
Programme is inactive.

I dream with her, I sound with her.

Degree programme objectives

In the bachelor's degree, students are prepared in the framework of the degree programme of Specialization in pedagogy usually in a combination of two fields (e.g., playing the piano focusing on education and music education with a focus on education). The study programme represents the learning games on the piano as a progressive comprehensive whole reflecting the current needs of the practice. Focuses on the stylistic interpretation of piano works, including contemporary music, is also developing the necessary skills chamber music and improvisation that are an integral part of the teaching at elementary art schools. The degree structure reflects the long-term focus of teaching not only the practical skills of the artist, that his experience may in the future pass on to his pupils in the role of the teacher playing the piano and informed the chamber players. The study overall is aimed at creating industry-specific, pedagogical, psychological, communication and other personally cultivating skills.

Bachelor ’ s degree graduate studies will enable the necessary competences to reflect critically on the use of educational and psychological knowledge teacher assistant-ships or other pedagogical (e. g. educator in homes, tutor in daycare centers in various civil associations involved in teaching activities) and act accordingly. Develop analytical and comparative studies, to understand and use various pedagogical reality in the work of professional, educational, psychological publications for planning, implementation and reflection structure of educational activity. Developing communicative skills relevant for communication and cooperation with students / clients, colleagues in the workplace, with the pupils' parents / clients and experts from practice. A significant benefit of self reflective skills development is to provide space for development, to raised positions to individuals and to the profession of teaching profession: perception of moral responsibility, and her commitment to ethics. The study emphasises interdisciplinarity (interconnection of certain educational and psychological articles); the principle of progressivity and speed issues and articles from more general to more specific. The concept is further characterized by interconnectedness of theory and practice. – reflected concepts are an important part of the educational experience. Principles of reflection and self-reflection are how to practice and other empirically oriented subjects. The concept is an important part of promoting inclusion, which is seen as a cross-cutting issue (supported by a separate subject).


  • Objectives
    In the bachelor's degree, students are prepared in the framework of the degree programme of Specialization in pedagogy usually in a combination of two fields (e.g., playing the piano focusing on education and music education with a focus on education). The study programme represents the learning games on the piano as a progressive comprehensive whole reflecting the current needs of the practice. Focuses on the stylistic interpretation of piano works, including contemporary music, is also developing the necessary skills chamber music and improvisation that are an integral part of the teaching at elementary art schools. The degree structure reflects the long-term focus of teaching not only the practical skills of the artist, that his experience may in the future pass on to his pupils in the role of the teacher playing the piano and informed the chamber players. The study overall is aimed at creating industry-specific, pedagogical, psychological, communication and other personally cultivating skills.

    Bachelor ’ s degree graduate studies will enable the necessary competences to reflect critically on the use of educational and psychological knowledge teacher assistant-ships or other pedagogical (e. g. educator in homes, tutor in daycare centers in various civil associations involved in teaching activities) and act accordingly. Develop analytical and comparative studies, to understand and use various pedagogical reality in the work of professional, educational, psychological publications for planning, implementation and reflection structure of educational activity. Developing communicative skills relevant for communication and cooperation with students / clients, colleagues in the workplace, with the pupils' parents / clients and experts from practice. A significant benefit of self reflective skills development is to provide space for development, to raised positions to individuals and to the profession of teaching profession: perception of moral responsibility, and her commitment to ethics. The study emphasises interdisciplinarity (interconnection of certain educational and psychological articles); the principle of progressivity and speed issues and articles from more general to more specific. The concept is further characterized by interconnectedness of theory and practice. – reflected concepts are an important part of the educational experience. Principles of reflection and self-reflection are how to practice and other empirically oriented subjects. The concept is an important part of promoting inclusion, which is seen as a cross-cutting issue (supported by a separate subject).

