Bookmarks of the following user: Mgr. Martin Brakl, učo 410316
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Bookmarks of the following user: Mgr. Martin Brakl, učo 410316
Cisco Packet Tracer Labs
Riešené príklady z packet traceru pre CCNA a množstvo ďalšieho materiálu, ktorý pomôže pri robení úloh z Cisco academy.
1 user, first 19/10/2019, Martin Brakl, bookmarks, peopleVirusTotal
Analyze suspicious files and URLs to detect types of malware, automatically share them with the security community
1 user, first 26/9/2019, Martin Brakl, bookmarks, peopleMining of Massive Datasets - original book for PA212 (including video commentar from Stanford lectors)
This is a link on the original book and online course from Stanford university, that was used for the course FI:PA212. This homepage includes public accesible links on Youtube where you can watch the original video commentars from lectors of Stanford university. You can consider it as video recording of lectures that are not recorded on FI and may find a lot of helpful explanations in case you miss the lecture on FI.
2 users, first 31/5/2019, Martin Brakl, bookmarks, peopleB1P2: Difference between Kendalls's Tau and Spearman's rho 2 users, first 30/5/2019, Martin Brakl, bookmarks, people
B1P2: Kendalls's Tau Correlation Coefficient - calculation example (~5+6min video)
Nice example of counting Spearman's coefficient.
2 users, first 30/5/2019, Martin Brakl, bookmarks, peopleB1P2: Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient - calculation by hand (~9min video)
Nice example of counting Spearman's coefficient on paper.
2 users, first 30/5/2019, Martin Brakl, bookmarks, peopleB1P1: MapReduce algorithm explanation (~14min video)
Nice, short and clear explanation of MapReduce mechanism / algorithm for subject FI:PA212.
1 user, first 28/5/2019, Martin Brakl, bookmarks, peopleLIMITATOR - Online limit calculator
Je to v skutočnosti sada online matematických nástrojov, ale pre nás je dôležité, že má nástroje počítajúce: limity, derivácie, taylorove a maclaurinove rady, integrály a aj nekonečné rady. Vrátane postupu.
1 user, first 11/6/2016, Martin Brakl, bookmarks, people