LF:VLFA0822 Pharmacology II - Course Information
VLFA0822 Pharmacology II
Faculty of MedicineSpring 2006
- Extent and Intensity
- 2/3/0. 14 credit(s). Type of Completion: RZk (examination).
- Teacher(s)
- prof. MUDr. Alexandra Šulcová, CSc. (lecturer)
prof. MUDr. Eva McCaskey Hadašová, CSc. (lecturer)
prof. MUDr. Jiří Vítovec, CSc. (lecturer)
prof Dr. Hans Armin Dieterich (lecturer), prof. MUDr. Alexandra Šulcová, CSc. (deputy)
prof. Dr. F. Saborowski (lecturer), prof. MUDr. Alexandra Šulcová, CSc. (deputy)
prof. MUDr. Eva McCaskey Hadašová, CSc. (seminar tutor)
MUDr. Jana Nováková, Ph.D. (seminar tutor)
MUDr. Jana Pistovčáková, Ph.D. (seminar tutor)
doc. Mgr. MVDr. Leoš Landa, Ph.D. (seminar tutor)
MUDr. Mgr. Karel Šlais, Ph.D. (seminar tutor)
doc. PharmDr. Jan Juřica, Ph.D. (seminar tutor)
PharmDr. Lenka Paráková, Ph.D. (seminar tutor)
PharmDr. Lucia Zendulková Zahradníková, Ph.D. (seminar tutor)
doc. PharmDr. Jana Rudá, Ph.D. (seminar tutor)
doc. PharmDr. Ondřej Zendulka, Ph.D. (seminar tutor)
Mgr. Barbora Říhová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) - Guaranteed by
- prof. MUDr. Alexandra Šulcová, CSc.
Department of Pharmacology – Theoretical Departments – Faculty of Medicine
Contact Person: prof. MUDr. Alexandra Šulcová, CSc. - Course Enrolment Limitations
- The course is only offered to the students of the study fields the course is directly associated with.
- fields of study / plans the course is directly associated with
- General Medicine (programme LF, M-VL)
- Syllabus
- LECTURES 1. Analgesics, mechanisms of morphine and acetylsalicylic acid effects. Pain control in selected states. Nicotin, side effects, toxicity, clinical problems. Therapy and prevention of nicotinism.
- 2. Nootropics. Anti-Parkinson pharmacotherapy, (dopaminergic drugs, central anticholinergic drugs). Drugs used in Alzheimer`s disease and other states of dementia.
- 3. Antipsychotics, treatment of psychosis, undesirable effects. Drugs for affective (mood) disorders, Ist - III. (IV.)rd generations of antidepressants, anti-manic drugs.
- 4. Anti-infective agents. Basic strategies of antimicrobial therapy, uses in pediatrics, during pregnancy and lactation, in patients with organ disorders.
- 5. Drugs affecting coagulation, fibrinolysis, and platelet aggregation
- 6. Antihypertensives. Diuretics, antiadrenergics, vasodilatators, combinative pharmacotherapy.
- 7. Anti-anginal agents (nitrites, beta-adrenergic blockers, calcium entry blockers). Lipid lowering agents (bile acid ion-exchange resins, cholesterol synthesis inhibitors, fibric acid derivates, nicotinic acid, others).
- 8. Pharmacotherapy of heart failure. Inotropic drugs, digitalis, amrinone, dobutamine - pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, adverse effects, interactions, management of overdosage. Present standard of pharmacotherapy in patients with heart failure.
- 9. Pharmacotherapy of cardiac arrythmias. I.A - affecting membrane functions, quinidine-like effects; I..B - affecting mebrane functions, with anesthetic effects; I.C - lorcainide, flecainide, propafenone; II. - beta-blockers; III. - increasing APD; IV. - calcium channel antagonists.
