Project Management


Video activity


Before you watch the video, think about possible challenges of managing multiple projects simultaneously.

Task 2

Now watch the video below on handling multiple projects and answer the following questions.

How Many Projects Can a Project Manager Manage?
  1. Why do many project managers prefer having one project?

    To be able to focus their full attention on it.
  2. Why do some project managers like to work on more projects?

    Some like to have more variety. / They feel they perform better when there are multiple projects going on at the same time.
  3. Why might it be a good idea to manage one more thing than we can comfortably handle?

    It forces us to stretch and grow.
  4. What are the recent findings about multitasking?

    Recent findings suggest that deep focus on one task can have significantly better outcomes than multitasking which people are actually bad at, despite common myths.
  5. What two aspects are important when it comes to managing multiple projects?

    Time and focus.
  6. In project management, what warning signs should individuals watch for in themselves?

    They should watch for warning signs of high stress levels in themselves.