ESF FDLB Fiskální decentralizace a sestavování místních rozpočtů
Název anglicky: Fiscal Decentralisation and Local Budgeting
profesní vzdělávání, prezenční, vyučovací jazyk: angličtina angličtina
Zahrnut v programu: ESF C-VES Veřejná ekonomika a správa

Charakteristika plánu CŽV

  • Představení plánu CŽV (cíle vzdělávání)
    The main objective of the course is to expand students’ theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the areas of fiscal federalism, local budgets, participatory budgets, program budgeting and public service delivery. The course focuses particularly on addressing the question how to organise the different levels of public administration, how to work with budgets and budgeting programmes, including the provision of public services, taking into account the concept of efficiency. Specific attention is also paid to a comparison of different policies in selected countries.
  • Výstupy z učení
    - distinguish and discuss concepts of the fiscal federalism and decentralistion, their main characteristics and normative foundation (especially the principles provided by the European Charter of Local Self-Government) - describe and compare incidents of the fiscal decentralisation and the main issues arising in practice for political actors and voters - analyse and evaluate the costs and benefits of coordination tools related to local self-government finance, to identify potential solutions to policy issues - understand the roles of different financial sources of local self-government, their pros and cons, and their impacts on local democracy - understand the local budgetary process - understand the principles and practical problems of local service delivery - provide advice on coordination problems related to fiscal decentralisation and recommend options to solve them to practictioners
  • Průběh vzdělávání
    1. Fiscal Federalism 2. Local Budgets 3. Participatory Budgeting 4. Program Budgeting 5. Local Service Delivery
  • Podmínky ukončení
    Preparation of case studies.

Průchod plánem CŽV

Povinné předměty

Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Semestr
ESF:DXV_FDLBFiscal Decentralisation and Local Budgeting J. Nemecz 0/25/02 -
2 kredity