FF AJLP LLL English Language and Literature - full-time
Name in Czech: CŽV Anglický jazyk a literatura - prezenční
in accred. degree programme, full-time, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF C-BCAJ Lifelong education within the accredited bachelor's study program English Language and Literature

Aktuální nabídka předmětů pro podzimní semestr

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term
FF:AJL01001Practical English I S. Kalováz 0/2/03 -
FF:AJL02001Introduction to Linguistics J. Chovaneczk 2/0/06 -
FF:AJL02100English Grammar I J. Pelclováz 1/1/03 -
FF:AJL04100Introduction to Literary Studies I M. Horákovázk 1/1/06 -
FF:AJL06001Introduction to British Studies I M. Kaylorzk 0/2/03 -
FF:AJL07001Introduction to American Studies I T. Pospíšilzk 0/2/03 -
24 credits

Aktuální nabídka předmětů pro jarní semestr

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term
FF:AJL01002Practical English II S. Kalovázk 0/2/03 -
FF:AJL02002Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology M. Ježekzk 2/0/06 -
FF:AJL02200English Grammar II J. Pelclováz 1/1/03 -
FF:AJL04200Introduction to Literary Studies II M. Horákovázk 1/1/06 -
FF:AJL06002Introduction to British Studies II S. Hardyzk 0/2/03 -
FF:AJL07002Introduction to American Studies: Topics in Culture T. Pospíšilzk 0/2/03 -
24 credits