KLMgrB69 Greek and Roman silver plate. A precious iconographical medium

Filozofická fakulta
podzim 2010
1/1/0. 0. 3 kr. Ukončení: k.
Dr. Elisabetta Maria Gagetti, Ph.D. (přednášející), PhDr. Marie Pardyová, CSc. (zástupce)
doc. PhDr. Eliška Kazdová, CSc.
Ústav archeologie a muzeologie – Filozofická fakulta
Kontaktní osoba: PhDr. Marie Pardyová, CSc.
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Mateřské obory/plány
předmět má 8 mateřských oborů, zobrazit
Cíle předmětu
At the end of this course the students should be able to be acquainted with: • the techniques of fabrication of silver vessels • the relationships between pottery and silver plate shapes • the ways in which ancient silver plate came to us • the function of silver plate as support of iconographies • the diffusion of classical iconographies in the peripherical areas of the classical world • the different subjects of figured silver plate • the passage from pagan iconographies to christian iconographies
  • Subjects of the lessons (ten 2-hour lessons): 1. A glance backwards: Phoenician and Greek silver plate in Etruria, Thrace and Scythia 2. Roman silver plate before Roman empire: the development of Hellenistic shapes (phiale, skyphos); the cup from Alesia and the garland cups 3. Two great silver hoards buried by the Vesuvius eruption (79 AD): the Villa at Boscoreale and the House of the Menander in Pompeii 4. Roman silver plate beyond the limes: the cups from Hoby (DK); the treasure of Hildesheim (D); the Gosławice cup (PL); the silver plate from the royal tomb in Mušov (CZ) and something else. 5. Iconographical subjects: history. The silver patera from Aquileia; the “Rotschild cups” from Boscoreale; the “Africa phiale” from Boscoreale; the “Reconciliation cups” from Moregine; the lanx from Stráže 6. Iconographical subjects: myth. “Homeric” cups; Centaurs in silver (kantharoi from Pompeii, Casa dell’Argenteria; and from the hoard of Berthouville); the bell crater from Hildesheim 7. Three hoards: Marengo, Kaiseraugst, Seuso 8. Late antiquity: a “new” Achilles 9. Götterdämmerung: the last pagan silver plate. The patera from Parabiago; the Corbridge lanx; the amphora from Baratti 10. From the imperial court to the heavenly court: the silver casket of S. Nazaro and the theke of Manlia Daedalia
    povinná literatura
  • • Argenterie romaine et byzantine, Actes de la table ronde (Paris, 1983), ed. F. Baratte, Paris 1988.
    doporučená literatura
  • • A. Alfoeldi, Redeunta Saturnia regna, 7. Frugifer-Triptolemos im ptolemaeisch-roemischen Herrscherkult, in “Chiron”, 9, 1979, pp. 553-606.
  • • K. Friis Johansen, New evidence about the Hoby silver cups, in “ActaArch”, 31, 1960, pp. 185-190.
  • • F. Baratte, Le trésor d'orfèvrerie romaine de Boscoreale, Paris 1986.
  • CINISELLO, Balsamo. Il tesoro di San Nazaro. Antichi argenti liturgici della Basilica di San Nazaro al Museo Diocesano di Milano a cura di Gemma Sena Chiesa. Milano: Silvana, 2009, 215 s. ISBN 978-88-366-1342-7. info
  • CHIESA, G Sena. Imago Caesaris argentea. Il busto di Lucio Vero del Tesoro di Marengo. Lanx. Milano, 2008, roč. 1, s. 1-25. ISSN 2035-4797. info
  • Argenti a Pompei, Catalogue of the exhibition. Milano, 2006. edited by P.G. Guzzo. info
  • JÍLEK, Jan. Supplementary notes to the cognition of silver vessels in the territory of the Czech and Slovak republics. Studia Hercynia. Praha, 2006, roč. 2006, X, s. 24-32. ISSN 1212-5865. info
  • Tesori della Bulgaria. Dal Neolitico al Medioevo, Catalogue of the exhibition. Roma, 2006. info
  • PEŠKA, Jaroslav a Jaroslav TEJRAL. Das germanische Königsgrab von Mušov in Mähren. Edited by Claus von Carnap-Bornheim. Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2002, viii, 310. ISBN 388467076X. info
  • SIMON, E. Die Lanx von Stráže. Anodos. Studies of the Ancient World. Trnava: Trnavská univerzita, 2001, roč. 1, s. 197-208. ISSN 1338-5410. info
  • NICHOLSON, O. The Corbridge Lanx and the emperor Julian. Britannia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, roč. 26, s. 312-315. ISSN 0068-113X. info
