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The human soul and culture

Degree programme objectives

The basic aim of education in the field of piano playing is to prepare fully qualified teachers of the game on the piano holding a solid knowledge and skills from the field of playing piano and its teaching methodology. The content of the master's degree is a synthesis of the acquired expertise and the development of knowledge and skills in the branch didactics of piano playing. Synthesising objects make up the Game on the piano and the Graduation concert as a general discipline and the group of items that its focus allow the practical application of acquired skills in the field of assessment of the level of artistic performance. Disciplinary didactics is represented by the Methodology of piano teaching practice and focuses on the development of the ability to foster in pupils self-reflection in the plane of their own interpretive performance and motivate the pupil to a concentrated, systematic work. An integral part of the studio's public appearances on occasions of major faculty and university events, last but not least, at the concerts of the department.

Downstream masters graduate studies will enable the necessary competences to reflect critically on the use of educational and psychological knowledge base, or a high school. Graduate is fully qualified to exercise of the profession. Their action is based on the knowledge and skills of its structured aprobačních (knowledge of content). The effectiveness of its professional is subject to his departmentally - educational and wider knowledge of the general educational and psychological knowledge and skills (knowledge of the wider education and training education and training practices, knowledge, knowledge of stakeholders in education and training, etc.).

Develop analytical and comparative studies, to understand and use various pedagogical reality in the work of professional, educational, psychological publications for planning, implementation and reflection structure of educational activity. Developing communicative skills relevant for communication and cooperation with students / clients, colleagues in the workplace, with the pupils' parents / clients and experts from practice. A significant benefit of self reflective skills development is to provide space for development, to raised positions to individuals and to the profession of teaching profession: perception of moral responsibility, and her commitment to ethics. The study emphasises interdisciplinarity (interconnection of certain educational and psychological articles); the principle of progressivity and speed issues and articles from more general to more specific. The concept is further characterised by interconnection of theory and practice. reflected concepts are an important part of the educational experience. Principles of reflection and self-reflection are how to practice and other empiribal oriented subjects. The concept is an important part of promoting inclusion, which is seen as a cross-cutting issue (supported by a separate subject).


  • Objectives
    The basic aim of education in the field of piano playing is to prepare fully qualified teachers of the game on the piano holding a solid knowledge and skills from the field of playing piano and its teaching methodology. The content of the master's degree is a synthesis of the acquired expertise and the development of knowledge and skills in the branch didactics of piano playing. Synthesising objects make up the Game on the piano and the Graduation concert as a general discipline and the group of items that its focus allow the practical application of acquired skills in the field of assessment of the level of artistic performance. Disciplinary didactics is represented by the Methodology of piano teaching practice and focuses on the development of the ability to foster in pupils self-reflection in the plane of their own interpretive performance and motivate the pupil to a concentrated, systematic work. An integral part of the studio's public appearances on occasions of major faculty and university events, last but not least, at the concerts of the department.

    Downstream masters graduate studies will enable the necessary competences to reflect critically on the use of educational and psychological knowledge base, or a high school. Graduate is fully qualified to exercise of the profession. Their action is based on the knowledge and skills of its structured aprobačních (knowledge of content). The effectiveness of its professional is subject to his departmentally - educational and wider knowledge of the general educational and psychological knowledge and skills (knowledge of the wider education and training education and training practices, knowledge, knowledge of stakeholders in education and training, etc.).

    Develop analytical and comparative studies, to understand and use various pedagogical reality in the work of professional, educational, psychological publications for planning, implementation and reflection structure of educational activity. Developing communicative skills relevant for communication and cooperation with students / clients, colleagues in the workplace, with the pupils' parents / clients and experts from practice. A significant benefit of self reflective skills development is to provide space for development, to raised positions to individuals and to the profession of teaching profession: perception of moral responsibility, and her commitment to ethics. The study emphasises interdisciplinarity (interconnection of certain educational and psychological articles); the principle of progressivity and speed issues and articles from more general to more specific. The concept is further characterised by interconnection of theory and practice. reflected concepts are an important part of the educational experience. Principles of reflection and self-reflection are how to practice and other empiribal oriented subjects. The concept is an important part of promoting inclusion, which is seen as a cross-cutting issue (supported by a separate subject).

