
Study plan is completion only

FF FNFJUkJ Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in French Language and Literature (closing out)
Name in Czech: Učitelství francouzského jazyka a literatury pro střední školy
master's combined single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF N-FJU_ Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in French Language and Literature

Introductory information / Instructions

EN: The student must pass the subjects in this composition and credit value:
I) Compulsory subjects (104 credits):
  1. Educational-psychological basis: 24 credits;
  2. Didactics: 24 credits;
  3. Teaching Practice: 24 credits;
  4. Branch Component: 32 credits:
                 Block A - Linguistics,
                 Block B – Literature.
II) Diploma thesis: (16 credits)
III) Final exam.

FR: L'étudiant doit choisir les cours en fonction de cette composition du programme et avec la distribution de crédits suivante:
I) Cours obligatoires (104 crédits):
  1. Base psychopédagogique: 24 crédits;
  2. Didactique: 24 crédits;
  3. Stage pratique: 24 crédits;
  4. Composante philologique: 32 crédits:
                         Bloc A - linguistique;
                         Bloc B - littérature;
II) Mémoire de diplôme (16 crédits).
III) Examen de fin d'études.

Compulsory courses

Povinné předměty pedagogicko-psychologického základu

EN: All subjects for 24 credits in total must be completed.
FR: Tous les cours avec la valeur totale de 24 crédits doivent être validés.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:SUK001Psychology for teachers I I. Burešovázk 2/0/0 blokově (24 hodin za semestr).4 1Z
FF:SUK002Basic Course in Education K. Šeďovázk 18/0/04 1Z
FF:SUK003Theory of Instruction K. Šeďovázk 18/0/04 2Z
FF:SUK004Psychology for teachers II I. Burešovázk 2/0/0 blokově (24 hodin za semestr).4 2Z
FF:SUK005Special Education B. Lazarovázk 18/0/04 1Z
FF:SUK006Compendium for Teachers K. Šeďovázk 18/0/04 2Z
24 credits

Oborová didaktika

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:FJU2A041Didactics of French I A. Němcová Polickázk 1/1/0 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.6 1P
FF:FJU2A042Didactics of French II A. Němcová Polickázk 1/1/0 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.6 2P
FF:ROMU2A001Language phenomena - culture and literature for teachers M. Maláz 2/2/0 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.4 1P
FF:ROMU2A002IT in foreign language teaching P. Dytrtz 0/2/2 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.4 2P
FF:ROMU2A003Language exams and proofing M. Maláz 0/2/2 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.4 3P
24 credits

Pedagogická praxe

Division of practice hours:
1) 360 hours of preparation and tasks (in the framework of Seminars on Educational Practice I and II)

  • practice diary, assignments and others.
2) 360 hours directly at the school (within the subject Teaching Practice I and II)
  • 100 hours of teaching (self, tandem, group, teacher assistance, tutoring)
  • 260 hours of other activities (listening, help with correcting written works, creating teaching aids, accompanying pupils to excursions, preparing school projects, attending class meetings, helping with school / class documentation, classroom lessons, substitution etc.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:FJUPP01JTeacher's training I - French 1 Ob A. Němcová Polickáz 0/0/06 2P
FF:FJUPP02JTeacher's training II FR 1Obor A. Němcová Polickáz 0/0/06 3P
FF:FJUPP03JTeacher's training III FR 1 ob A. Němcová Polickáz 0/0/06 4P
FF:FJURS01JReflective seminar I 1Ob A. Němcová Polickáz 0/0/02 2P
FF:FJURS02JReflective seminar II FR 1 Ob A. Němcová Polickáz 0/0/02 3P
FF:FJURS03JReflective seminar III FR 1ob A. Němcová Polickáz 0/0/02 4P
24 credits

Oborová složka

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:FJ2A021French Literature I P. Kyloušekzk 1/1/0 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.5 1Z
FF:FJ2A022French Literature II P. Dytrtzk 1/1/0 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.5 2Z
FF:FJ2A023French Literature III P. Dytrtzk 1/2/0 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.6 3Z
FF:FJ2A031French linguistics I Ch. Cusimanozk 1/1/0 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.5 1Z
FF:FJ2A032French linguistics II Ch. Cusimanozk 2/0/0 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.5 2Z
FF:FJ2A033French linguistics III Ch. Cusimanozk 2/1/0 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.6 3Z
32 credits

Diplomová práce (16 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:FJU2A051Master's Thesis Seminar I A. Němcová Polickáz 0/2/08 3P
FF:FJU2A052Master's Thesis Seminar II A. Němcová Polickáz 0/2/08 4P
FF:FJU2A053Master's Thesis A. Němcová Polickáz 0/0/0- 4P
16 credits

Závěrečná zkouška

EN: The student enrolls the Final writtent test during the second year of studies.

FR: L'étudiant s'inscrit dans le cours de Rédaction finale en deuxième année de ses études.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:FJ2A041Written Test P. Dytrtzk 0/0/0 4 hodiny.- 4Z
FF:FJ2A042State Exam P. DytrtSZk 0/0/0- 4Z
0 credits