FF FBRLSpHKR Classical Greek language and literature
Name in Czech: Klasický řecký jazyk a literatura
Bachelor's full-time major, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF B-RLS Greek and Latin Studies

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The state final examination consists of an examination and a defence of the bachelor thesis. The defence of the bachelor thesis is oral and consists of a short presentation of the thesis, a response to the opinions of the opponents and a discussion.
    The examination is written and oral.

    The written part tests the ability to translate a coherent Ancient Greek text using a dictionary and to apply practically the knowledge of Greek morphology and syntax learnt in the courses in Greek grammar and syntax.

    The oral part tests the student's competencies necessary to read, translate, analyse and interpret ancient Greek texts using texts from Plato and Sophocles. The examination also tests knowledge of the development of Greek literature and a basic understanding of its influence on Roman literature, knowledge of the most important works of ancient literature on the basis of own reading in translation and in original, and a basic familiarity with the historical and social context of the ancient world. Basic knowledge of the methodological procedures applied in classical philology is also an integral part of the examination. The oral examination is linked to the courses Greek Proseminar: Sophocles, Greek Proseminar: Plato Ancient Greek Literature: from Homer to Euripides, Ancient Greek Literature: Attic Prose and the Hellenistic Period and Introduction to the Study of Classical Philology.
    More detailed information is given in the IS MU for the course "Bachelor's State Final Examination in Greek Language and Literature".
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics, https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/nqodd/ (Viktor Zavřel)
    Greek Christian Apologists of the 2nd Century and Their Critique of the Graeco-Roman Religion, https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/vks6i/ (Mojmír Adámek)
    The Shape of Earth in Earlier Greek Philosophy, https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/mu9sy/ (Štefan Trusina)
    Plato's Dialogue Cratylus in the Light of Modern Linguistics, https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/hdmbo/ (Emil Svoboda)
    Selected linguistic aspects of ancient Greek translation of the novel Harry Potter and the philosophers’ stone, https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/g7mzk/ (Petr Jedlička)

Recommended progress through the study plan

Společný univerzitní základ (15 kr.)

Bakalářská práce (min. 10 kr)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:RLS503Bachelor's Thesis Seminar I D. Urbanováz 0/2/03 5P
FF:RLS504Bachelor's Thesis Seminar II D. Urbanováz 0/2/07 6P
FF:RLS506Bachelor's Thesis D. Urbanováz 0/0/0- 6-
10 credits

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:RLS001Greek Grammar I J. Steklák 2/4/07 1Z
FF:RLS002Greek Grammar II J. Steklák 2/4/07 2Z
FF:RLS003Greek Grammar III V. Hrůšovák 1/1/04 3Z
FF:RLS004Greek Grammar IV V. Hrůšovázk 2/2/06 4Z
FF:RLS005Greek Syntax I J. Steklák 1/1/03 5Z
FF:RLS006Greek Syntax II J. Steklázk 1/1/03 6Z
FF:RLS007Reading Xenophon J. Steklák 0/2/04 3P
FF:RLS008Reading Plato V. Hrůšovák 0/2/04 4P
FF:RLS009Reading Sophocles J. Steklák 0/2/04 5P
FF:RLS010Reading Ancient Greek Texts J. Steklák 0/2/04 4-
FF:RLS011Classical Greek Literature: From Homer to Euripides I. Radovák 2/0/04 1Z
FF:RLS012Classical Greek Literature: Attic Prose and Hellenistic Period I. Radovák 2/0/04 2Z
FF:RLS032Individual Reading of Plato: Phaedo J. Steklák 0/0/0 0.5 4-
FF:RLS033Individual Reading of Sophocles: Antigone J. Steklák 0/0/0 0.4 5-
FF:RLS301Roman Literature of the Republic: from Livius Andronicus to Cicero K. Petrovićovák 2/0/04 3Z
FF:RLS302Roman Literature: Augustan and Nero's Age K. Petrovićovázk 2/0/04 4Z
FF:DSBcA05History of Ancient Greece I M. Habajk 2/2/03 2-
FF:DSBcA07History of Ancient Greece II M. Habajk 2/2/03 3-
FF:RLS501Introduction to Classical Philology I D. Urbanovák 2/0/03 1Z
FF:RLS502Introduction to Classical Philology II P. Mutlovák 0/1/03 2Z
FF:REBc01Introduction to Modern Greek Studies K. Bočková Loudovázk 1/1/04 5-
87 credits

Selective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:RLS401Classical Mythology: Gods I. Radovák 2/0/03 --
FF:RLS402Classical Mythology: Heroic myths I. Radovák 2/0/03 --
FF:RLS017Languages and Writing Systems of the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece J. Franekk 1/0/03 --
FF:RLS404Languages and Writing Systems of the Ancient Mediterranean (Italy) D. Urbanovák 1/0/03 --
FF:DSBcA24Topography of Ancient Greece M. Habajzk 2/0/04 --
FF:DSMA05Everyday Life in Ancient Greece M. Habajzk 1/1/03+2 --
FF:DSMA06Everyday Life in Ancient Rome M. Melounovázk 1/1/03+2 --
FF:RLS030Magic in the Graeco-Roman World J. Franekk 2/0/04 --
FF:RLS023Hellenistic Philosophy J. Franekz 2/0/04 --
FF:RLS024Greek philosophy of late Antiquity and early Christianity J. Franekz 2/0/04 --
FF:RLS026Reading Homer's Odyssey J. Franekk 2/0/04 --
FF:RLS028Love, Wine, and Muses: Greek Lyric Poetry J. Franekk 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB20The History of "Sport" in Antiquity I - Greece J. Kouřilz 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB26Health, Lifestyle and Medicine in Antiquity J. Kouřilz 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcA09History of Ancient Rome I M. Melounovák 2/2/03 --
FF:DSBcA11History of Ancient Rome II M. Melounovák 2/2/03 --
FF:LJ601Latin for the Non-Latinists I P. Ševčíkk 1/1/04 --
FF:LJ607Latin by Direct Method I T. Weissark 1/1/0 0.3 --
FF:LJ602Latin for the Non-Latinists II P. Ševčíkzk 1/1/04 --
FF:LJ608Latin by Direct Method II T. Weissark 1/1/0 0.3 --
FF:RLS605Latin Translations of Czech and World-wide Bestsellers T. Weissark 1/1/03 --
FF:REBc03Modern Greek Grammar I N. Votavová Sumelidisováz 1/3/05 --
FF:REBc04Modern Greek Grammar II N. Votavová Sumelidisováz 1/3/05 --
FF:RLS307Dramatization of Latin texts T. Weissarz 0/2/02 --
FF:MED50Intensive Study Course K. Petrovićováz 0/26/04 --
93 credits