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • make use of the basic insight into the methodology of the study of piano literature
    • interpret on the concert stage the piano works of lower performance
    • act as a chamber player
    • on a basic level to improvise
    • generate and advocate her professional decisions and bear full responsibility for them
    • describe and analyze the technical terminology, communication and effective educational training or educational situation and propose altering her; my knowledge and skills to use when communicating with pupils, parents and teachers;
    • work with various teachers in school, and under their leadership and planning, teaching and activities reflect the sequence in relation to the corresponding school education programme;
    • use his self reflective skills for reflection of his behaviour : e. g. better justify and evaluate their arguments, naming their emotions and their link with or see its own positions critical to education;
    • use the methods and tools to support educational diagnosis in practice in differentiation and individualization
    • use the methods and tools to support educational diagnosis in practice in differentiation and individualization
    • use the methods and tools to support educational diagnosis in practice in differentiation and individualization

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates
    The graduate of the program is prepared to work as a teaching assistant at the music school, can work as a chamber player (accompanist) at the music school, act in the centers of free time, act as a tutor in the homes of the youth, educator in day care centers, to operate in the civil associations engaged in pedagogical activities.
  • Regulated Professions
    • Teacher´s assistant
  • Practical Training
    Teaching the profiling is formed by the pedagogical-psychological module, industry-didactic component and pedagogical practices. Pedagogical-psychological module and practice are part of the undergraduate preparation of teachers according to the Framework of the concept of initial teacher education for primary and secondary schools. Shared teaching practice are in accordance with the Framework concepts. The system of pedagogical practice is set up so that the long-term and systematically directed to the development of professional competences of the student and prepare him first for a full mastery of the role of the teaching assistant. Industry-didactic component is directed to the development of the didactic knowledge of the content, which allow graduates to consider content from the perspective of the field and at the same time in terms of his mediation in the context of not only school education but also extracurricular and leisure activities.

    A system of compulsory educational practice is to develop professional skills and a student on the role of assistant teacher. Secretarial practice is to acquire skills necessary in individual work (school pupil outside a school on school grounds or in families and children in class with a teacher during class. Practice is a comprehensive system of consecutive objects that are made from the third to the fifth semester of study. This is a school assistant Practice – articles 1, assistant Practice 2 – tutor, tutor individuals (60 hours), assistant Practice – asistent pedagoga 1 (60 hours) and assistant Practice – asistent pedagoga 2 (60 hours) and assistant Practice – asistent pedagoga 3. Overall, the 180 hours of practice in the field. In the third and fourth semester to practice the profession are articles self empirical preparation for profession 1, self empirical preparation for profession 2 (24 hours). The aim is to enable students to real self expirience with selected topics (see topics seminars) personal and career development through experiential learning with an emphasis on reflection; encourage students to gradually taking responsibility for their own learning process - (self directed learning); allow students to revise their position and, where appropriate, to their future profession. The practice is regularly evaluated, so using open questions guiding students and teacher. Evaluated are also reflective seminars.

  • Goals of Theses
    The methodology of input, elaboration, submission and evaluation of theses are regulated by the dean no. 1/2015. The annex to this guideline is the form of the project the final work, information about the correct citation in the professional text and recommendations for the evaluation of theses (for the head). Instruction is available from


    The final work studying shows ability to apply knowledge and skills obtained in the course of a professional - the pedagogical problem. Final work to type and level of degree studies. A student of the following types of work: a) theoretic - applicationel, b) theoretic -

    empirical (research), c) theoretical. Types of work and recommendations for their implementation in the APA manual. The final work is in the range from 117 000 to 200 000, characters including spaces. (65 – 80 standardised pages). The final works follows the following objectives of PdF MU. Student:

    demonstrates the ability to use current issues in your field, and clearly define the final work and its objectives, to describe the state of knowledge and to propose adequate resolution methods in relation to the objectives;

    works with adequate primary and secondary information sources, quoting the applicable standards (APA) and in accordance with the ethics of scientific work; demonstrates competence in the style, to create the expert text. Demonstrates the ability to ask questions and problems, to formulate new ideas and conclusions, at least partial knowledge of the phenomenon, enrich methodological or methodology in relation to clearly defined and defined target groups (students ZŠ, N, groups with specific educational needs, etc.).

  • Access to Further Studies
    After completion of the Bachelor's studies, it is possible to continue further studies in any Master's degree programme (after satisfying the admission requirements).

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

Faculty of Education
Programme guaranteed by