FF FNLLSpH Medieval Latin Language and Literature (maior)
Name in Czech: Latinský jazyk a literatura středověku
master's full-time major, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF N-LLS_ Medieval Latin Language and Literature

Introductory information / Instructions

POZOR: tato šablona má pouze orientační charakter – pro registraci a zápis předmětů je nutno použít aktuální registrační šablonu. Průchod studiem kontrolujte výhradně dle kontrolní šablony určené pro váš imatrikulační ročník.

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:LJMedA01Introduction to Medieval Latin P. Mutlováz 1/1/04 1Z
FF:LJ153Medieval and Humanistic Latin I D. Stehlíkovák 1/1/04 1Z
FF:LJ154Medieval and Humanistic Latin II P. Mutlovázk 1/1/04 2P
FF:LJMedA02Bohemian-Latin Medieval Literature - dynasty of Premyslids P. Mutlovák 1/1/04 2Z
FF:LJMedA03Bohemian-Latin Medieval Literature - dynasty of Luxembourg P. Mutlovázk 1/1/04 3P
FF:LJMedA10Seminar on Textual Criticism P. Mutlováz 1/1/04 3P
FF:LJMedA07Interpretative Seminar: Medieval Latin I D. Stehlíkovák 0/2/04 3P
FF:LJ252Master's Interpretative Seminar II D. Urbanovák 0/2/04 2-
FF:LJ351Roman Literature of the Roman Empire and Late Antiquity K. Petrovićovázk 1/1/04 1-
FF:LJ253Reading and Metrical Analysis of Horace D. Urbanovák 0/2/04 1-
FF:LJMedA09Bible Seminar (Vulgate) P. Mutlováz 1/0/02 4-
FF:LJ156Test in Latin Normative Grammar D. Urbanovázk 0/0/0 0.2 4-
FF:LJMedC11Individual Reading: European and Bohemian hagiography P. Mutlovák 0/0/02 --
FF:LJMedC12Individual Reading: European and Bohemian historiography P. Mutlovák 0/0/02 --
FF:LJMedC16Individual Reading: Humanistic Literature D. Stehlíkovák 0/0/02 --
FF:LJMedC17Individual Reading: Philosophical and Theololgical Texts L. Mazalovák 0/0/02 --
52 credits

Selective courses

Blok 1

Students must obtain 8 credits from the following courses:

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:LJMedA08Interpretative Seminar: Medieval Latin II P. Mutlovák 0/2/04 --
FF:LJMedA11Auxiliary Sciences of History for Medievalists P. Mutlováz 2/0/0 0.4 --
FF:LJMedB24Digital Humanities in Medieval Studies P. Mutlovák 1/1/04 --
FF:LJMedB06Medieval Encyclopedias D. Stehlíkováz 0/2/0 0.4 --
FF:LJMedB28Reading Latin Texts about the Last Things L. Mazalováz 0/2/0 0.4 --
FF:LJMedB31Textual Culture of the Czech Reformation P. Mutlováz 1/1/04 --
FF:LJMedB32Latin Manuscripts and Medieval Literature P. Mutlovák 2/0/05 --
FF:LJMedB33Czech Reformation and the History of Ideas P. Mutlováz 2/0/05 --
FF:AR1A311Latin Script and Book Culture in the Middle Ages I (800-1200) D. Havelk 1/1/03 --
FF:AR1A312Latin Script and Book Culture in the Middle Ages II (1200-1500) D. Havelzk 1/1/04 --
FF:CJLB200Czech Literature from the Beginnings to the 18th century I M. Soleiman pour Hashemiz 2/0/03 --
FF:HIAb06bMedieval History of the Czech Land L. Janz 1/1/03 --
FF:MEDMgr01Selected literary theories and methods of textual interpretation K. Petrovićovák 1/1/04 --
FF:LJ152Late Latin D. Urbanovázk 1/1/04 --
FF:LJ251Master's Interpretative Seminar I K. Petrovićovák 0/2/04 --
FF:LJ453Expert lectures: Romanisation and Latinisation of the Roman Empire D. Urbanovák in blocks - Lectures held by foreign lecturers.4 --
FF:LJMedB35Res rusticae D. Stehlíkováz 0/24 --
67 credits

Diplomová práce (min. 20 kr.)

Student are obliged to pass all three courses.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:LJMedD01Master's Thesis P. Mutlováz 0/0/0 Individuální konzultace.- 4-
FF:LJMedD02M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar I P. Mutlováz 0/2/010 3P
FF:LJMedD05M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar II P. Mutlováz 0/2/0 Výuka probíhá formou individuálních konzultací v individuálním rozsahu.10 4P
20 credits