- Week 1 (22. 2. 2006) INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF PHARMACOLOGY Contents and organisation of practical courses. Pharmacological calculations. Latin terminology used in prescription of drugs. Week 2 (1. 3. 2006) GENERAL RULES OF THE DRUG PRESCRIPTION Pharmacopoea. Drug prescriptions: Elements of the drug prescription. Prescription of individual and manufactured preparations. Drug incompatibilities. Getting ready for the next lesson: Latin terminology and prescription writing. Routes of drug administration. Week 3 (8. 3. 2006) SURVEY OF DRUG DOSAGE FORMS. Terminology, classification. SOLID DRUG DOSAGE FORMS. Powders for external and internal use, capsules, tablets, teas - composition, prescription. Video-programme: Industrial production of solid drug forms. Please bring white lab-coats with you for the next week! Week 4 (15. 3. 2006) INTRODUCTION TO EXPERIMENTAL PHARMACOLOGY Pharmacological experiments. Laboratory animals. Protocol. Video-programme: Laboratory animals handling Experiments: PRINCIPLES OF GENERAL PHARMACOLOGY Dependence of drug effects on the route of administration and concentration of the injected solution. Week 5 (22. 3. 2006) SOFT AND MELTING DRUG DOSAGE FORMS. Suppositories, ointments, pastes, plasters - composition and prescription. Getting ready for the next lesson: Solid drug forms, drug forms for external use. Transport of drugs across biological barriers. Rehearsal of Latin terminology. Week 6 (29. 3. 2006) REVISING TEST: LATIN TERMINOLOGY AND ABBREVIATIONS. FLUID DRUG DOSAGE FORMS FOR THE EXTERNAL USE. Application and rinse solutions; eye, ear and nose lotions, suspensions - composition and prescription. Seminar: TRANSPORT OF DRUGS ACROSS BIOLOGICAL BARRIERS. Getting ready for the next lesson: Fluid drug forms. Week 7 (5. 4. 2006) FLUID DRUG DOSAGE FORMS FOR ORAL AND PARENTERAL USE. Solutions for oral administration, drops and tinctures, injections and intravenous infusions. Video-programme: Ready-made solutions for injection and infusion. Bring calculators with you for the next week! Week 8 (12. 4.) INTRODUCTION TO THE PHARMACOKINETICS. Basic pharmacokinetic processes and parameters. One- and two-compartment kinetic models. Kinetics of the intravascular and extravascular drug administration. Practical pharmacokinetic calculations. Getting ready for the next lesson: Introduction to pharmacokinetics. Bring calculators with you for the next week! Week 9 (19. 4. 2006) PRACTICAL PHARMACOKINETIC COMPUTATIONS. Computer technique in pharmacokinetics. Calculations of the basic pharmacokinetic parameters: Work with PC: software MW PHARM. Therapeutic drug monitoring Week 10 (26. 4.) Gaseous drug dosage forms. Prescription of manufactured medicaments. Drug dosology in paediatrics. Getting ready for the next lesson: Transmitters and receptors of the autonomic nervous system. Week 11 (3. 5. 2006) PHARMACOLOGY OF THE AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. Terminology, receptors, agonists and antagonists, pharmacological control of autonomic functions. Getting ready for the next lesson: Cholinergic drugs. Rehearsal of the general pharmacology. Week 12 (10. 5. 2006) REVISING TEST ON GENERAL PHARMACOLOGY PHARMACOLOGY OF THE CHOLINERGIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. Cholinergic receptors, direct- and indirect-acting cholinomimetic drugs, cholinoceptor-blocking drugs. Video-programme: Cholinergic transmission Getting ready for the next lesson: Adrenergic drugs. Comprehensive rehearsal of the drug prescription. Week 13 (17. 5. 2006) PHARMACOLOGY OF THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. Adrenergic receptors, adrenoceptor-activating and adrenoceptor-blocking drugs. Video-programme: Beta-adrenergic receptors Please bring white lab-coats with you for the next week! Week 14 (24. 5. 2006) REVISING TEST: PRACTICAL PRESCRIPTION OF DRUGS PRACTICAL SELF-PREPARATION OF SELECTED DRUG DOSAGE FORMS. Rehearsal of the general drug prescription. Week 15 (31. 5. 2006) Seminar: PHARMACOLOGY OF MEDICINAL PLANTS. History, classification and chemistry of plant drugs, their practical medicinal use. REPARATIVE TESTS CREDITS
