical preparation
- Drill
- Spotting
- Worksheets
After run-up and take-off, the first flight phase occurs. The head is extended, the arms continue to move upward and touch the apparatus at an acute angle. We try to perform an active backward swing of the lower limbs. With a short and strong push-up from the shoulders and hands, we move to the second flight phase, the legs bend into squat just after the push-up from the hands. Before landing, the trunk rises up, the arms swing forward and sideward.
After the take-off, the gymnast rotates forward during the 1st flight phase. He touches the apparatus at an acute angle. This results in a firm support of the arms against the apparatus, allowing the gymnast to generate a large push-up force. This force will also be the higher the shorter the contact time with the apparatus, as the impulse-momentum theorem implies. Before the angle between the arms and the apparatus is 90°, the gymnast strongly pushes-up from the shoulders and flies. The whole body rotates backward in squat position. Then the gymnast lands.
- Excessive forward trunk lean in the take-off phase leading to the excessive shoulder flexion in the support phase of the arms against the apparatus.
- The hands remain on the apparatus for too long.
- The trunk is insufficiently straighten before the landing.
Physical preparation 1
Jumping pre-elements are required before practicing the squat through.
Physical preparation 2
Jumping from the front to squat support and back strengthens the muscles of the brachial plexus.
Squat through: Physical preparation 2 -
Physical preparation 3
We can also strengthen the arms by jumping forward into a squat support.
Squat through: Physical preparation 3 -
Physical preparation 4
Next are jumps to squat with hands rebounding off the mat.
Squat through: Physical preparation 4
Drill 1
The drill can be started with a squat through from a squat position from an elevated surface.
Squat through: Drill 1 -
Drill 2
The next step is a squat through using a vaulting box along. The element is performed without a springboard with single leg take off.
Squat through: Drill 2 -
Drill 3
Gradually increase the vaulting box.
Squat through: Drill 3 -
Drill 4
Continue with repeated rebounds off the springboard with a jump onto the box to the squat support, then dismount.
Squat through: Drill 4.1 When jumping over a vaulting box oriented across, we must use one with a trapezoidal shape.
Squat through: Drill 4.2 -
Drill 5
Practice the run up, the jump to the squat support on the box, the dismount. First with spotting, then without.
Squat through: Drill 5.1 Squat through: Drill 5.2 -
Drill 6
We perform the whole element with assistance, then without it.
Squat through: Drill 6
Spotting is provided from the side, standing behind the apparatus, by holding the gymnast with one hand above the elbow and the other hand below the elbow. The spotter supports the gymnast until safe landing.