If you find too many records/no records

If you find to many records

If you find no more than 100 records, it may still be useful to go through them and find out which relate to your topic. However, if you find more than 100 records, we recommend that you make your search more specific either by means of the panel (see the preceding page) or by adding another key word.

If you haven’t found anything

If you do not find any records with your query, you have two options:

  1. Look for the very specific key words in abstracts/key words of the records not in the titles. In our case the very specific word was “ice hockey” because relevant publications may include both ice and field hockey and therefore the authors included only the word “hockey” in their titles.

  2. If the preceding step does not reveal any records either, you should change something in the search query and substitute a specific term with a more generic one. In our example we could use “winter sports” instead of “ice hockey”.

If full text is not available

If there is neither a direct link to the full text nor a link to a linking service next to the record you found, use the Discovery system to find out whether this text is available. This occurs because all the links are created by a system, not manually. It may therefore happen that the university actually has the online form of the required publication available, but this link was not successfully added to the record found.

That is why we recommend opening the A-to-Z list of e-journals and e-books that the university subscribes to and manually verifying if the journal/book is available. If the respective title is not even in this list, we recommend checking whether it might be available on the internet (some journals provide older issues for free on their websites). If you cannot find the publication in this way either, it is time to use ILL (interlibrary loan), i.e. contact your library with a request for an interlibrary loan or a copy of the document you want. Note, however, that ILL can be used only for titles that are not available in any library located in the same city. For example, if the document is stored in the Moravian Library in Brno, the student’s request for such a publication in the Masaryk University Library will be denied and the student should obtain the publication from the Moravian Library.