Select programme
Programme (faculty, abbreviation, name)Operation
PřF B-ANT AnthropologyShow
PřF B-AEG Applied and environmental geologyShow
PřF B-BIC BiochemistryShow
PřF B-BB Biology and BiochemistryShow
PřF B-UCB Biology focused on teachingShow
PřF B-MBB Computational biology and biomedicineShow
PřF B-DAE Data AnalyticsShow
PřF B-EKB Ecological and Evolutionary BiologyShow
PřF B-ZPZ Environment and HealthShow
PřF B-EMB Experimental and Molecular BiologyShow
PřF B-GEK Geography and CartographyShow
PřF B-UCZ Geography and Cartography focused on teachingShow
PřF B-GEO GeologyShow
PřF B-CHE ChemistryShow
PřF B-CKR Chemistry and Technology of Materials for Conservation – RestorationShow
PřF B-UCC Chemistry focused on teachingShow
PřF B-MAT MathematicsShow
PřF B-UCM Mathematics focused on teachingShow
PřF B-LGM Medical Genetics and Molecular DiagnosticsShow
PřF B-FYZ PhysicsShow
PřF B-NAN Physics – nanotechnologyShow
PřF B-UCF Physics focused on teachingShow
PřF B-SDV Statistical Data ScienceShow
PřF B-MVZ Water Resources ManagementShow
PřF N-ANT AnthropologyShow
PřF N-AEG Applied and environmental geologyShow
PřF N-AGG Applied geography and geoinformatics (inactive)Show
PřF N-APM Applied MathematicsShow
PřF N-BIA Bioanalytical Laboratory Diagnostics in Medicine - BioanalyticShow
PřF N-LGM Bioanalytical Laboratory Diagnostics in Medicine - Medical Genetics and Molecular DiagnosticsShow
PřF N-BCT Biochemical and Cellular TechnologiesShow
PřF N-BIC BiochemistryShow
PřF N-BINF BioinformaticsShow
PřF N-BIF BiophysicsShow
PřF N-BTC BiotechnologyShow
PřF N-BOT BotanyShow
PřF N-GKG Cartography and geoinformaticsShow
PřF N-CELLBI Cell BiologyShow
PřF N-MBB Computational biology and biomedicineShow
PřF N-ZPZ Environment and HealthShow
PřF N-EBZ Experimental Animal Biology and ImmunologyShow
PřF N-EBR Experimental Plant BiologyShow
PřF N-GRS Geoenvironmental risks and remediationsShow
PřF N-GGE Geography of Global Environmental ChangeShow
PřF N-GEO GeologyShow
PřF N-BCL Human BiologyShow
PřF N-CEHH Chemical exposome and human health: from research to decisionShow
PřF N-CHE ChemistryShow
PřF N-CKR Chemistry and Technology of Materials for Conservation – RestorationShow
PřF N-MAT MathematicsShow
PřF N-MIK MicrobiologyShow
PřF N-MICE MicroscopyShow
PřF N-MIC MicroscopyShow
PřF N-MCBE Molecular and Cell BiologyShow
PřF N-MBG Molecular Biology and GeneticsShow
PřF N-OCH Nature ConservationShow
PřF N-FYG Physical geographyShow
PřF N-FYZ PhysicsShow
PřF N-RFY Radiological PhysicsShow
PřF N-SGR Social geography and regional developmentShow
PřF N-SDV Statistical Data ScienceShow
PřF N-UCM Teaching of Mathematics for Secondary SchoolsShow
PřF N-UCD Teaching of Technical Drawing for Secondary SchoolsShow
PřF N-UCB Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in BiologyShow
PřF N-UCZ Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Geography and CartographyShow
PřF N-UCC Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in ChemistryShow
PřF N-UCF Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in PhysicsShow
PřF N-VIR VirologyShow
PřF N-MVZ Water Resources ManagementShow
PřF N-ZOL ZoologyShow
PřF M-UCB Teacher of Biology for Secondary School (inactive)Show
PřF M-UCZ Teacher of Geography and Geoinformatics for Secondary School (inactive)Show
PřF M-UCC Teacher of Chemistry for Secondary School (inactive)Show
PřF M-UCM Teacher of Mathematics for Secondary School (inactive)Show
PřF M-UCF Teacher of Physics for Secondary School (inactive)Show
PřF D-ANGE_ Analytical GeochemistShow
PřF D-ANGEA_ Analytical GeochemistShow
PřF D-FIVBZ_ Animal physiology, immunology and developmental biologyShow
PřF D-FIVBZA_ Animal physiology, immunology and developmental biologyShow
PřF D-ANTR_ AnthropologyShow
PřF D-ANTRA_ AnthropologyShow
PřF D-BIACH_ Bioanalytical chemistryShow
PřF D-BIACHA_ Bioanalytical chemistryShow
PřF D-BCH_ BiochemistryShow
PřF D-BCHA_ BiochemistryShow
PřF D-BINFOA_ Biomolecular chemistry and bioinformaticsShow
PřF D-BINFO_ Biomolecular chemistry and bioinformaticsShow
PřF D-KADP_ Cartography, geoinformatics and remote sensingShow
PřF D-KADPA_ Cartography, geoinformatics and remote sensingShow
PřF D-EKEBA_ Ecological and Evolutionary BiologyShow
PřF D-EKEB_ Ecological and Evolutionary BiologyShow
PřF D-ZPZA_ Environmental Health SciencesShow
PřF D-ZPZ_ Environmental Health SciencesShow
PřF D-EXPBIOA Experimental plant biologyShow
PřF D-EXPBIO Experimental plant biologyShow
PřF D-GEPRA_ Genomics and ProteomicsShow
PřF D-GEPR_ Genomics and ProteomicsShow
PřF D-GEOLA_ GeologyShow
PřF D-GEOL_ GeologyShow
PřF D-CHEA_ ChemistryShow
PřF D-CHE_ ChemistryShow
PřF D-VZPA_ Life SciencesShow
PřF D-VZP_ Life SciencesShow
PřF D-MA_ Mathematics and StatisticsShow
PřF D-MAA_ Mathematics and StatisticsShow
PřF D-MIKR_ MicrobiologyShow
PřF D-MIKRA_ MicrobiologyShow
PřF D-MBBGA_ Molecular and Cell Biology and GeneticsShow
PřF D-MBBG_ Molecular and Cell Biology and GeneticsShow
PřF D-FYGR_ Physical geographyShow
PřF D-FYGRA_ Physical GeographyShow
PřF D-FYA_ PhysicsShow
PřF D-FY_ PhysicsShow
PřF D-AFYRA_ Plant Anatomy and PhysiologyShow
PřF D-AFYR_ Plant Anatomy and PhysiologyShow
PřF D-SGRR_ Social geography and regional developmentShow
PřF D-SGRRA_ Social Geography and Regional DevelopmentShow