AJ46001 Dějiny a kultura Velké Británie

Filozofická fakulta
podzim 2007
5x2. 8 kr. Ukončení: zk.
PhDr. Lidia Kyzlinková, CSc., M.Litt. (přednášející)
Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel, B.A.
Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky – Filozofická fakulta
Kontaktní osoba: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Kačer, Ph.D.
Pá 10:50–12:25 G31
Course Books: McDowall, David. An Illustrated History of Britain, 1989. (History); Franková, Kyzlinková, Hardy (eds.). British Studies: A Reader, 2002. (Reader). Storry, Childs (eds.). British Cultural Identities, 1997 (BCI)
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je určen pouze studentům mateřských oborů.
Mateřské obory/plány
Cíle předmětu
The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the study of Britain's past and present by considering the interrelated topics of national identity, social relations, education, political representation and the role of the media. The topics are approached through discussion and cross-cultural comparison based on a selection of materials which include press cuttings, essays, theoretical articles, videos and background reading in history. The course also includes some introductory practice in academic writing.
  • Wk 1 History: Earliest Times (C 1-3), Reader (Society):Montgomery. Institutions and discourse. Wk 2 History: Early Middle Ages (C 4-6), Reader (Society): Williams. Keywords …, Carr. What is History? Wk 3 History: Late Middle Ages (C7-9), Reader (Identities): Hugh Kearney: Four nations or one? Wk 4 History: Tudors (C10-12), Reader (Identities) North and South Wk 5 History: Stuarts (13-15), Reader (Identities): Northern Irish Troubles Wk 6 History: 18C (C16-18), Reader (Ethnicity): Background to Immigration Wk 7 History: 19C (C19-21), Reader (Social Class): Paul Johnson: The only way to change the class system Wk 8 History: 20C (C22-23), Reader (Generation, Gender): Youth Culture Wk 9 BCI: Gender, sex and the family, Reader (Generation, Gender): Gender, Sexism in Language Wk 10 BCI: Education, work and leisure, Reader (Education) The hidden curriculum and work Wk 11 BCI: Class and politics, Reader (Royalty): Judith Williamson: Royalty and Representation Wk 12 BCI: Ethnicity and language, Reader (Media): Abercrombie, Warde. Advertising and Persuasion, Popular television drama
  • KYZLINKOVÁ, Lidia. A Reader. editor: doc. Milada Franková, CSc. M.A. In British Studies. Brno: Masarykova univerzita Brno, 1999, 128 s. učební texty. ISBN 80-210-2119-5. info
  • British cultural identities. Edited by Mike Storry - Peter Childs. London: Routledge, 1997, xxii, 350. ISBN 0415136989. info
  • MCDOWALL, David. An illustrated history of Britain. Harlow: Longman, 1989, 188 p. ISBN 0582044324. info
Metody hodnocení
Assessment: final test, 5 written summaries, class talk. / Hodnocení: závěrečný test, 5 písemných komentářů a referát.
Vyučovací jazyk
Informace učitele
Seminar Assessment: Talk in class: 20%; Summaries: 25%; Final Test: 55% 1 Talk: One issue talk / oral conribution in class (5 minutes), related to the topic of the week (recommended sources: Reader, BCI), pros and cons of one issue, comment or comparison with the Czech situation appreciated (not compulsory). 5 Summaries: written, submitted always before the attended seminar, length 200 words, your own choice from the scheduled articles from Reader. Final Test: (25 questions based on History, 30 questions based on the scheduled texts from Reader and BCI. All course materials to be found in the e-learning system = elf.
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