aZLLM0522p Lékařská orální mikrobiologie II - přednáška

Lékařská fakulta
podzim 2021
1/0/0. 15. 3 kr. Ukončení: zk.
MUDr. Lenka Černohorská, Ph.D. (přednášející)
Mgr. Monika Dvořáková Heroldová, Ph.D. (přednášející)
Ing. Veronika Holá, Ph.D. (přednášející)
prof. MUDr. Filip Růžička, Ph.D. (přednášející)
doc. MUDr. Vladana Woznicová, Ph.D. (přednášející)
Mgr. Ing. Veronika Korecká (cvičící)
Mgr. Katarína Rebrošová (cvičící)
Mgr. Lukáš Vacek, Ph.D. (cvičící)
MUDr. Ondřej Zahradníček (cvičící)
Iva Holešovská (pomocník)
prof. MUDr. Filip Růžička, Ph.D.
Mikrobiologický ústav – Společná pracoviště s Fakultní nemocnicí u sv. Anny v Brně – Lékařská fakulta
Kontaktní osoba: MUDr. Ondřej Zahradníček
Dodavatelské pracoviště: Mikrobiologický ústav – Společná pracoviště s Fakultní nemocnicí u sv. Anny v Brně – Lékařská fakulta
Po 15:20–16:10 MiÚ N04308
aZLLM0421c Lék.orál.mikrobiologie I -cv. && ( aZLBC0321s Biochemistry I - seminar || aZLBC0221s Biochemie I - seminář )&& ( aZLET021p Etika v zubním lék.-předn. || aZLET011p Etika v ZL - přednáška )&& aZLLT0222s Zákl. lék. terminologie II -s
Students are supposed to understand topics of first term (subject ZLLM0421p).
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je nabízen i studentům mimo mateřské obory.
Mateřské obory/plány
Cíle předmětu
At the end of this course, student
* defines importance of individual bacterial findings in different clinical materials
* analyzes the difference between common microbial flora, transient findings, contamination and pathogens in different localisations
* judges what infections are rather rare and what infections use to be common
* describes basic approaches of diagnostics and treatment of the most typical microbial diseases; nevertheless, here only basis can be given, and more detailed knowledge should be given in clinical subjects, especially Infectology
Výstupy z učení
Student is able to define common microflora (if present)/transient findings/common contaminants/pathogens of
* different parts of upper and lower respiratory ways, lungs and middle ear
* different parts of gastrointestinal tract, liver, bile bladder and pancreas
* different parts of urinary tract
* different parts of genital system
* different parts of central and peripherial nervous system
* bloodstream, bones, muscles and various tissues
* skin, eyes, external ear

Student also will know specific problems of microbial infections
* during pregnancy, during birth and in first days after bith
* of in-patients, especially immunocompromised (hospital infections) ================================
  • The syllabus of knowledge from both terms (ZLLM0421p, ZLLM0521p) is uploaded in the Study materials in pdf format: Lectures of Medical Oral Microbiology II (Autumn term)
  • * Oral microbiology I.-V.
  • * Agents of respiratory infections
  • * Agents of digestive infections
  • * Agents of neuroinfections
  • * Agents of UTI
  • * Agents of classical venereal diseases
  • * Agents of other STDs
  • * Agents of wound infections
  • * Agents of skin infections
  • * Agents of septicaemiae
  • * Agents of congenital and neonatal infections
  • * Agents of healthcare associated infections
  • SAMARANAYKE, L.P. Essential Microbiology for Dentistry. 3rd Ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2006, 372 s. ISBN 978-0-323-04475-2. info
  • MARSH, Philip. Oral Microbiology. Wright, 2002. ISBN 0-7236-1051-7. info
  • BJARNSHOLT, Thomas, Claus MOSER a Niels HØIBY. Biofilm Infections. Springer, 2011. ISBN 978-1-4419-6084-9. e-book info
  • (1) + all materials from practical sessions are essential, (2) and (3) are additionary
Výukové metody
lectures, presentations of case reports
self-study for the final exam
Metody hodnocení
Attendance at lectures is not checked, but is recommended.
The subject is finished by the exam that has three parts. A student that is not successful at any of the parts does not continue to other parts. The exception is a student coming to his/her last resit. Such student always absolves all three parts, and a co-examiner is present at the third part.
(1) Written admission test consists of 20 questions, mostly "single best answer" type, partially also filling in missing word or other type questions. Students having at least 14 correct answers are considered having successfully done this part. Students coming to a resit term and having the test successfully completed in one of previous attempts do not have to redo the test again.
(2) Practical examination means doing a task picked by a student, or given to him by a teacher. Students coming for a resit term do not have to absolve the practical part repeatedly if they have got value "A" or "B" at one of previous attempts. Elaborating of a written protocol from the practical part may be requested.
(3) Theoretical part means that student picks one question for each of three groups of questions. The total number of questions is approximately 180. The student elaborates the questions in written form, signs them and gives them to the teacher. The teacher asks additional questions to them orally. After that, the student is evaluated.
Warning 1: At any part of the exam the student may be told to show his/her protocols from practical sessions. The quality of the protocols may be taken into account at the final evaluation.
Warning 2: Skipping the test and/or the practical part cannot be done in case of students coming again for their regular exam term in a repeatedly registered subject.
Note: Student that failed at part (1) and (2) and feel disadvantaged may appeal to the head-examiner during next 60 minutes.
Vyučovací jazyk
Navazující předměty
Informace učitele
Contact to teachers and other stuff can be found here:
Organizing information can be found in the "Course related instructions" of Study materials of this subject in the IS.
More information can be also found on the wall poster in the practical hall.
Další komentáře
Poznámka k ukončení předmětu: Zkušební otázky budou uveřejněny ve Studijních materiálech předmětu
Předmět je dovoleno ukončit i mimo zkouškové období.
Předmět je vyučován každoročně.
Nachází se v prerekvizitách jiných předmětů

Zobrazit další předměty

Předmět je zařazen také v obdobích podzim 2017, podzim 2018, podzim 2019, podzim 2020, podzim 2022, podzim 2023, podzim 2024.