LF BORT0 Ortoptics
Name in Czech: Ortoptika
bachelor's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: LF B-ORTO Ortoptics

Recommended progress through the study plan

1. ročník

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
LF:BKBC011pBiochemistry - lecture H. Paulovázk 2/0/0 30.3 1Z
LF:BKBI011Biology - lecture I. Slaninovázk 2/0/0 30.3 1Z
LF:BKLT011Medical Latin L. Švandazk 0/2/0 30.2 1Z
LF:BKZA011pBases of Anatomy - lecture M. Joukalzk 3/0/0 45.4 1Z
LF:BOAF0131pAnatomy and Physiology of the Eye I K. Skorkovskáz 1/0/0 15.1 1P
LF:BOFY0121pPhysiology I - lecture P. Babulaz 2/0/0 30.1 1Z
LF:BOPP011cFirst Aid in Medicine L. Dadákz 0/0/1 15.1 1Z
LF:BTEP0111pEpidemiology - lecture M. Kolářovázk 1/0/0 15.2 1Z
LF:BTFO0111cPhysiological optics – practice S. Synekz 0/0/2 30.2 1P
LF:BTFO0111pPhysiological optics – lecture S. Synekzk 1/0/0 15.2 1P
LF:BTMI0111sMicrobiology - seminary O. Zahradníčekz 0/1/0 15.1 1P
LF:BTPE0121pPediatrics I - lecture H. Hrstkováz 1/0/0 15.1 1P
LF:BTPO0121cThe Ip. care in Pediatry-cv D. Soldánováz 0/1/0 15.1 1P
LF:BTPO0121sNursing care in Pediatry-seminar D. Soldánováz 0/1/0 15.1 1P
LF:BTVZ0111pPublic Health - lecture P. Kaňováz 1/0/0 15.1 1Z
LF:BKHI021pHistology - lecture H. Kotasovázk 2/0/0 30.3 2Z
LF:BKPA021pPathology M. Hermanovák 2/0/0 30.2 2Z
LF:BOAF0232cAnatomy and Physiology of the Eye II - practice K. Skorkovskáz 0/0/1 15.1 2P
LF:BOAF0232pAnatomy and Physiology of the Eye II - lecture R. Chmelíkk 2/0/0 30.2 2P
LF:BOFY0222pPhysiology II - lecture P. Babulazk 2/0/0 30.3 2Z
LF:BTBV0231cBinocular Vision I - practice M. Dostálekz 0/0/2 30.1 2P
LF:BTBV0231pBinocular Vision I - lecture M. Dostálekk 2/0/0 30.2 2P
LF:BTFI0211pBiophysics, Informatics - lecture V. Mornsteinz 3/0/0 45.2 2Z
LF:BTFI0211sBiophysics, Informatics -seminary V. Mornsteinzk 4/0/0 60.3 2Z
LF:BTPE0222pPediatrics II- lecture H. Hrstkovázk 1/0/0 15.2 2P
LF:BTPO0222cNursing care in Pediatry II-exercises D. Soldánováz 0/2/0 30.1 2P
LF:BTPO0222sNursing care in pediatrics II-seminar D. Soldánovázk 0/1/0 15.2 2P
LF:BTSP0211cPropedeutics of strabismology - practice R. Autrataz 0/0/3 45.2 2P
LF:BTSP0211pPropedeutics of strabismology - lecture R. Autratazk 2/0/0 30.2 2P
54 credits