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • make use of the insight into the methodology of the study of piano literature
    • interpret on the concert stage the piano works of higher performance
    • act as an experienced chamber player
    • improvise at a higher level
    • generate and advocate her professional decisions and bear full responsibility for them
    • plan, implement and reflect their own teaching laid down in the corresponding professional competences;
    • to use the technical terminology and information sources on the educational and school psychology, analysis, interpretation and evaluation of specific teaching situations in the school environment, educational from teaching practice;
    • the methods and tools used in practice and educational diagnostic data available for individual student / client and data for the collective work to the class.
    • and in its structure - training activities reflect the principles of inclusive education, policy and practice;
    • create an inclusive environment in the classroom, apply at least some individualisation and differentiation in the strategy;
    • describe and explain the particular example from their portfolio individually specific learning processes;
    • reflect the experience of their own teaching practice in the professional community and specifically to use reflection and self-reflection as a tool of learning: critical views and examine their own attitudes to education as a teacher.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates
    Graduate is fully qualified to exercise the profession of a teacher of piano at the elementary art school. Outside it is qualified to act in extra-curricular (e.g. leisure) institutions. It is ready to base their professional conduct on a well-structured knowledge and skills from the field of playing the piano.
  • Regulated Professions
    • Teacher of artistic vocational subjects at PSA, SVS and conservatory
  • Practical Training
    Teaching the profiling is formed by a pedagogical-psychological basis, a didactic component and reviewed pedagogical practices. Pedagogical-psychological module and practice are part of the undergraduate preparation of teachers according to the Framework of the concept of initial teacher education for primary and secondary schools. Shared teaching practice are in accordance with the Framework concepts. The system of pedagogical practice is set up so that the long-term and systematically directed to the development of professional competences of the student and prepare him for a full mastery of the role of the teacher. The practice in the master's program are an extension on the practice implemented in preparation for the role of an assistant in the bachelor's study. At the end of the practice in the master's study programme the student should autonomously operate in the classroom and become a novice teacher.

    Practice is designed as a comprehensive and escalated system with emphasis on links with theory and reflection and self-reflection as a student teacher. The practice of teachers' professional skills necessary for daily work, the roles in which a teacher in its work shall enter, underneath your own professional needs and taking responsibility for planning, implementation and evaluation of teaching. During practice is a real picture of what it means to work as a teacher.

    Practice is a comprehensive system of successive articles. Subsequent Masters programmes in the case of subjects teaching practice semester teaching practice)1 (1st semester), 2 (2nd semester), 3 (3. semester). These practices are in the range 280 hours (two branches study), following a workshop on the teaching practice. A workshop on teaching practice 1 students are studying twice (in the first and second semester). The reflection is to provide students with space for sharing and reflection on the experience of their own teaching practice and help them deepen reflective and - self reflective skills. The practice is regularly evaluated, so using open questions which guide students and teacher. Evaluated are also reflective seminars.

  • Goals of Theses
    The methodology of input, elaboration, submission and evaluation of theses are regulated by the dean no. 1/2015. The annex to this guideline is the form of the project the final work, information about the correct citation in the professional text and recommendations for the evaluation of theses (for the head). Instruction is available from


    The final work studying shows ability to apply knowledge and skills obtained in the course of a professional - the pedagogical problem. Final work responds to type and level of degree studies. A student chooses of the following types of work: a) theoretic - applicationel, b) theoretic -

    empirical (research), c) theoretical. Types of work and recommendations for their implementation in the APA manual. The final work is in the range from 81 000 to 130 000, characters including spaces. (45 – 60 standardised pages). The final works follows the following objectives of PdF MU.


    demonstrates the ability to use current issues in your field, and clearly define the final work and its objectives, to describe the state of knowledge and to propose adequate resolution methods in relation to the objectives; works with adequate primary and secondary information sources, quoting the applicable standards (APA) and in accordance with the ethics of scientific work; the nprostřednictvím demonstrates competence, can create professional style.

    demonstrates the ability to ask questions and problems, to formulate new ideas and conclusions, at least partial knowledge of the phenomenon, enrich methodological or methodology in relation to clearly defined and defined target groups (students ZŠ, N, groups with specific educational needs, etc.).

  • Access to Further Studies
    A graduate of the master's degree programme may (after the fulfilment of the conditions of receipt) to continue in the doctoral study at the faculty.

Basic information

master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Length of studies
2 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

Faculty of Education
Programme guaranteed by