ESF NPEM01 Business Management
Name in Czech: Podniková ekonomika a management
master's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: ESF N-PEM Business Management

Introductory information / Instructions

POZOR: tato šablona má pouze orientační charakter – pro registraci a zápis předmětů je nutno použít aktuální registrační šablonu. Průchod studiem kontrolujte výhradně dle kontrolní šablony určené pro váš imatrikulační ročník.

Semester 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
ESF:MPE_CMIESeminar in Microeconomics O. Krčálz 0/2/05 - P
ESF:MPE_MIE2Microeconomics 2 O. Krčálzk 2/0/04 Z P
ESF:MPH_OEUROrganizational ethics and sustainable development A. Klapalovázk 0/1/02 P P
ESF:MPH_STMGStrategic management O. Částekzk 2/2/08 Z P
ESF:MPH_SYRPCorporate Management Systems R. Škapazk 2/2/08 Z P
ESF:MPJ_JII1AaForeign Language II/1 - English M. Kovaříkováz 0/2/02 - PV
ESF:MPJ_JII1FaForeign Language II/1 - French M. Červenkováz 0/2/02 - PV
ESF:MPJ_JII1NaForeign Language II/1 - German P. Sojkováz 0/2/02 - PV
ESF:MPJ_JII1RaForeign Language II/1 - Russian M. Ševečkováz 0/2/02 - PV
ESF:MPJ_JII1SaForeign Language II/1 - Spanish V. De Azevedo Camachoz 0/2/02 - PV
37 credits

Semester 2

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
ESF:MPE_MAE2Macroeconomics 2 J. Čapekzk 2/0/04 P P
ESF:MPH_EVPPEmpirical research for business practice O. Částekzk 1/2/06 Z P
ESF:MPH_TEDPMaster Thesis J. Procházkaz 0/2/03 P P
ESF:MPJ_JII2AbForeign Language II/2 - English M. Kovaříkovázk 0/2/03 - PV
ESF:MPJ_JII2FbForeign Language II/2 - French M. Červenkovázk 0/2/03 - PV
ESF:MPJ_JII2NbForeign Language II/2 - German P. Sojkovázk 0/2/03 - PV
ESF:MPJ_JII2RbForeign Language II/2 - Russian (B2) M. Ševečkovázk 0/2/03 - PV
ESF:MPJ_JII2SbForeign Language II/2 - Spanish V. De Azevedo Camachozk 0/2/03 - PV
ESF:MPP_PRPRLabour Law P. Dvořákovázk 2/0/04 - P
32 credits

Semester 3

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
ESF:MPF_FIFICorporate Finance T. Výrostzk 2/2/05 Z P
ESF:MPH_DIS1Diploma Thesis Seminar 1 J. Procházkaz 0/2/012 P P
ESF:MPH_PRAXInternships A. Šafrová Drášilováz 0/0/04 - P
ESF:MPH_RLIZHuman Resources Management J. Procházkazk 2/2/08 Z P
29 credits

Semester 4

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
ESF:MPH_DIS2Diploma Thesis Seminar 2 J. Procházkaz 0/0/012 P P
12 credits

Any semester

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
ESF:BPM_AOMEQuantitative Methods for Decision Making M. Matulovázk 2/2/08 - PV
ESF:BPP_PRMOInternational Trade Law R. Malachtazk 2/0/04 - PV
ESF:BPV_DASYTaxation System P. Valouchzk 2/2/06 - PV
ESF:MPE_CMAESeminar in Macroeconomics J. Čapekz 0/2/05 - PV
ESF:MPF_MUSTInternational Financial Reporting E. Horvátovázk 2/2/06 - PV
ESF:MPF_UOKKBusiness accounting and consolidation E. Hýblovázk 0/26 - PV
ESF:MPH_AIMAInternational Management S. Žáková Talpovázk 1/1/04 - PV
ESF:MPH_BUPABusiness Process Analysis R. Škapazk 1/2/05 - PV
ESF:MPH_CONTControlling and business intelligence L. Šiškak 0/2/04 - PV
ESF:MPH_DMSMStrategic Digital Marketing D. Mladenovičzk 2/2/06 - PV
ESF:MPH_HRMPHuman Resource Management Practices N. Houtzamerz 0/1/02 - PV
ESF:MPH_INMGInnovation management M. Jirásekz 0/3/05 - PV
ESF:MPH_MAKKMarketing comunication R. Čuhlovázk 2/2/06 - PV
ESF:MPH_MEOBInternational Trade L. Kuchynkovázk 1/1/04 - PV
ESF:MPH_MIDAManagement in the Digital Age F. Gonizk 2/0/04 - PV
ESF:MPH_MZPOManagement consulting E. Švandovázk 1/1/04 - PV
ESF:MPH_OBDOBusiness skills and negotiation I. Ingrštk in blocks - 24 hodin blokové výuky4 - PV
ESF:MPH_ORBEOrganizational Behavior T. Ondráčekzk 1/1/04 - PV
ESF:MPH_PODNBusiness P. Pirožekk 1/1/04 - PV
ESF:MPH_PRMGProject management S. Žáková Talpovázk 1/1/04 - PV
ESF:MPH_PROJProject J. Procházkaz 0/0/04 - PV
ESF:MPH_SOMAOperations Management R. Škapazk 2/2/06 - PV
ESF:MPH_SPOFCorporate Social Responsibility A. Klapalovázk 2/1/0 12p+12s (akreditace Kosmetologie FaF).5 - PV
ESF:MPH_VILEVisiting lecturer J. Procházkaz 0/0/0 Blokově.4 - PV
ESF:MPH_WELBWell-being at the workplace J. Procházkak in blocks - 40 hodin výuky prezečně + 10 hodin on-line, která bude probíhat ve čtecím týdnu v Norsku5 - PV
ESF:MPM_EVBAAutomatic processing of big data in Excel P. Lasákzk 0/2/05 - PV
ESF:MPV_RKMDCommunication and Managerial Skills training R. Lukášováz 1/2/04 - PV
128 credits