FF:PV2B108 Medieval warfare at a glance - Informace o předmětu
PV2B108 Beyond strategy and tactics. Medieval warfare at a glance
Filozofická fakultapodzim 2019
- Rozsah
- 3 bloky po 4 vyuč. hodinách v určených termínech. 4 kr. Ukončení: z.
- Vyučující
- Dr. phil. Heinrich Speich, MAS (přednášející)
- Garance
- Mgr. Petr Elbel, Ph.D.
Ústav pomocných věd historických a archivnictví – Filozofická fakulta
Kontaktní osoba: Olga Barová
Dodavatelské pracoviště: Ústav pomocných věd historických a archivnictví – Filozofická fakulta - Rozvrh
- Pá 27. 9. 10:00–13:40 B2.22, Pá 18. 10. 10:00–13:40 B2.22, Pá 15. 11. 10:00–13:40 B2.22, Pá 6. 12. 10:00–13:40 B2.22
- Omezení zápisu do předmětu
- Předmět je nabízen i studentům mimo mateřské obory.
Jiné omezení: Určeno studentům navazujících magisterských programů a oborů. - Mateřské obory/plány
- předmět má 11 mateřských oborů, zobrazit
- Cíle předmětu
- The middle ages are considered a violent and savage era. In three blocks we will focus the main lines of medieval warfare in central Europe and their social impacts. Students are introduced to the principal topics of medieval military history and the profiles of conflict and conflict resolution throughout the Middle Ages, with a focus on the XIII.-XVI. c. Besides material remains, written sources are crucial for understanding the social mechanics within the medieval society. They are read in latin or english translations and supported by introductory texts. Students are prompted to read the texts beforehand and to participate actively in the discussions.
- Výstupy z učení
- Students are enabled to:
- identify the role of military history and security related topics in historiography
- explain the main goals and outcomes of military history and conflict research
- distinguish and describe the main periodes in medieval western history and warfare.
- sketch the main conflicts and conflict resolution strategies in the middle ages
- describe techniques of conflict resolution, warfare and social behaviour in conflicts
- categorize medieval sources and debate military history related topics within
- enumerate archeological and material remains related to medieval military history
- assess the main issues of warfare and conflict resolution related topics in medieval sources - Osnova
- 1.Introductory session - Preliminary information, organisation, dates and conditions of participation. Obliging inscription. - Distribution of texts and short-presentation topics
- 2.A rough environment - AD PROELIUM : The Bayeux-Tapestry - an introduction to the sources on medieval warfare - dark ages : society and violence in the early middle ages - the stunning power of fairy-tales : detecting myths and historiographical layers in military history
- 3. A violent society - Ordo Militaris Equitum : concepts of knighthood as military and social categories - Armies, armed and unarmed in the primary sources - The struggle for peace, right and order - Cities, rural communities and the Hussites : the levée en masse of the middle-ages ?
- 4. Techniques in warfare - castles, cities, corrals : assault and defense in archeological and historical contexts - Diplomacy, preparation and logistics of warfare as permanent challenges - On the move : combatants and non-combatants on campaign - Siege, battle and mêlée. Combat and armed conflict in texts and images - Commemoration and state building processes XIII.-XX. c.
- Výukové metody
- Students are prompted to read the texts beforehand and to participate actively in the discussions.
- Metody hodnocení
- 1.) short presentations (everyone at each session) 2.) Contextualisations like in the exam (everyone at each session) and 3.) a short written exam.
- Vyučovací jazyk
- Angličtina
- Další komentáře
- Studijní materiály
- Statistika zápisu (nejnovější)
- Permalink: https://is.muni.cz/predmet/phil/podzim2019/PV2B108