VPLb1150 Introduction to Public Policy

Faculty of Social Studies
Autumn 2025
Extent and Intensity
1/1/0. 6 credit(s). Type of Completion: zk (examination).
In-person direct teaching
PhDr. Pavel Horák, Ph.D. (lecturer)
Guaranteed by
PhDr. Pavel Horák, Ph.D.
Department of Social Policy and Social Work – Faculty of Social Studies
Supplier department: Department of Social Policy and Social Work – Faculty of Social Studies
Course Enrolment Limitations
The course is only offered to the students of the study fields the course is directly associated with.

The capacity limit for the course is 52 student(s).
Current registration and enrolment status: enrolled: 0/52, only registered: 0/52
fields of study / plans the course is directly associated with
there are 6 fields of study the course is directly associated with, display
Course objectives
The purpose of the course is to equip students with basic knowledge of the theory and practice of public policy and the public policy process. This knowledge should help them better understand the processes related to the formation and implementation of public policy and the evaluation of its final outputs and results.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course students will be able to understand the process of formation, implementation, and evaluation of public policy processes, outputs, results, and effects and analyze thus partial aspects or topics examined in the area of particular public and social policies.
  • Introduction to Public Policy
  • Governance
  • Actors
  • State and Public Administration
  • Policy Making I. - Theoretical Perspectives
  • Policy Making II. - defining the problem and setting the agenda
  • Decision Making
  • Policy Implementation I. - Theoretical Perspectives
  • Policy implementation II. - Current approaches to its investigation
  • Evaluation
  • Approaches to Public Policy Analysis
    required literature
  • Knill, Ch., Tosun, J. 2012. Public Policy. A New Introduction. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, chapter 4 (teoretické přístupy k tvorbě politiky), pp. 69-92.
  • Birkland, T.A. 2007. Agenda Setting in Public Policy. In: Fischer, F, Miller, G.J., Sidney, M.S. Handbook of Public Policy Analysis. Theory, Politics and Methods. New York: CRC Press, pp.63-78.
  • Tosun, J., Treib, O. 2018. Linking Policy Design and Implementation Styles. In: Howlett, M., Mukherjee, I. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Policy Design. London: Routledge, pp. 313-330.
  • Heikkila, T., Cairney, P. 2018. Comparison of Theories of the Policy Process. In: Weible, Ch.M., Sabatier, P.A. (eds.) Theories of the Policy Process. 4th edition. London: Routledge, pp. 301-327.
  • Howlett, M., McConnell, A., Perl, A. 2018. Moving policy implementation theory forward: A multiple stream/critical juncture approach. Public Policy and Administration, 34(3), pp. 405-430.
  • Horák, P. 2008. Role sociálních pracovníků v prostředí státních organizací. Časopis Sociální práce|Sociálna práca, Brno: ASVSP, roč. 7, č. 4, s. 106-123.
  • Moulton, S., Sandfort, J.R. 2017. The Strategic Action Field Framework for Policy Implementation Research. The Policy Studies Journal, 45(1): 144-169.
  • Nilsen, P., Ståhl, C., Roback, K., Cairney, P. 2013. Never the twain shall meet? - a comparison of implementation science and policy implementation research. Implementation Science 8:63.
  • Hill, M., Hupe, P. 2009/2014. Implementing Public Policy. An Introduction to the Study of Operational Governance. London: Sage. (vybrané kapitoly)
  • Kubát, M. 2004. Političtí aktéři – zájmové skupiny a politické strany. In: Cabada, L, Kubár, M. Úvod do studia politické vědy. Praha: Eurolex Bohemia, s.216-241.
  • Říchová, B. 2002. Zájmové skupiny. In: Úvod do současné politologie. Srovnávací analýza demokratických politických systémů. Praha: Portál, kapitola 6, s. 115-30.
  • Winkler, J. 2007. Teorie rozhodování a dynamika sociální politiky. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, s.19-33 (dimenze rozhodovacího procesu), s.35-56 (teoretické rámce studia rozhodování)
  • Veselý, A. 2007. Veřejná politika. In: Veselý, A., Nekola, M. (eds). Analýza a tvorba veřejných politik. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství, s. 13-36
  • Horák, P. 2018. Odlišné perspektivy definování a zkoumání konceptu governance v politických vědách a ve veřejné politice. Politologická revue, Praha: Česká společnost pro politické vědy, 2018, roč. 24, č. 2, s. 25-57.
  • Hloušek, V. 2007. Koncept konfliktních linií a problematika evropské integrace. Sociologický časopis. roč. 43, čís. 2, s.361-78.
  • Beneš, V., Drulák, P. (eds.), 2019. Metodologie výzkumu politiky, Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství, s.1-35.
  • Potůček, M. (et al.). 2016. Veřejná politika. Praha: C.H. Beck.(vybrané kapitoly)
  • Špaček, D. 2015. Stát a veřejná správa – úvod do teorie veřejné správy, funkce státu a veřejné správy. In: Ochrana, F., Půček, M.J., Špaček, D. Veřejná správa. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, s..22-45
    recommended literature
  • Fischer, F, Miller, G.J., Sidney, M.S. Handbook of Public Policy Analysis. Theory, Politics and Methods. New York: CRC Press.
  • Osborne, S.P. (ed.) 2010. The New Public Governance? Emerging perspectives on the theory and practice of public governance. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Mazur, S. (eds.) 2015. Public governance. Warsaw: Scholar Publishing House.
  • Hill, M., Varone, F. 2021. The Public Policy Process. 8th edition. London: Routledge.
  • Fiala, P., Schubert, K. 2000. Moderní analýza politiky. Uvedení do teorií a metod policy analysis. Praha: Barrister and Principal.
  • Howlet, M., Ramesh, M. 1995. Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Birkland, T.A. 2011. An Introduction to the Policy Process. Theories, Concepts, and Models of Public Policy Making. New York: Routledge.
  • Pomahač, R. a kol 2012. Veřejná správa. Praha: C. H. Beck.
  • Cairney, P. 2012. Understanding Public Policy. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Evans, T., Hupe, P (eds.) 2020. Discretion and the quest for controlled freedom. Chem: Palgrave MacMillan.
Teaching methods
Lectures, class discussion, reading.
Assessment methods
Continuous written tests, seminar tasks, written final exam.
Language of instruction
The course is also listed under the following terms Autumn 2019, Autumn 2020, Autumn 2021, Autumn 2022, Autumn 2023, Autumn 2024.
  • Enrolment Statistics (Autumn 2025, recent)
  • Permalink: https://is.muni.cz/course/fss/autumn2025/VPLb1150