Combating Global Social Challenges and Risks: Practical Workshop

Tips and tricks for final presentation

deadline for submission POSTPONED 29th November 12.00H (IS)

course requirements - deadline for submission 27th November 12.00H (IS)
1.Map of the Problem (visual system map)
2.Background Research Paper (5,000 words)
3.Conference Presentation

Written and visual outputs

Students will submit 3 outputs that will be evaluated according to the criteria listed below.

1. A System Map

In this deliverable, participants present their findings visually, in the form of a system map. Students must not only demonstrate the importance and complexity of their chosen social or environmental issue, but also present the information in a way that is engaging and understandable to a wider audience.

While students are not expected to map all components of a given system, they are expected to go beyond network maps, actor maps or stakeholder maps. They should focus their efforts only on those components that are relevant in the context and that are necessary to highlight in order to understand the current state of the system - that is, the elements that are necessary to explain the current state of the system, including the key points necessary for its transformation. The idea is to make the research understandable and informative for a wider audience, and to make people understand the importance and complexity of the chosen problem.

The visual design should show how the different parts of the system interact to create the problem. It should clearly show the relationships between the different parts of the system. It should show how the interaction of these relationships leads to the creation of the problem. For example, how interactions affect feedback loops.

Output format:

Students may submit a map(s) of the system in other visual platforms, such as PowerPoint, Prezi, PDF, infographic, or web page.

2. Research summary

As a second deliverable, students must also attach a written summary of the research findings to the system map. The purpose is to provide a descriptive addition to the system map, which should include key insights and lessons learned from the system analysis and problem research.

Output format:

.pdf or word (.doc or .docx) file, maximum 5,000 words excluding footnotes.

3. Detailed bibliography and sources

Thirdly, students must include a detailed bibliography listing the sources developed in the research. This should include a variety of sources and materials, ranging from academic texts and articles to editorials and personal interviews. Where possible, participants should also include relevant references so that the reader can access the source and so that participants can support the research of others interested in the topic.

Output format:

.pdf or word file (.doc or .docx)

Oral presentation

In addition to the written submissions, students will also prepare an oral presentation for the final Map the System event / AKA student conference/

Students will present their results to the jury. Participants will have the opportunity to briefly present the contextual framework of their chosen problem through the lens of systems thinking and highlight the most important aspects of the systems analysis performed. They must demonstrate that they understand the broader system in which their problem exists: what are the root causes of the problem and what elements may be necessary for transformation?

Students are not required to present a solution, but rather to demonstrate an understanding of the current state of their chosen problem. Students should also be able to present a new perspective on the identified problem that reflects systems thinking: any assumptions, system patterns, connections, gaps and potential levers of change resulting from the systems analysis.

Oral presentations are most similar to competitions in which start-ups seek investor support, but only in that here too participants tell a story. It is not so much about convincing the audience as it is about impressing them with the depth of the research, their own research and their ability to perceive connections, blind spots and potential levers.


MtS Presentation Steps
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