FF FDLMpSZJ Historical Languages of the Czech Lands
Name in Czech: Zemské jazyky
doctoral full-time specialized, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF D-LM_ Medieval Latin Language and Literature

Study-related information

  • Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesis
    The candidate will prepare a problem-oriented treatment of five topics pertatining to literary or linguistic aspects of Medieval literature and during the examination will be asked discuss and defend his/her proposals. These topics will be selected in cooperation with the supervisor and submitted in written form (approx. 3-5 pages per each topic, including literature) at least 2 months before the state doctoral examination takes place. The topics for the doctoral examination must not overlap with the dissertation topic. In the course of the examination, the candidate will discuss and defend at least two topics based on the requirements of the examination committee (the committee will decide on the choice of topics and inform the candidate before the examination; the candidate will then elaborate on and submit the selected topics in more detail). During the examination, the candidate will be also asked additional questions pertaining to medieval Latin literature of Czech and European origin.
  • Requirements of the study
    The key components of the study obligations are intertwined with the preparation and writing of the dissertation, which represents a comprehensive professional publication based on original research.
    In the course of the study, the doctoral candidate must acquire an overview of the following disciplines: textual criticism with a special focus on editing various types of historical source (Latin, German and Czech), medieval Latin language and medieval Latin literature of Czech origin, Latin literature of the European Middle Ages, old Czech language and literature, medieval German language and literature. Obligatory student activities are formulated in the individual study plan: In addition to the mandatory courses, they include their own creative activity and its presentation - active participation in at least two academic conferences and publication of at least one study in an academic journal is required during the course of study. Other academic activities at the department may include e.g. teaching, copy-editing, organisational cooperation e.g. in connection with conferences, etc. Full-time students may participate in the teaching of the Department of Classical Studies in the field of Latin language and literature for 2 to 4 hours per week.
    The study also includes an academic internship at a partner university abroad or at other research institution chosen with regard to the dissertation topic. The internship enables consultations with international experts and to research primary sources and secondary literature (minimum lenght three months). The Department of Classical Studies offers study opportunities mainly within the Erasmus programme in Germany, Poland and Italy. In exceptional and justified cases, the departmental board may decide on an alternative solution to this obligation.

    The compulsory courses for doctoral studies include four types of courses:
    Courses directly related to the regular completion of the degree, such as Source Study and Research I and II (LMDPS and LMDPS2), Doctoral Examination (LMD_DZ), Thesis of the Dissertation (LMDTD), Dissertation (LMD15).
    Another type of compulsory courses is focused on academic and methodological training and this forms the core of this interdisciplinary programme. These include eight Doctoral Seminars (LMD_DSZJ1 to 8) and mandatory specializing courses, namely Textual Criticism I and II (LMD_001 a2).
    The compulsory courses include the aforementioned Conference Paper I and II (LMD_OR1 2), Academic Publication (LMD_OP1) and International Internship (LMD_ZS1).
    Mandatory courses also include the common-core courses Philosophy for Doctoral Studies (PHDZ1) and a Foreign Language elective (CJV_D_A, CJV_D_F, CJV_D_N, LMDCJ1).
    In addition, students will take at least four courses from the compulsory electives that aim at the development of transversal competences and offered by the cooperating deparmtens: Old Czech language (CJDSM001), Medieval Czech literature (CLDS_a33), Medieval Latin language (LMD_003), Medieval Latin literature (LMD_004), Medieval German language (NJDS_001) and Medieval German Literature (NJDS_002).
    The remaining number of credits will be completed by the students from the elective courses according to their individual academic profile and their own interest.
  • Proposal of dissertation topics and topics of defended dissertations
    Proposals for dissertation topics:
    - The first German translations and editions of the writings of Jan Hus
    - The earliest German translation of Hus's treatise "De ecclesia"
    - Contemporary German-language texts on the trial of Hus
    - German/Czech prayers of Milíč of Kroměříž
    - Martin Luther's prefaces to the writings of Hus
    - Czech and Latin letters of Hus (language, style, structure)
    - Czech, Latin and German Dalimil
    - Erotic consolation in Goliard poetry (Latin, German, Czech, macaronic)
    - Jan of Neumarkts: Latin and German writings
    - Tomáš of Štítné: Czech translations of Latin spiritual literature
    - Languages of Czech copies of secular poetry of the 14th-16th centuries (Třeboň, Vyšší Brod)
    - The context of the work of Jiří Barthold Pontan of Breitenberg
    - On the distinction between the types of Latin and Czech panegyrics and sermons from the Baroque period
    - The treatise "De sanguinis minucione" by Krisian of Prachatice and its influence on Old Czech writings on the letting of blood
    - The Medical Compendium of the Unknown Franciscan - the German and Latin roots of the Old Czech bestseller of the 15th and 16th centuries
    - "Kurztraktat" - a new genre of late medieval medical literature and its manifestations in Latin, German and Old Czech literature
    - Latin writings of the physician Peter of Hispania and their traces in Old Czech literature

