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The Alumni Card allows Masaryk University graduates to utilise university benefits even after completing their studies.

With the Alumni Card, you have better access to educational and cultural experiences:

  • free access to all university libraries and their electronic databases,
  • discounts on lifelong learning courses,
  • savings on entry fees to Brno cultural institutions,
  • further info at

The Alumni Card’s validity is unlimited – you do not need to extend the validity of the card to make use of university benefits.

If you have lost your card and want to arrange a replacement, write to us at

In addition to university benefits, the Alumni Card also brings a number of contractually assured commercial benefits outside the university. These benefits are provided by the company GTS ALIVE s.r.o., with which we cooperate in issuing the cards. Further information available at

You can find further information and current benefits at the Alumni web pages.

Contact information
E-mail address: