PdF:SC4MK_CJAJ English for Social Educators - Informace o předmětu
SC4MK_CJAJ Angličtina pro sociální pedagogy
Pedagogická fakultapodzim 2016
- Rozsah
- 0/0/1.3. 15 hodin. 5 kr. Ukončení: zk.
- Vyučující
- Mgr. Radka Mlýnková (přednášející)
Mgr. Veronika Dvořáčková, Ph.D. (přednášející)
PhDr. Mgr. Zita Nováková, Ph.D. (cvičící)
Mgr. Daniela Dvořáková (pomocník)
Mgr. Gabriela Hublová, Ph.D. (pomocník) - Garance
- Mgr. Veronika Dvořáčková, Ph.D.
Oddělení Centra jazykového vzdělávání na Pedagogické fakultě – Fakultní oddělení celoškolských kateder – Pedagogická fakulta
Kontaktní osoba: Jitka Autratová
Dodavatelské pracoviště: Oddělení Centra jazykového vzdělávání na Pedagogické fakultě – Centrum jazykového vzdělávání - Rozvrh
- Pá 16. 9. 15:45–19:15 učebna 57, 15:45–19:15 učebna 59
- Rozvrh seminárních/paralelních skupin:
SC4MK_CJAJ/OS02: Pá 14. 10. 13:55–16:30 učebna 53, Pá 11. 11. 15:45–19:15 učebna 51, Pá 9. 12. 15:45–19:15 učebna 54, R. Mlýnková - Předpoklady
- Students enrolling in the course are expected to have reached the minimum CEFR level of B1+.
The course of academic, specialist and specific English level at the B2 CEFR level. Speaking is developed mainly through interaction with single or multiple interlocutors with a focus on specialist topics of social education. In the writing domain, the emphasis is laid on the ability to formulate and structure academic argumentation while employing the conventions of the respective academic genre in question. In this respect, particular attention is paid to the correct use of lexico-grammatical items to ensure linguistically and logically fluent text. Grammar at the B2 CEFR level is explained using the examples of the general or general academic English language. Lexico-grammatical items presented within the instruction of academic writing are of general academic nature, while the vocabulary (see T1―T2,T4―T5 below) are discipline/disciplines specific., - Omezení zápisu do předmětu
- Předmět je určen pouze studentům mateřských oborů.
Jiné omezení: Kurz na úrovni B2 (ERR). Znalosti angličtiny se prověřují vstupním testem na úvodní konzultaci. Předmět si zapíší pouze ti studenti, kteří úspěšně absolvovali vstupní test. - Mateřské obory/plány
- Sociální pedagogika (program PdF, N-PD)
- Sociální pedagogika (program PdF, N-PD, směr Čtvrtý modul)
- Cíle předmětu
- 1 Students will acquire the specific and specialist vocabulary presented within the topic (T1― 2, 4―5) while employing all the language skills, i.e. reading and listening comprehension, writing and speaking.
2 Students will deepen their knowledge and skills of spoken academic discussion with a single or multiple interlocutors using the platform of the social education issues.
3 Students will acquire the conventions of formal academic writing in English with a special emphasis on linguistically and logically fluent argumentation.
4 Students will practise the basic principles and strategies for effective processing of the English language input on the basis of academic, specialist and specific language in the domain of the receptive language skills, to ensure both global and detailed understanding.
5 Students will practise and solidify the below mentioned grammar chapters of the B2 CEFR level with a special emphasis on sentence transformations.
6 Students will acquire basic academic vocabulary through wordformation processes. - Osnova
- Multidisciplinary focus of social education is reflected in the topic-based orientation of the individual courses taught at the Faculty of Education. In the Master study programme for distance learners, the course is geared towards the medical and psychological issues.
- Topic 1 ADDICTIONS (alcohol, drugs, drug legalization, workoholism, etc.)
- Topic 2 DISEASES OF AFFLUENCE, ALLERGIES AND EMERGENCIES (obesity, diabetes, hay fever, myocardial infarction, etc.)
- Topic 3 ACADEMIC WRITING (basic conventions of academic genres, argumentative essay)
- Topic 4 PALLIATIVE CARE (euthanasia, patients´ relatives´ rights, etc.)
- Topic 5 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (interpersonal phenomena, esp. group dynamics, social influences, etc., and intrapersonal phenomena, esp. self-perception, social cognition, etc.)
- Grammar chapters (self-study using materials with answer key):
- 1 Future forms
- 2 Present tense ― simple vs. continuous
- 3 Past tense ― simple vs. continuous
- 4 Present perfect tenses
- 5 Sentence transformations I + II
- 6 Modals
- 7 Passive forms
- 8 Wordformation – abstract vocabulary
- 9 Transitional expressions
- 10 A, some, any, no
- 11 Articles
- 12 Conditionals O, I, II and III
- 13 Countable, uncountable nouns
- 14 Phrasal verbs
- 15 Prepositional phrases
- 16 Reported speech
- 17 Sentence transformations
- Literatura
- povinná literatura
- IS MUNI CZ online e-learning materials
- doporučená literatura
- English Grammar in Use. 2004. info
- Cambridge English First 5, CUP 2012, ISBN: 9781107603318
- Cambridge First Certificate in English, CUP 2003, ISBN 0-521-75445-3
- STEPHENS, Nicholas. Cambridge first certificate. London: New Editions, 2009, 4 CD. ISBN 9789604034574. info
- HASHEMI, Louise a Barbara THOMAS. Cambridge grammar for first certificate : with answers. 1st ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, xii, 260. ISBN 0521533368. info
- neurčeno
- www.macmillandictionary.com
- MCCARTHY, Michael a Felicity O'DELL. Academic vocabulary in use. First published. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, 176 stran. ISBN 9780521689397. info
- Výukové metody
- Oral presentation, pair work, role plays, discussion, frontal as well as student-centred instruction.
- Metody hodnocení
- Course completion requirements:
1 Attendance and active participation in classes (1 consultation can be missed)
2 Argumentative essay
Written part: Test (reading comprehension, listening comprehension, grammar and vocabulary, writing), pass mark 65%.
Spoken part: follows the successful completion of the written part. Monologue: presentation of Master thesis project, or professional goals, or current job description, 3 minutes. Dialogue with a peer using a topic randomly picked by students, 6 minutes. Both students present for the entire duration of the spoken exam, pass mark 65%.
Final grade composed of the written and spoken part:
A(100―93%), B (92―86%), C (85―79%), D(78―72%), E (71―65%) - Vyučovací jazyk
- Angličtina
- Další komentáře
- Předmět je vyučován každoročně.
Předmět je vyučován v angličtině a je zakončen testem a ústní zkouškou na úrovni B2.
- Statistika zápisu (podzim 2016, nejnovější)
- Permalink: https://is.muni.cz/predmet/ped/podzim2016/SC4MK_CJAJ