FSpS NUTVj Secondary School Teacher Training in Physical Education
Name in Czech: Učitelství tělesné výchovy pro základní a střední školy
master's combined single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FSpS N-UTV Secondary School Teacher Training in Physical Education

Study-related information

Recommended progress through the study plan

Diplomová práce (min 20kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:nk4001Methodology J. Zhánělzk 7/13/06 2P
FSpS:n4002Master's Thesis 1 Z. Reguliz 0/0/07 3-
FSpS:n4004Master's Thesis 2 Z. Reguliz 0/0/07 4P
20 credits

Povinné předměty (P)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:n4003English R. Prucklovázk 0/0/02 3-
FSpS:n4114 -- 0/0- 1P
FSpS:n4120Pedagogical Practices 1 J. Sliackyz 0/0/0 120 hod.4 2P
FSpS:n4130Pedagogical Practices 1 J. Sliackyz 0/0/0 90 hod.3 3P
FSpS:n4131Pedagogical Practices 3 J. Sliackyz 0/0/0 60 hod.2 3P
FSpS:n4132Reflection on Practice 2 J. Sliackyz 0/0/0 60 hod.2 3P
FSpS:n4135 -- 0/0- 3P
FSpS:n4150Didactics of sports in winter conditions T. Možnázk 0/0/0 kurz 5 D.2 1-
FSpS:nk4005Research Trends in Kinanthropology M. Zvonařz 7/0/02 2Z
FSpS:nk4112School Pedagogy V. Jůvazk 7/7/03 1Z
FSpS:nk4113Psychology for Teachers V. Jůvazk 7/7/03 1Z
FSpS:nk4115Didactics of Physical Education V. Jůvazk 7/7/03 1Z
FSpS:nk4116Theory and Didactics of Basketball and Volleyball T. Vencúrikzk 7/13/04 1P
FSpS:nk4117Didactics of Swimming S. Kodešovázk 0/13/03 1P
FSpS:nk4119Didactics of Floorball and Nontraditional Sports J. Nykodýmzk 0/13/03 1P
FSpS:nk4121Reflection on Practice 1 J. Sliackyz 0/0/0 7 h blokově.3 2P
FSpS:nk4122Personal and Social Development P. Sojákz 7/0/0 +3 D.2 2P
FSpS:nk4123Didactics of Gymnastics L. Svobodovázk 7/13/04 2P
FSpS:nk4124Didactics of Track and Field Z. Hlavoňovázk 7/13/04 2P
FSpS:nk4127Theory and Didactics of Football, Ice-Hockey and Figure Skating J. Nykodýmzk 7/13/04 2P
FSpS:nk4133Special Education A. Skotákovázk 0/7/02 3P
FSpS:nk4136Sport Pedagogy V. Jůvazk 7/7/03 3Z
FSpS:nk4138Didactics of Combatives J. Reguli Čihounkovázk 7/7/03 3P
FSpS:nk4140School Management and Counselling J. Sliackyzk 7/7/03 4P
FSpS:nk4141Psychomotricity G. Gregorovičz 0/7/02 4-
FSpS:nk4144Sociology of Sport A. Svobodazk 7/7/03 4Z
FSpS:nk4145Didactics of Adapted Physical Education A. Skotákovázk 7/72+1 4P
FSpS:nk4210Sports Psychology and Coaching V. Jůvazk 0/13/04 3Z
76 credits

Povinně-volitelné předměty (PV)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:nk4743Integrated Rescue System M. Zvonařz 7/7/03 --
FSpS:nk4041Ethics and Social Responsibility V. Moudrzk 7/7/04 --
FSpS:nk4052Applied Kinesiology R. Vysokýzk 13/13/06 --
FSpS:nk4053Stress Testing M. Zvonařz 7/7/03 --
FSpS:nk4220Project Management in Sport O. Racekzk 7/13/05 --
FSpS:nk4223Teambuilding P. Sojákzk 7/7/04 --
FSpS:nk4232Principles of Organizing Outdoor Activities S. Hřebíčkovázk 0/13/04 --
FSpS:nk4320Sports Nutrition and Doping M. Kumstátzk 13/0/04 --
33 credits

Filozofie sportu

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:e058Philosophy of Sport E. Hurychzk 1/1/03 1Z
FSpS:nk4118Philosophy of Sport E. Hurychzk 7/7/03 1Z
6 credits

Úvod do ped. praxe

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:n4111Introduction to Pedagogical Practices J. Sliackyz 0/0/0 120 hodin.4 1P
FSpS:nk4111 -- 0/0- 1P
4 credits