FI ZPJ Natural language processing
Name in Czech: Natural language processing
master's full-time specialized, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: FI N-UIZD_A Artificial intelligence and data processing

Introductory information / Instructions

Obtain at least 120 credits overall and pass the final state exam. Obtain 20 credits from SDIPR course and successfully defend Master's Thesis. Pass all the compulsory and elective courses of the program and selected specialization with the highest possible graduation form (unless explicitly stated otherwise). Fulfil requirements of at least one specialization.

Semester 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FI:IV111Probability in Computer Science V. Řehákzk 2/2/03+2 P P
FI:IV126Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence H. Rudovázk 2/0/13+2 Z P
FI:MA012Statistics II O. Pokorazk 2/2/03+2 P P
FI:PA153Natural Language Processing P. Rychlýzk 2/0/02+2 Z P
FI:PA164Machine learning and natural language processing V. Nováčekzk 2/1/03+2 - P
FI:PV251Visualization B. Kozlíkovázk 2/1/03+2 Z P
29 credits

Semester 2

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FI:IA008Computational Logic A. Blumensathzk 2/2/03+2 - P
FI:PA152Efficient Use of Database Systems V. Dohnalzk 2/0/13+2 Z P
FI:PA154Language Modeling P. Rychlýzk 2/0/02+2 P P
FI:PA234Infrastuctural and Cloud Systems T. Rebokzk 2/2/03+2 - P
FI:PV056Machine Learning and Data Mining J. Sedmidubskýzk 2/0/13+2 Z P
FI:PV211Introduction to Information Retrieval P. Sojkazk 2/1/03+2 Z P
29 credits

Semester 3

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FI:IA161Natural Language Processing in Practice A. Horákk 1/1/02+1 Z P
PřF:M7130Computational geometry J. Slovákzk 2/0/02+2 - P
FI:MA010Graph Theory D. Kráľzk 2/1/03+2 - P
FI:MA015Graph Algorithms J. Obdržálekzk 2/1/03+2 - P
FI:MA018Numerical Methods J. Zelinkazk 2/2/03+2 - P
FI:PB106Corpus Linguistic Project I P. Rychlýz 0/2/02 - P
FI:PV021Neural Networks T. Brázdilzk 2/0/24+2 Z P
FI:PV061Machine Translation P. Rychlýzk 2/0/02+2 - P
FI:PV277Programming Applications for Social Robots A. Horákk 0/1/01+1 - P
36 credits

Semester 4

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FI:PA107Corpus Tools Project P. Rychlýz 0/2/02 - P
FI:PV173Natural Language Processing Seminar A. Horákk 0/2/02+1 - P
FI:SDIPRDiploma Thesis D. Svobodaz 0/0/020 - P
FI:SOBHADefence of Thesis D. SvobodaSZk 0/0/0- - P
FI:SZMGRState Exam (MSc degree) D. SvobodaSZk 0/0/0- - P
25 credits