The portal of electronic information resources at Masaryk University offers in the list of resources the following databases: MEDLINE Complete, MEDLINE (OVID SP), MEDLINE (PubMed). First, let us explain the difference between these databases:
MEDLINE – is a bibliographic database of articles from medical and biomedical journals. This database is managed by the USA National library of Medicine (NLM). It contains more than 25 million article citations, and currently records of articles from 5,200 medical and biomedical journals from all over the world are being added. The contents of the database are freely available via the online PubMed interface/database.
MEDLINE (PubMed) – this is how we refer to the PubMed interface/database. The PubMed database is freely available online at and makes the content of the MEDLINE database available. This database is managed by the USA National library of Medicine (NLM). Moreover, PubMed offers records of articles of selected field-specific (or field-related) journals which are not indexed in Medline.
MEDLINE Complete – is a subscription online database from the publisher EBSCO. The contents of MEDLINE Complete are identical with MEDLINE, with the difference that access to full texts is offered for part of the contents.
MEDLINE (Ovid SP) – this is a subscription online database by the publisher Wolters Kluwer, who provides the data in their own search interface called Ovid. This database contains records of articles from the MEDLINE database.