Recommended progress through the study plan

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:LMDPSResearch and Study P. Mutlováz 0/0/05 1-
FF:LMDPS2Research and Study II P. Mutlováz 0/0/05 2-
FF:PHDZ1Philosophy for doctoral studies 1 J. Krobz 0/0/0 6x2 hodiny.10 1-
FF:LMD_DSZJ1Doctoral Seminar I P. Mutlováz 0/0/0 blok.5 1-
FF:LMD_DSZJ2Doctoral Seminar II J. Nechutováz 0/0/0 blok.5 2-
FF:LMD_DSZJ3Doctoral Seminar III P. Mutlováz 0/0/0 blok.5 3-
FF:LMD_DSZJ4Doctoral Seminar IV J. Nechutováz 0/0/0 blok.5 4-
FF:LMD_DSZJ5Doctoral Seminar V P. Mutlováz 0/0/0 blok.5 5-
FF:LMD_DSZJ6Doctoral Seminar VI J. Nechutováz 0/0/0 blok.5 6-
FF:LMD_DSZJ7Doctoral Seminar VII P. Mutlováz 0/0/0 blok.5 7-
FF:LMD_DSZJ8Doctoral Seminar VIII J. Nechutováz 0/0/0 blok.5 8-
FF:LMD_OR1Conference Paper I D. Stehlíkováz 0/0/05 3-
FF:LMD_OR2Conference Paper II J. Nechutováz 0/0/05 5-
FF:LMD_OP1Article I D. Stehlíkováz 0/0/010 4-
FF:LMD_DZDoctoral Exam P. Mutlovázk 0/0/010 5-
FF:LMD_ZS1Research Study Abroad I D. Stehlíkováz 0/0/05 6-
FF:LMDTDDoctoral Dissertation Thesis P. Mutlováz 0/0/05 8-
FF:LMD15Doctoral Dissertation P. Mutlováz 0/0/025 8-
125 credits

Povinné specializační předměty

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:LMD_001Textual Criticism I P. Kosekk 0/0/015 3-
FF:LMD_002Textual Criticism II P. Mutlovák 0/0/015 4-
30 credits

Povinné předměty - cizí jazyk

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJV_D_AEnglish for Doctoral Studies J. Lennonzk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 --
FF:CJV_D_NGerman for Doctoral Studies P. Chládkovázk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 --
FF:CJV_D_FFrench for Doctoral Studies L. Václavíkzk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 --
FF:LMDCJ1Foreign language P. Mutlováz 0/0/05 --
20 credits

Selective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJDSM001Old Czech P. Kosekz 1/0/0 probíhá formou blokových přednášek.15 4-
FF:CLDS_a33Czech Medieval Literature Z. Urválkovák 0/0/0 blok.15 5-
FF:LMD_003Medieval Latin P. Mutlovák 0/0/0 blok.15 4-
FF:LMD_004Medieval Latin Literature J. Nechutovák 0/0/0 blok.15 5-
FF:NJDS_001German Language in the Middle Ages S. Stanovskák 0/0/0 blok.15 4-
FF:NJDS_002Medieval German Literature S. Stanovskák 0/0/0 blok.15 5-
90 credits

Elective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CLDS_a28Theories of Translation for PhD I Z. Fišerzk 0/2/0 blok.15 --
FF:CLDS_a34Parallels of Early Modern Period M. Soleiman pour Hashemizk 0/0/0 blok.15 --
FF:CJDSL001Corpus linguistics K. Osolsoběz 1/0/0 probíhá formou blokových přednášek.15 --
FF:LMD02Medieval Interpretative Seminar D. Stehlíkovák 0/2/015 --
FF:LMD_010Cultural Approaches to Medieval Latin Manuscripts P. Mutlovák 2/0/015 --
FF:ROMDJKMultilingualism and cultural interfaces P. Kyloušekzk 0/0/0 blok.15 --
FF:LMD_JCSupplementary Activity P. Mutlováz 0/0/05 --
FF:LMD_OP2Article II D. Stehlíkováz 0/0/010 --
FF:LMD_OR3Conference Paper III P. Mutlováz 0/0/05 --
FF:LMD_TPWriting Seminar P. Mutlováz 0/0/020 --
FF:LMD_ZS2Research Study Abroad II P. Mutlováz 0/0/05 --
FF:LMD_ZS3Research Study Abroad III P. Mutlováz 0/0/010 --
FF:LMD_ZS4Research Study Abroad IV P. Mutlováz 0/0/015 --
160 credits