DU1906 Laboratory research in Humanities A

Filozofická fakulta
jaro 2022
0/2/6. 15 kr. Doporučované ukončení: z. Jiná možná ukončení: zk, k.
prof. Ivan Foletti, MA, Docteur es Lettres, Docent in Church History (cvičící)
Mgr. Tomáš Valeš, Ph.D. (cvičící)
prof. Ivan Foletti, MA, Docteur es Lettres, Docent in Church History
No prerequisites.
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je otevřen studentům libovolného oboru.
Cíle předmětu
The main goal of this course is to develop, between the students, the capacity of a team research and important team writing skills. To do so, a concrete example – going from the medieval period to early modernity – will be analyzed. All relevant methodologies – architectural analysis, visual culture analysis, archival research, etc. – will be employed by the students to assess the case study. Will follow a process of collective writing finalized in the publication of an article or small booklet by all the participants. In this way, a real research group will be formed, giving to the students practical experience and skills of such an approach.
The case study under investigation will be the sacred spaces of the southern Moravian city of Znojmo. Differently to the existing literature, the goal of this project will be to present selected churches of the city in mutual interaction between them and their liturgical lives. The main output will be a small booklet devoted to the wider audience.
Výstupy z učení
After completing the course, a student will be able to:
- work in a research group;
- gain proficiency in writing in collaboration with other scholars;
- disseminate and mediate research to academic and non-academic audiences;
- work in archives, libraries, research institutions, etc.;
- develop the capacity of receiving and implementing information stemming from other research fields, e.g., archaeometry, restoration, etc.;
- display practical skills in copy-editing and editorial process of academic work.
  • First investigation of the monuments in situ / weekly field research;
  • Autonomous research in attributed segments of research;
  • First feedback from teachers and colleagues;
  • Autonomous research in attributed segments of research;
  • Second feedback from teachers and colleagues;
  • Autonomous research in attributed segments of research;
  • Third feedback from teachers and colleagues;
  • Second investigation of the monuments in situ / two days of field research and subsequent production of needed pictures and documents;
  • First draft of the final publication;
  • Feedback on the text from teachers and colleagues;
  • Second draft of the final publication;
  • Feedback on the text from teachers and colleagues;
  • Copy edition and editorial work;
    doporučená literatura
  • Znojemská rotunda ve světle vědeckého poznání : sborník příspěvků : vědecká konference, Znojmo 23.-25.9.1996 (Variant.) : Znojemská rotunda ve světle vědeckého poznání : vědecká konference, Znojmo 23.-25.9.1996 : sborník příspěvků. info
  • Mudra, Aleš, The Parish church as a stage of eucharistic devotion and feast liturgical practices: the cases of Znojmo and Kranj., Art and architecture around 1400, ed. by Marjeta Ciglenečki, Maribor 2012, pp. 197-206
  • Valeš, Tomáš, Kostel sv. Hypolita ve Znojmě - Hradišti sv. Hypolita, Praha 2017
  • Svoboda, František, Krajina jako dílo: barokní krajinou od Mikulova po Znojmo. Brno 2016
  • Konečný, Lubomír Jan, Románská rotunda ve Znojme: ikonologie maleb a architektury. Brno 2005
  • VALEŠ, Tomáš. Příběhy slávy a zapomnění. Znojemští umělci, jejich díla a osudy na sklonku baroka. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014, 289 s. ISBN 978-80-210-6968-8. info
  • VALEŠ, Tomáš. Znojmo and its surroundings: Local center, periphery, or something completely different? In Ondřej Jakubec. Central European and American perspectives on visual arts in early modern Europe. Brno, 2013, s. 133–147. ISBN 978-80-7485-017-2. info
  • VALEŠ, Tomáš. "...in ducali ac celeberrima Ecclesia Lucensi..." Salzburger Künstler im Dienst des Prämonstratenser Stifts in Louka / Klosterbruck bei Znaim. Barockberichte : Informationsblätter aus dem Salzburger Barockmuseum zur bildenden Kunst des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Salzburg: Salzburger Barockmuseum, 2012, Neuveden, č. 59-60, s. 717-730. ISSN 1029-3205. info
  • VALEŠ, Tomáš. Migration und Integration. Künstler im frühneuzetlichen Znaim – ihre Herkunft und Arbeitsreisen. In Michal Konečný, Filip Komárek. 'Ani spolu, ani bez sebe' Interdisciplinarita v dějinách umění. Sborník příspěvků z III. ročníku konference studentů doktorských programů dějin umění, 2010. Brno: studio TEAGARDEN, 2011, s. 105-112. ISBN 978-80-904654-1-1. info
Výukové metody
Interactive seminar with field research, archival research, and collective work.
Metody hodnocení
The students will receive partial tasks into the process of gathering materials and will be evaluated on the basis of reports emerging from this field research. Subsequently, they will participate to the writing and editing of the final monograph. Each student will have a dedicated part and will be evaluated on this specific part.
Vyučovací jazyk
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Studijní materiály
Předmět je vyučován každoročně.
Předmět je zařazen také v obdobích jaro 2021, jaro 2023, jaro 2024, jaro 2025, jaro 2026.