- Definition of forest
- Deforestation
- Timber frontier, colonization
- Forest management: traditional vs modern
- Forest transition
Environmental history
Forests from global and regional perspectives (P. Szabó)
Lecture structure
09 Forests in regional and global perspectives
Supplementary reading
- CHAZDON, R. L., BRANCALION, P. H., LAESTADISU, L., BENNET-CURRY, A., ... & WILSON, S. J. (2016) When is a forest a forest? Forest concepts and definitions in the era of forest and landscape restoration. Ambio 45: 538-550.
- MUIGG, B., SKIADARESIS, G., TEGEL, W., HERZIG, F., KRUSIC, P.J., SCHMIDT, U.E., & BÜNTGEN, U. (2020). Tree rings reveal signs of Europe’s sustainable forest management long before the first historical evidence. Scientific reports 10: 21832.
- PLUYMERS, K. (2021) No wood, no kingdom: political ecology in the English Atlantic. University of Pennsylvania Press.
- SZABÓ, P., DINIZ, É. S. & HOUŠKA, J. (2023) Traditional agroforestry on forested land: a comprehensive analysis of its distribution pattern in the 19th century. Agroforestry Systems: early online.
- WILLIAMS, M. (2003) Deforesting the earth: from prehistory to global crisis. University of Chicago Press.
Further interesting and supplementary links