SZk1025a Social Psychology

Pedagogická fakulta
podzim 2011
0/0/1. 8 hodin. 4 kr. Ukončení: zk.
Mgr. Ing. Irena Ocetková, Ph.D. (přednášející)
PhDr. Jaroslav Řezáč, CSc. (přednášející)
PhDr. Jaroslav Řezáč, CSc.
Katedra psychologie – Pedagogická fakulta
Kontaktní osoba: PhDr. Jaroslav Řezáč, CSc.
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je nabízen i studentům mimo mateřské obory.
Mateřské obory/plány
Cíle předmětu
The course of social psychology is focused at forming fundamentals of socially-psychological thinking in the context of professions oriented at work with people. It reviews the theory of interpersonal interactions in macro- and micro-social space. It deals with socially-psychological aspects of pedagogical communication; it informs about the rules and conditions of adequate social perception and attribution; both of them in connection with cultivation and self-education possibilities. The second essential part is formed by psychology of group life; psychological aspects of a structure and dynamics of groups with respect to the specificity of various sorts of children and youth groups and various spheres of social life.
  • 1. Social psychology – object and subject of social psychology; position of social psychology in the system of psychological disciplines; the importance of social psychology studies for teachers and professions in the areas of education, guiding, controlling, care, and therapy; application possibilities of socially psychological knowledge in the practice of teachers and educators; applied social psychology. 2. Humanization of man – personality socialisation –psychological characteristics of a socialisation process of man; processes of personalisation, professionalisation, socialisation and cultural improvement; specificities of controlled socialisation (education) and other socialising mechanisms and influences; criteria of socialising effectiveness. Socialising products. 3. Social learning as a psychological mechanism of socialisation; social strengthening, imitation, identification; conditions of social learning effectiveness. Social learning, cultivation and education. 4. Psychology of interpersonal relations, basic marks of interactions (connectivity, stimulation, interference); criteria of interaction effect (activity, intermediation level, values). Types of synergy (coexistence, coordination, co-operation; rivalry, competition, reciprocity; some possibilities of psychological analysis of interpersonal relations. Interactive style. 5. Communication – communication contents; kinds and types of communication; effective communication. Pathological communication. Communication fouls. Possibilities of communication skills cultivation. 6. Perception and attribution – sensitivity; situational perception; formation of another man picture, perception sources and another man judging; mistakes in perception, attribution, self-perception and self-evaluation. 7. Social properties and personality features – ability to co-operate – ability to socialize – tolerance – social creativity – meaning and attitudes – relation-attitude properties of personality. 8. Social buttress. Sorts, mechanisms. Social buttress in teacher_s work. 9. Psychological characteristic of a social group with focusing at a small social group, mark, attributes of the social group – structure and dynamics of a small social group; standards, goals of the group and manners how to reach them; team; team roles. 10. School class as a social group –family and school class as social groups – characteristic and psychological importance of free-time groups. 11. Problematic, demanding and conflicting social situations (frustration – deprivation – stress; socially-psychological view), conflicting situations (intra- and inter-group conflicts, conflicts of roles); frustration as a social situation, frustration as a state (experience), typical pupils_ reaction to frustration; situation of frustration and stress; stress – socially-psychological view, frustration tolerance, social factors for creating resistance against stress and frustration; (social) deprivation – consequences. 12. Activating methods and procedures in teacher’s work using socially-psychological training techniques. 13. Closing synthesising reflection of SP finding system, or a free theme according to the interest of the students.
  • Principles of Social Psychology (Orig.) : Základy sociální psychologie [Hayes, 1998] : Základy sociální psychologie [Hayes, 2003]. info
  • Sociální psychologie : moderní učebnice sociální psychologie. Edited by Miles Hewstone - Wolfgang Stroebe, Translated by Dagmar Brejlová - Pa. Vyd. 1. Praha: Portál, 2006, 769 s. ISBN 8073670925. info
Výukové metody
Metody hodnocení
The subject terminates by a written test / alternative terminology test / knowledge test (70% minimum).
Vyučovací jazyk
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