CG910 Proteomics

Přírodovědecká fakulta
podzim 2019
2/0/0. 2 kr. (plus 2 za zk). Ukončení: zk.
doc. Mgr. Jan Havliš, Dr. (přednášející)
prof. RNDr. Zbyněk Zdráhal, Dr. (přednášející)
Mgr. David Potěšil, Ph.D. (přednášející)
Mgr. Tomáš Klumpler, Ph.D. (přednášející)
doc. Mgr. Jan Paleček, Dr. rer. nat. (přednášející)
prof. RNDr. Jiří Fajkus, CSc.
Národní centrum pro výzkum biomolekul – Přírodovědecká fakulta
Dodavatelské pracoviště: Národní centrum pro výzkum biomolekul – Přírodovědecká fakulta
basics in biochemistry, analytical and physical chemistry
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je nabízen i studentům mimo mateřské obory.
Mateřské obory/plány
Cíle předmětu
At the end of the course students should be able: to understand and to explain terms related to proteomics (protein biosynthesis, sequence, structure and interactions); to know relations between protein properties and methods of their study, to be able to use this knowledge on proteins and their complexes to follow their role in organisms.
  • Jan Havliš
  • Introduction into proteomics – definition of proteome and proteomics. Why it is so important to study proteome and its changes: postgenomic era and what to do with information, which we cannot read, genotype vs. phenotype, what does happen during expression, from gene to protein and back. Approaches of contemporary proteomics: Expression, purification and analysis of recombinant proteins, analysis of relations between structure and function, differential proteomics, analysis of post-translational modifications
  • Proteins - biosynthesis of proteins, basic structure hierarchy, basic protein properties (size and shape, polarity, charge, reactivity). Expression proteomics - the conditions and regulation of gene products expression (under different conditions, also ontogenically), protein identity: protoprotein, protein splicing (intein, extein), post-translational modifications, transport, localisation of proteins (eg. cell membrane proteins, secretome), degradation, relations between genotype and phenotype.
  • Tomáš Klumpler
  • structural proteomics - domains, tertiary structure, protein folding, structure and environment relations, allostery, structure modelling
  • Jan Paleček
  • Protein interactions - domains, surface - bond types - interactome (maps, evolution) - protein complexes - simple (dimers), multicomponential (SMC...), molecular machinery.
  • David Potěšil
  • Bioinformatics and proteins - Mw, pI, primary structure, PTMs, domains, tertiary structure, gene ontology (GO), phylogenetic similarity (mutations, proteins from organisms with unsequenced genomes), protein complexes.
  • Zbyněk Zdráhal
  • Importance and utilisation of proteomics - role of proteomics in basic research, application of proteomics (disease diagnostics, pathogene identification)
    doporučená literatura
  • TWYMAN, R.M. Principles of proteomics. BIOS Scientific Publishers, 2008. ISBN 1 85996 273 4. info
  • Proteomics. Edited by Timothy Palzkill. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, viii, 136. ISBN 0792375653. info
Výukové metody
the lecture is based on presentations (pdf format) and individual or group tuition on demand. Presentations themselves will be available as study materials. subject will be eventually lectured if the number of enrolled students exceeds number 5, otherwise students will be given the chance to pass the subject without lecturing combining study materials and on-demand tutorial (at max 2x2h per semester; contact the lecturer to set up the schedule). students will test their acquired knowledge by means of "in-rough" tests, which will have similar form and content as the final examination test, they will be corrected to give the feed-back, but not graded.
Metody hodnocení
written & oral examination; single-choice test consists of sixty questions with five choices per question. to pass the test, it is necessary to answer correctly at least 60 % of the questions; test covers complete content of the course. the examination will be finished by oral examination.
Vyučovací jazyk
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Studijní materiály
Předmět je vyučován každoročně.
Výuka probíhá každý týden.
Předmět je zařazen také v obdobích podzim 2016, podzim 2017, podzim 2018, podzim 2020, podzim 2021, podzim 2022, podzim 2023, podzim 2024, podzim 2025.