FSS:SOC762 Cultural An. of Post-Socialism - Informace o předmětu
SOC762 Cultural Anthropology of Post-Socialism
Fakulta sociálních studiípodzim 2007
- Rozsah
- 1/1. 15 kr. Ukončení: zk.
- Vyučující
- Miklós Vörös, Ph.D. (přednášející)
- Garance
- doc. PhDr. Ing. Radim Marada, Ph.D.
Katedra sociologie – Fakulta sociálních studií
Kontaktní osoba: Ing. Soňa Enenkelová - Rozvrh
- každý lichý čtvrtek 15:00–18:30 exP24
- Omezení zápisu do předmětu
- Předmět je určen pouze studentům mateřských oborů.
Jiné omezení: Výhradně pro zahraniční studenty programů "Sociology" a "Erasmus". - Mateřské obory/plány
- Central European Studies Program (program CST, CESP)
- Multidisciplinární studia (program CST, KOS)
- Sociologie (angl.) (program FSS, N-SO)
- Tesol Teacher Education Program (program CST, TTEP)
- Cíle předmětu
- This course gives an overview of the major themes and paradigms in the cultural anthropological research of late-state-socialist and post-socialist societies. Thus, it focuses both on the palette of various fields that have been seen as specific to the region, as well as on the important shifts of attention from one topic to another over the course of the past two decades. The format of the course is a combination of introductory lectures and readng seminars; students will be encouraged to read both classic and innovative ethnographies as well as theoretical syntheses of the relevant literature, and be prepared to give concise presentations on them. The course meets six times this fall: 29.09., 21.10., 11.11., 25.11., 9.12., 16.12.2005
- Osnova
- Here is the order of the articles as they should follow each other in the reader: Hofer-Native-Ethnographers-CA-1968.pdf - Halpern-Kideckel-Anthro-EE-ARA-1983.pdf - Harris-EE-Paradigm-Shift-AA-1992.pdf - Anthro-of-Socialism-AT-1991.pdf - Verdery-Theorizing-Socialism-AE-1991.pdf - Kurti-Homecoming-AT-1996.pdf - Wolfe-Anthro-of-EE-ARA-2000.pdf - Kideckel-Socialist-Transformation-AE-1982.pdf - Burawoy-Mithologies-of-Work-ASR-1985.pdf - Sampson-Second-Economy-APSS-1987.pdf - Lampland-Pigs-PartySecs-PrivateLives-AE-1991.pdf - Hann-Samovars-Sex-AT-1992.pdf - Humphrey-Icebergs-Barter-Mafia.pdf - Konstantinov-Trader-Tourism-AE-1996.pdf - Gal-Bartoks-Funeral-AE-1991.pdf - Borneman-German-Unification-AE-1993.pdf - Holy-Metaphors-of-the-Natural-Man-1994.pdf - Denich-Dismembering-Yugoslavia-AE-1994.pdf - Hayden-Imagined-Communities-Real-Victims-AE-1996.pdf - Hann-Postsocialist-Nationalism-SR-1998.pdf - Lemon-Race-As-Discursive-Practice-SR-2002.pdf -
- Vyučovací jazyk
- Angličtina
- Statistika zápisu (podzim 2007, nejnovější)
- Permalink: https://is.muni.cz/predmet/fss/podzim2007/SOC762