  • MÜLLER, C W. Das Bildprogramm der Silberbecher von Hoby. Zur Rezeption frühgriechischer Literatur in der römischen Bildkunst der augusteischen Zeit. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1994, roč. 109, s. 321-352. ISSN 0070-4415. info
  • MUNDELL MANGO, M a A BENNETT. The Sevso treasure 1. Journal of Roman Archaeology. Supplementary series. Rhode Island: J. H. Humphrey, 1994, roč. 12, č. 1. info
  • PANNUTI, U. L'apoteosi d'Omero. Vaso argenteo del Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Monumenti Antichi. Roma: Academia nazionale der Lincei, 1990, roč. 3, s. 43-58. info
  • Argenterie romaine et byzantine. In F. Baratte. Actes de la table ronde. Paris, 1988. info
  • KAUFMANN-HEINIMANN, Annemarie a Herbert Adolph CAHN. Il tesoro nascosto. Le argenterie imperiali di Kaiseraugst. Roma: De Luca, 1987, 179 s. Catalogue of the exhibition. info
  • GHEDINI, Francesca. La figura recumbente del piatto di Aquileia e l'eleusinismo alessandrino. Rivista di Archeologia. Roma, 1986, roč. 10, s. 31-42. ISSN 0392-0895. info
  • ARIAS, Paolo Enrico. L'anfora argentea di Porto Baratti. Roma: Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, 1986, 113 s. info
  • BARATTE, Francois. Le trésor d'orfèvrerie romaine de Boscoreale. Paris: Ministere de la culture et de la communication, Editions de la Reunion des musees nationaux, 1986, 96 s. ISBN 978-2-7118-2048-1. info
  • LINFERT, A. Die Tochter, nicht die Mutter. In N. Bonacasa et A. Di Vita. Nochmals zur "Afrika"-Schale von Boscoreale, in Alessandria e il mondo ellenistico-romano. Roma, 1984, s. 351-358. info
  • VAN DE GRIFT, J. Tears and Revel. The Allegory of the Berthouville Centaur Scyphi. American Journal of Archaeology. Boston: Archaeological Institute of America, 1984, roč. 88, s. 377-388. ISSN 1939-828X. info
  • CRISTOFANI, M a M MARTELLI. L'oro degli Etruschi. Novara: Istituto Geografico De Agostini, 1983. info
  • MUSSO, Luisa Trenta. Manifattura suntuaria e committenza pagana nellaRoma del IV secolo. Indagine sulla lanx di Parabiago. Roma: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 1983, 196 s. Studi e materiali del Museo della civilta romana. ISBN 88-7062-549-4. info
  • WIELOWIEJSKI, J. Römische Silbergefässe und ihre Nachahmungen in Polen. In Pavel Oliva, Alena Frolíková. Concilium Eirene XVI: Proceedings of the 16th International Eirene Conference, Prague 31.8. - 4.9.1982. Praha: Kabinet pro studia řecká, římsá a latinská ČSAV, 1983, s. 221-226, 368 s. ISBN 1-02-493335-0. info
  • ALFOELDI, Andreas. Redeunta Saturnia regna, 7. Frugifer-Triptolemos im ptolemaeisch-roemischen Herrscherkult. Chiron. München: C. H. Beck, 1979, roč. 9, s. 553-606. ISSN 0069-3715. info
  • CHILDS, W.A.P. The Achilles silver plate in Paris. Gesta. New York: International Center of Medieval Art, 1979, roč. 18, s. 19-26. ISSN 0016-920X. info
  • JEPPESEN, K. An inside view of the Hoby cups. Acta Archaeologica. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 1972, roč. 43, s. 1-18. ISSN 1600-0390. info
  • POULSEN, V. Die Silberbecher von Hoby. Antike Plastik. Berlin: Hirmer, 1968, roč. 8, s. 69-73. ISSN 0518-018X. info
  • JOHANSEN, K Friis. New Evidence about the Hoby Silver Cups. Acta Archaeologica. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 1960, roč. 31, s. 185–190. ISSN 1600-0390. info
Výukové metody
Lessons with PowerPoint presentations (in English)
Metody hodnocení
Written examination: multiple choice test (in English; in particular cases only, after a previous written request to the teacher, a Czech version of the test can be supplied) • Ten questions about an image – already seen during the lessons – each one with three questions (of which only one is correct), according to the subjects of the lessons Requirements for the test: • Knowledge of the contents of the lessons • The reading of some texts in literature is suggested
Vyučovací jazyk
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  • Permalink: https://is.muni.cz/predmet/phil/podzim2010/KLMgrB69