2. ročník

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
LF:BTAJ0121English Language I - practice V. Dvořáčkováz 0/2/0 30.2 3P
LF:BTAJ0222English Language II - practice V. Dvořáčkovázk 0/2/0 30.4 4P
LF:BKPF031Clinical Physiology General P. Dobšákzk 2/0/0 30.3 3Z
LF:BKSC041Sociology M. Světlákk 2/0/0 30.2 4Z
LF:BOAF0333pAnatomy and Physiology of the Eye III - lecture K. Skorkovskázk 2/0/0 30.3 3P
LF:BOET031pHealth Care Ethics M. Světlákk 1/0/0 15.2 3Z
LF:BOFA031cBases of Pharmacology - practice B. Říhováz 0/0.5/0 7,5.1 3Z
LF:BOFA031pBases of Pharmacology - lecture B. Říhovák 0.5/0/0 7,5.1 3Z
LF:BOOF041pPharmacology of the Eye K. Skorkovskák 1/0/0 15.2 4P
LF:BTBV0332cBinocular Vision I - lecture M. Dostálekz 0/0/2 30.2 3P
LF:BTBV0332pBinocular Vision I - lecture M. Dostálekzk 2/0/0 30.2 3P
LF:BTIM041pImmunology - lecture J. Litzmank 0.5/0/0 7,5.1 4Z
LF:BTKK0431pCorrection and contact lenses I - lecture S. Synekz 2/0/0 30.2 4P
LF:BTKR0341cClinical rehabilitation of binocular vision - e H. Fraitováz 0/0/8 120.3 3P
LF:BTKR0341pClinical rehabilitation of binocular vision - l H. Fraitováz 4/0/0 60.3 3P
LF:BTKR0442cClinical rehabilitation of binocular vision II- e H. Fraitováz 0/0/8 120.2 4P
LF:BTKR0442pClinical rehabilitation of binocular vision II- l H. Fraitovák 4/0/0 60.2 4P
LF:BTNO0311cNeuroophthalmology - practice S. Synekz 0/0/1 15.1 3P
LF:BTNO0311pNeurooftalmology - lecture S. Synekzk 1/0/0 15.2 3P
LF:BTOP0431pEye pathology and clinical ophthalmology I - lecture S. Synekz 2/0/0 30.2 4P
LF:BTPE031cFundamentals of education and pedagogy - practice N. Beharkováz 0/1/0 15.1 3Z
LF:BTPE031pFundamentals of education and pedagogy N. Beharkovázk 1/0/0 15.2 3Z
LF:BTPX0431cPractice in Orthoptics and Pleoptic I - Exercise H. Fraitováz 0/0/6 90.4 4P
LF:BTPY041pPsychology and specifics of child psychology M. Světlákk 2/0/0 30.3 4Z
LF:BTSR0331cStrabology I - practice R. Autrataz 0/0/2 30.2 3P
LF:BTSR0331pStrabology I - lecture R. Autratak 2/0/0 30.3 3P
LF:BTSR0331sStrabology I - seminary R. Autrataz 0/0/1 15.1 3P
LF:BTSR0432cStrabology II - practice M. Dostálekz 0/0/2 30.2 4P
LF:BTSR0432pStrabology II - lecture R. Autratazk 2/0/0 30.3 4P
LF:BTSR0432sStrabology II - seminary M. Dostálekz 0/0/1 15.1 4P
64 credits

3. ročník

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
LF:BOEV051pErgonomics Vision P. Benešk 1/0/0 15.2 5P
LF:BOFP051cOphthalmological Devices - practice P. Benešz 0/0/2 30.2 5P
LF:BOFP051pOphthalmological Devices - lecture P. Benešzk 2/0/0 30.3 5P
LF:BOPA051Legal Aspects M. Koščíkk 2/0/0 30.3 5Z
LF:BOZP0521cMagnifying Visual Devices - practice P. Benešz 0/0/1 15.1 5P
LF:BOZP0521pMagnifying Visual Devices - lecture P. Benešz 1/0/0 15.1 5P
LF:BTBP0522cBachelor's Thesis I - practice S. Synekz 0/0/7 105.3 5P
LF:BTKK0532cCorrection and contact lenses S. Synekz 0/0/2 30.1 5P
LF:BTKK0532pCorrection and contact lenses S. Synekzk 2/0/0 30.2 5P
LF:BTKR0543cClinical rehabilitation of binocular vision - lII H. Fraitováz 0/0/9 135.2 5P
LF:BTKR0543pClinical rehabilitation of binocular vision - lII H. Fraitovázk 4/0/0 60.3 5P
LF:BTOP0532pEye pathology and clinical ophthalmology II - lecture S. Synekk 2/0/0 30.3 5P
LF:BTPX0532cPractical lessons in orthoptics and pleoptics II M. Dostálekzk 0/0/6 90.3 5P
LF:BOZP0622cMagnifying Visual Devices II - practice P. Benešk 0/0/2 30.2 6P
LF:BTBP0633cBachelor's Thesis II - practice S. Synekz 0/0/6 90.10 6P
LF:BTBV0633cBinocular Vision III - practice M. Dostálekk 0/0/3 45.2 6P
LF:BTKK0633cCorrection and contact lenses III - practice S. Synekz 0/0/4 60.2 6P
LF:BTKR0644cClinical rehabilitation of binocular vision - IV - practice H. Fraitováz 0/0/9 135.3 6P
LF:BTKR0644pClinical rehabilitation of binocular vision - IV H. Fraitovák 4/0/0 60.2 6P
LF:BTOP0633cEye pathology and clinical ophthalmology III - practice S. Synekzk 0/4/0 60.5 6P
LF:BTPX0633cPractice in Orthoptics and Pleoptic III - Exercise H. Fraitováz 0/0/6 90.4 6P
LF:BTSR0633cStrabology III - practice M. Dostálekk 0/0/4 60.3 6P
62 credits