Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology - Introductory information

Dear students,

welcome to the Educational Psychology course. Requirements for completion and basic information about the course can be found in the attached presentation.  The study time of the topic is always in the range of up to two hours, in case of interest, it is possible to study the enclosed materials.

The course objectives:

The course is a follow up of bachelor’s study courses (Introduction to education and psychology; Developmental psychology; Social psychology).  The chapters in an interactive sylabus do provide some repetition of these basic psychological disciplines.
The course deepens and theoretically anchors knowledge and experience of students gained during teaching practice and field-specific methodology courses.
The course is based on the current findings in psychological and educational research of formal and informal teaching situations. 

Learning outcomes:

After completing the course, the student will be able to:
- understand and use the basic terminology and concepts of educational psychology;
- apply gained theoretical knowledge thorough understanding (description, analyses, interpretation and evaluation) of teaching situations;
- reflect on and characterize educational school environment (of the school of student’s own teaching practice) in psychological terms;
- describe and explain and present a case study of individually-specific learning processes;
- based on psychological report, present in own words the results of a psychological examination and principles of work with the pupil (including context of legislation – methodological recommendations);
- reflect on typical teaching situations from the point of view of chosen theories of educational psychology;
- produce a case study with the help of a relevant (Czech and international) literature review;
- design an example of a learning task and formulate differentiated instruction (cognitive difficulty) considering individual needs of the pupil.


Which part of the video do you find most interesting? 

What metaphor does Ken Robinson use for traditional education?

What challenges does he see for the present school? 

Which metaphor for education would you use to describe schooling in your own country?

Educational Psychology (Seifert and Sutton, 2020)
Online link on compulsory literature (international online open access textbook)

Course information 2023
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