- Literature
- Lincová: Základní a aplikovaná farmakologie
- HADAŠOVÁ, Eva, Jana NOVÁKOVÁ, Jana PISTOVČÁKOVÁ, Jana VINKLEROVÁ, Alexandra ŠULCOVÁ and Olga ZELENKOVÁ. Praktická cvičení z farmakologie (Practical Lessons on Pharmacology). 1. vydání. Brno: Masarykova univerzita v Brně, 2001, 97 pp. Skripta. ISBN 80-210-2694-4. info
- ŠULCOVÁ, Alexandra. Poznámky k přednáškám z farmakologie. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 1993, 97 s. ISBN 80-210-0640-4. info
- Assessment methods (in Czech)
- Výuka probíhá dvousemestrálně, formou přednášek (kontinuálně po celý semestr) a cvičení (blokově), vše je povinné. Ukončení - rigorózní zkouška složená ze 2 částí: I. praktická část -preskripce léků, II. teoretická část - ústní projev, student si vylosuje 1 otázku ze všeobecné farmakologie, 1 otázku ze speciální farmakologie, 2 otázky na detail (konkrétní lécivo); a písemný projev (test z lékové preskripce, multivýberový test).
Obecná farmakologie
Definice, Pharmacopoea, léková preskripce.
Způsoby aplikace léků, absorpce, distribuce, biotransformace, exkrece, základy farmakokinetiky.
Farmakodynamika, specifické a nespecifické mechanismy účinků léků, receptorová teorie účinků léků, vztah dávka-účinek a koncentrace-účinek, racionální a neracionální lékové kombinace.
Nežádoucí účinky léků, toxické vedlejší účinky, alergické reakce, sekundární vedlejší účinky, látková závislost.
Lékové interakce, farmakodynamické interakce, farmakokinetické interakce, interakce mezi složkami potravy a léky.
Vývoj nového léku, klinické pokusy.
Obecné zásady terapie otrav.
Speciální farmakologie
Psychoaktivní látky, neuroleptika, antidepresiva, trankvilizéry, psychostimulancia, nootropika, psychotomimetika, hypnosedativa, anorektika.
Analgetika. Opioidy, nenarkotická analgetika. Nesteroidní antiflogistika.
Celková a lokální anestetika.
Myorelaxancia. Antikonvulsiva, antiepileptika.
Antiparkinsonika. Antiemetika.
Léky ovlivňující sympatický nervový systém, přímá a nepřímá sympatomimetika, selektivní a neselektivní antagonisti adrenergních receptorů, sympatolytika.
Látky ovlivňující parasympatický nervový systém, přímá a nepřímá cholinergika, parasymaptolytika.
Hormony hypothalamu, hypofýzy, štítné žlázy, antithyreoidální látky, insulin, perorální antidiabetika, antihypoglykemika, glukokortikoidy, mineralokortikoidy, estrogeny, antiestrogeny, progestiny, hormonální antikoncepce, androgeny, antiandrogeny, anabolika, ikosanoidy, tokolytika.
Histamin, H1, H2 antihistaminika.
Krevní náhrady, hemostatika, antikoagulancia.
Kardiotonika, antiarytmika, antianginosní látky, antihypertensiva, diuretika, antidiuretika.
Antiastmatika, antitusika, expektorancia.
Acida a digestiva, antacida, látky snižující motilitu GIT, prokinetika, laxancia, choleretika a cholekinetika.
Kontrastní látky.
Antiinfekční látky, antibiotika, antituberkulotika, antimykotika, antimalarika, sulfonamidy, chemoterapeutika.
Imunomodulancia, imunosupresiva.
Chemoterapeutika nádorových onemocnění, blokátory mitosy, alkylační činidla, antimetabolity, ostatní cytostatika, antibiotika, hormony, radioaktivní isotopy. - Language of instruction
- Czech
- Further comments (probably available only in Czech)
- The course is taught annually.
The course is taught in blocks.
- Enrolment Statistics (recent)
- Permalink: https://is.muni.cz/course/med/spring2006/VLFA0822